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Research on the Intellectuals and Media Criticism from the Late Qing Dynasty to the Early Republic of China

导  师: 董天策

学科专业: 050301

授予学位: 博士

作  者: ;

机构地区: 暨南大学

摘  要: 晚清中国面临“千年未有之变局”,传统的“天下”正在经历颠覆性的变化,社会秩序面临瓦解,这迫使中华民族不得不重新寻找建构精神生活的方式。在这样的背景下,知识分子逐渐由传统向现代转型并登上历史舞台,成为推动社会进步的重要力量。当西方帝国借助坚船利炮闯入中国时,面对内忧外患,知识分子以积极主动的姿态,参与到救亡图存的社会运动中;他们以敏锐的触角,最先发现西方科技技术及思想文化的先进性,并试图对中国政治体制、经济体制乃至文化体制进行改造;他们通过各种社会交往参与时政变革的议论,并对各种社会现实进行批评,其中就包括对媒介体制、媒介现象、媒介产品、媒介行为和媒介文化的批评。 清末民初是我国现代意义上大众传媒的初兴时期,其自身面临各种问题与挑战,社会定位也不清晰,由此,新兴知识分子展开了对新兴媒介的批评;而现代报业与出版业又为媒介批评话语实践提供了一个广阔的公共平台与空间。知识分子对报刊的传播价值与功能进行了充分认识和肯定;对出版作品的质量问题、报界违背职业道德的行为、钳制言论自由的媒介体制、帝国主义的新闻侵略,进行了严肃、认真的批评;在对媒介现实不断进行反思、干预的过程中,现代媒介批评逐渐走向独立、理性与职业自觉。 清末民初知识分子的媒介批评话语实践,不但充分展示了我国现代媒介批评的历史发展轨迹,也鲜活而生动地展示了清末民初的时代风貌以及意识形态特征。本文通过媒介批评话语向媒介批评思想透视,发现知识分子的媒介批评思想,不但深受中国传统文化“文以载道”观念的浸润,也受西方新闻自由主义观念的影响,呈现出中西批评理念融合的态势;知识分子不仅追求批评的职业自觉意识,同时也十分强调批评动机中“工具理性”的政治取向,这其实是矛盾的,但在“救亡图存”历史使命中,两种矛盾的批评意识被知识分子巧妙地融合在一起。 本文根据丰富的第一手文献资料,梳理与解读清末民初发生的媒介批评话语实践,力图脉络清晰地展现出现代媒介批评的历史演变轨迹,并深入考察现代媒介批评思想的时代内涵。 正文由六部分组成。第一章主要讲述相关研究背景、方法与概念,为媒介批评研究提供理论与方法支撑;第二章主要分析清末民初的社会背景、媒介环境、批评生态,知识分子的思想变迁,并从宏观上介绍媒介批评的对象、平台以及外在语境。第三章全面梳理维新变法前后、辛亥革命前后和五四时期知识分子的媒介批评话语实践,一方面展示现代媒介批评在蕴育时期、萌芽时期、自觉意识初步形成时期的主要概貌,另一方面总结现代媒介批评在各个时期的主要特点。第四章采取个案研究方法,选择清末民初时期具有代表性的知识分子,对其重要的媒介批评话语实践进行解读,以期深入了解清末民初时期知识分子的媒介批评思想。第五章从宏观上整体把握现代媒介批评的文本特征及思想特征,同时理性分析现代媒介批评的进步作用与时代局限。结语部分简略论述中国台湾与大陆对现代媒介批评传统的不同继承方式,并且探讨了现代媒介批评实践与思想的深远影响。 通过对清末民初知识分子媒介批评话语实践和思想的深入研究,可以发现,现代知识分子在媒介批评中不但持有理性反思与职业精神,同时也兼备“言论救国”的传统政治情怀;这种兼容开放、独立进取、守望正义的现代媒介批评优良传统与忧国忧民的爱国情怀,是一笔宝贵的历史财富,值得我们当代媒介批评者学习、继承与发扬。 Rare social upheavals happened on the late Qing Dynasty.The traditional “world”was experiencing disruptive change.The social order was collapsing.That forced ournation had to be looking for new spiritual way of life.Under the background,traditional intellectuals gradually tend to modern transformation.They boarded thestage of history and became an important force to promote social progress.At thattime,the western empire invaded,China sank into the situation of flux.With activeattitude,intellectuals participated in saving the nation by social movement.They foundadvanced western science,technology,nature with sensitive antennas and attempted toreform China's political system,economic system and cultural system.They alsoparticipated in talking about politics revolution and criticism on social reality throughall sorts of social interaction,including criticism about media system,mediaphenomenon, media products,professional behavior and media culture. Modern mass media was growing up and created a prosperous period from thelate Qing Dynasty to the early Republic of China. However,it faced various problemsand challenges,and its social orientation was not clear,Therefore,new intellectualsstarted to emerge Media Criticism.Modern press and publishing provided a broadpublic platform and space for Media Criticism. Intellectuals fully recognized valueand function of the Press,they launched serious criticism about quality problems ofPublished works,the press behavior against occupational moral,media system trying tomuzzle freedom of speech,Cultural invasion from imperialist.In the continuousreflection and intervention for media reality,the modern Media Criticismgradually