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The Research on Changes and Innovation of Chinese TV Program's Presenting Style

导  师: 董天策

学科专业: 050301

授予学位: 博士

作  者: ;

机构地区: 暨南大学

摘  要: 电视节目主持人作为电视媒介最活跃、最生动的体现者和传播者,因其在传播活动中的“前台”位置,在大众传播中扮演了重要角色,体现了大众传播人际化、拟态化和人格化的特点和优势,也发挥了重要的传播影响力。主持风格不仅体现了节目、传媒的风貌和格调,也体现出主持人的个人风格,并且成为与受众交流的纽带,是受众直接感知和体验的对象,也是影响传播效果的重要因素之一。电视节目主持是一种传播艺术,主持风格可视为增强传播效果的一种途径,是节目风格与主持人个人风格的有机融合,也是节目质量的重要衡量标准之一。主持风格可以从主持人的外在形象、个性语言、整体感觉和受众反馈四个方面去欣赏、感知和体会。主持风格的演进也折射出时代和社会的变迁、传播媒介和传播产业的发展变化以及受众结构和受众需求的变化等。 随着时代的变迁、社会的转型,受众的地位、结构和需求发生改变,大众文化出现转向,电视媒介在传播语境、传播观念、传播内容和传播手段上也依时而变,这些变化促使主持人及其群体在风格样式上呈现出鲜明的时代特征和媒体风貌。本文通过研究认为,影响主持风格变化的因素可以从宏观(时代、社会)和中观(媒介、受众)和微观(节目、主持人)三个层次来分析探讨。 中国电视节目主持人缘起于20世纪80年代,之后主持人队伍逐步扩大。80年代以前我国也有电视播音员,形成了具有时代特色的播音风格,但相对而言个性风格不明显,播音模式比较单一。随着传播实践的发展,80年代主持人兴起,播音员逐渐向主持人过渡,充满个性的主持人及主持人节目日益增多,较以前的播音风格更多元、内涵更丰富、更贴近受众需求,从90年代主持风格的大放异彩和2000年以后主持风格的融合创新,主持风格的多样化、个性化演进过程是受社会时代发展和主持传播实践发展的推动。一方面社会时代语境变迁、传媒体制和观念的变化以及受众审美需求的变迁,体现在电视节目小众化、类型化及频道专业化带来的节目多样化,形成了不同时代、不同节目类型的多样化的主持风格;另一方面从事电视主持工作的人越来越多,30年来主持人队伍形成了各具特色的主持风格,呈现出个性化的特点。随着媒体竞争进一步加剧,有独特风格的优秀主持人成为电视台最鲜活、最具价值的品牌,不仅代表了媒体和节目的风格,而且对观众具有广泛的号召力和影响力,成为市场竞争中的制胜法宝。 在激烈的市场竞争中,大众文化逐渐向消费文化转向,主持风格也出现低俗化、同质化和表象化的问题;因此,本文将深入研究主持风格的构成要素和形成规律,分析不同时代的社会潮流、媒体传播方式、受众需求的变化对主持风格的影响和要求,探讨被大众广泛接受、具有时代特色、能反映主持人个性风格和中国气派的主持风格类型。 主持风格研究具有较强的实践性、理论性,内涵丰富,涉及新闻学、传播学、美学、艺术学、文化学、语言学、社会学和心理学等多学科领域,可借鉴的研究成果较少,需要通过大量的样本和个案研究,去发现规律,得出结论。 本研究主要以中国电视节目主持风格的演进和创新为研究对象,特别是80年代中国真正意义上的电视节目主持人产生以来的主持风格,运用语言学、美学和艺术学的风格理论资源,结合中外电视节目主持实践、主持传播的发展历程,对电视节目主持风格予以系统探讨,以期为主持人及主持传播研究带来新的素材、新的话语乃至新的观念和方法,为主持人如何塑造适合节目形态和时代发展的主持风格提供实践指导,使本文具有一定的理论价值和应用价值。 本文将分七章进行论述,分别对主持风格的理论体系、主持风格的演进历程、不同类型节目的主持风格、不同主持人的主持风格、主持风格的演进动因、主持风格的批判审视和主持风格的创新进行分析论述。 第一章主要从理论层面探讨主持风格的理论框架和构成体系。主要从语言学的修辞风格、美学的审美风格和艺术学的表现风格等方面阐释多维学术视野中的风格理论;探讨风格理论与传播学的双向关联,分析风格理论在传播过程中的应用、风格理论对主持风格的植入,从而建立电视节目主持风格的理论体系,即主持风格的概念、构成、类别和特征。 第二章主要探讨主持风格的演进历程。以80年代中国主持人的产生为起始,探讨主持风格对早期广播电视播音风格的借鉴,播音员向主持人的过渡,以及电视节目主持风格的产生和形成。分析80年代、90年、新世纪前后主持风格的演进阶段、演进表征和规律;分析风格样式上从单一到多元、意识形态上从政治化到“去政治化”、叙事方式上从宏大叙事到微型叙事、传播身份从依附到主导的转变。 第三章主要探讨不同类型节目主持风格的演进。节目类型决定主持风格的基本路向;同时,在主持传播实践中,主持人形成了不同功能的类别。一是anchor逐渐发展成为新闻类节目的记者型主持人,二是host逐渐发展成为谈话节目的主人型主持人,三是moderator主要发展成为综艺娱乐类的伙伴型主持人,四是presenter主要发展成为社教服务类节目讲述型的主持人。因此,以节目主持人的功能类别和节目类型为依据,本章主要从新闻类节目、谈话类节目、综艺娱乐类节目和社教服务类节目的主持风格进行深入分析。新闻节目主持人从“播新闻”到“说新闻”,改版催生主持风格的多样,主持风格凸显权威性;谈话节目主持风格从俯视到平视,主持风格更趋对象化,平民化,主持风格凸显思想性;娱乐节目主持风格从串联到表演,主持风格日趋明星化、类型化,主持风格凸显表演性;社教节目从教育指导到参与服务,从平和质朴到知性明快,主持风格凸显专业性、知识性。 第四章主要探讨主持人的个人特质与主持风格的形成。主持风格具有独特的个性特征,主持人的个人特质对主持风格的形成具有内在固定性。本章从主持人的个人条件、角色认知和对风格的自觉追求三个方面,探讨主持风格的不同类型和个性特征;分别选取倪萍、杨澜、白岩松、周立波作为研究个案,分别从个性语言、外在形象、整体感觉和受众反馈四个分析维度分析情感型、智慧型、理性型和表演型主持风格的特征。 第五章主要分析中国电视节目主持风格演进的动因。从社会时代语境的变迁、传播观念及体制的变迁、受众审美需求变化三个方面探讨主持风格演进的动因。民主政治和市民社会的日渐形成、大众文化和视觉时代的趣味重构、商业浪潮及消费社会的理念诉求,促进不同时代主持风格的产生;中外传播理念的嬗变、媒介管理视域下的定位调整和传媒体制变革下的实践调整,催生主持风格多元样式的形成;受众本位理念的确立、受众结构的变化和受众需求的多样化,为主持风格的融合创新提供市场。 第六章主要批判审视电视节目主持风格存在的问题。从乱相、同质化、表象化三个方面论述主持风格存在的问题。分析商业化主持风格对媒体公器的消解,媚俗化格调对高雅文化的侵蚀,泛娱乐化对电视文艺的矮化;批判盲目模仿、直接“拿来”、低水平重复、缺乏主持意识、缺乏原创力和创新力带来的主持风格同质化;审视重“外在形貌”轻“内在修为”的认知偏差、重“专业技巧”轻“人文传播”的现实瓶颈带来的主持风格表象化。 第七章主要论述主持风格的创新。从主持风格的创新原则、主持风格的宏观设计、主持风格的微观塑造等方面,探讨主持风格在新时期的创新和发展。 总之,本文拟建立主持风格的构成体系和分析维度,研究不同年代、不同节目类型和不同主持人的主持风格的演进及规律,分析主持风格的演进动因和存在的问题,并探讨新时期主持风格的创新路径。 A TV host, always working in the “foreground” and being the interface image of media,is the most active and vivid performer or communicator in media and plays an important rolein mass communication activities. A TV host embodies the interpersonal, empathic andhumane characteristics of mass communication, thus becoming an effective communicationmedium. The presenting style reveals the general style and features of the media or programs,as well as the personal style of the TV presenters. Besides, a particular presenting style is thusthe connecting element among audiences, programs and TV hosts. It is the direct impressionand perception point of the audiences, which becomes a key factor in the effectiveness ofcommunication. TV hosting is a form of communication art, and a presenting style can beconsidered an intensifier of the communication effect. The presenting style is the combinationof the hosts’ personal style and the programs’ style. It is in itself a standard measure ofprogram quality. To identify a presenting style, one ought to analyze external appearance,language style, overall image as well as audiences’ feedback. Changes in presenting style alsoreflect the change of time, society, media strategy, cultural and industrial development as wellas the audiences’ demand and structure. Along with the change of time and society patterns, the status, structure and demand ofaudiences keeps changing, and so should the communication context, concepts, contents aswell as the ways of communications. All these lead TV hosts to change their style to reflecttimes and media features. The influences which affect changes inTV presenting style can beanalyzed in3tiers, they are macroscopic views /(times and society/), medium views /(media andaudiences/) and small scale view /(programs and TV presenters/). The first TV hosts appearances in Chinese media were during1980s and since then thenumber of TV hosts has continued to increase. Before1980s, there were TV broadcasters butwith little personal style, and the way of broadcasting was straightforward. After1980s,broadcasters gradually became TV hosts leading to more and more personal styles. These havedeveloped into discernible presenting styles over the past30years of practice, and nowadayswe enjoy various ways of presenting. With TV programs classified for minoritycommunication and the professionalization of TV channels, the number of TV hosts increased, thus developing different styles for different time slots, program types and TV hosts groups;compared with broadcasters, the styles are more diversified and personalized, and suited to thedemand and taste of audiences. In light of intense media competition, a famous TV host with aspecial style has marketing value as a brand, and become the brand of media as well as havingan impact on audiences’ loyalty for TV programs. In the marketization of media, the presenting styles have problems such as Vulgarization,Homogenization and Superficiality. This paper will analyze the inscape elements of styles andthe law of formation, as well as the effects of social trends, media positioning and audiences’demand on presenting styles. It intends to find out the acceptable presenting styles which suitthe demand of society and our times, and be helpful to enhance the reputation of TV host inChina and the world. The research on presenting style combines practical experience and communicationtheories, which have a profound content. It relates to the subjects of Journalism, MassCommunication, Aesthetics, Arts, Culture Studies,Linguistics, Sociology and Psychology etc,with fewer research resources, and less need to analyze multiple samples to make conclusionsand rules. This research target focused on the change and innovation of Chinese TV program’spresenting style, especially the change after1980s when the presenting style just formed. Thisresearch