move towards independent,reason,and professional consciousness. Discursive practices of Media Criticism from emerging intellectuals not onlyfully demonstrated historical development path of modern Media Criticism,but also revealed the fresh and vivid age style and ideology color from the late Qing Dynastyto the early Republic of China.The paper saw through from the words to the thoughtof Media Criticism,found that the thought of Media Criticism not only influenced by“Writing Carry Doctrine”infiltration concept,but also influenced by the western Pressfreedom idea.It presented a fusion trend between Chinese criticism concept andWestern.Intellectuals pursued professional consciousness of criticism,also stressedpolitical orientation in “tool rationality”,it is contradictory,but the two kinds ofcontradictory consciousness was skillfully fused in together for historical mission of“save the nation from extinction”. According to the rich first-hand literature material,the paper sortes andinterpretes discursive practices of Media Criticism occurring from the late QingDynasty to the early Republic of China,tries to show clearly evolvement track andmakes a profound investigation to the era of connotation of the modern mediacriticism. Text is made up of six parts.The first chapter mainly provides support of theoryfor study by introducing related research background,methods and concepts.Thesecond chapter analyzes social background,media ecological environment,theintellectual's ideological flowing deformation, and introduce platform and the externalcontext of Media Criticism from macroscopic perspective.The third chaptercomprehensivly sorts out discursive practices of Media Criticism in the period ofReform of qing, the1911Revolution,the May4th movement.On the one hand,thepaper shows major general view in breeding, infancy,self-consciousness preliminaryformation period,on the other hand, summarizes main features of the modern MediaCriticism in each time.The fourth chapter's content adoptes case study method,chooses the intellectuals who is representative and interpret their discursive practicesof Media Criticism,so as to deeply understand the media criticism thought onintellectuals at that time.The fifth chapter grasps the whole text characteristic andthought characteristic on macroscopic angle,and analyzes the progress and limitationof modern Media Criticism. Epilogue part briefly discusses the different inheritancemode to the traditional of modern Media Criticism,probes into the profound influence of the thought and discursive practices of modern Media Criticism. Through thorough research to discursive practices of modern Media Criticism,we can find he modern intellectuals not only hold rational reflection and professionalspirit,also have traditional political feelings of “Speech salvation”.The fine traditionand care for the nation are provided with compatible open,independent enterprising,watch justice spirit,which is a precious historical wealth,worth contemporary mediacritics to learn,inherit and carry forward.

关 键 词: 清末民初时期 知识分子 媒介批评 话语实践

分 类 号: [K251 G206]

领  域: [历史地理] [历史地理] [文化科学]


作者 李嘉荣
作者 侯智德
作者 童想文
作者 张璐
作者 翁倩


机构 中山大学
机构 暨南大学新闻与传播学院
机构 暨南大学
机构 华南师范大学
机构 中山大学人文科学学院中文系


作者 徐佳宁
作者 曾彧
作者 杨卫华
作者 欧阳娟
作者 武小平