uses stylistics theory in linguistics, Aesthetics and Arts, combining with the TV hostsworking experiences and development periods, to build a system of TV program’s presentingstyle. The research is going to add more new concepts and new methods, to build a better andproper TV hosting style which suits specific programs, media and times. This research is classified in7chapters and focuses on theory system of presenting style,style change periods, presenting style of different program types, presenting style of TV hostindividuals, reasons for style change, problems and critic of presenting style as well as itsinnovation for future. Chapter1is mainly on the theory system of presenting style, including the concepts,inscape elements, types and features. By analyzing the figures of speech in linguistics,aesthetic appreciation style in Aesthetics and performing style in Arts, and its application inCommunication theory, a TV program’s presenting style system is built. Chapter2is mainly on the style change periods. Based on the TV hosts in1980s, thischapter is to analyze the inheritance of early Radio and TV programs broadcasting style, thetransformation from broadcasters to TV hosts, and the formation of presenting style indifferent times. It analyzed the change periods, features and regulations of presenting style in1980s,1990s and after2000s. In style patterns, the style changed from simple to diversified;ideologically, it change from political control to depoliticization; in narrative, it changed frombroad story telling to micro story telling, in communication role, it changed fromsubordination to dominant. Chapter3is mainly on the change in presenting style of different programs. The programtype decides the type of presenting style, yet at the same time, the TV hosts has formeddifferent types in reality. According to the4types of TV hosts which are anchor, host,moderator and presenter and related program types, this chapter will analyze the presentingstyle changes in news programs, talk shows, entertainment programs and social teachingprograms. News program’s presenting style changed from “broadcasting” news to “speaking”news, and program patterns created different news presenting style, most with authority as themain presenting style. Talk show’s hosting style changed from overlooking to a fair and justattitude but with popular language and objectification, and displayed ideology thinking as itsmain style. Entertainment program’s presenting style changed from introduction serial linkingstyle to vivid performing style, which became more star-looking and diversified, with moreperforming arts in it. Social teaching program’s presenting style changed from guidance toservice, from tender plain to lively and sprightly, with more knowledge and inspiration instyle. Chapter4is mainly on TV hosts and their individual presenting styles. Presenting styleshould have characteristics feature, the personality of TV hosts is the inner condition of style.The personal basic conditions, cognition of the roles and the pursuit for the own style madedifferent presenting style. The part will analyze emotional Type, Intelligent Type, CriticismType and Performing Type through personal language, appearance, overall image andfeedback from audiences, and selected famous TV hosts Ni Ping, Yang Lan, Bai Yansong andZhou Libo as the individual case study. Chapter5is mainly on the reasons of style change periods. This part will analyze the changes of society and times, communication concepts, mechanism as well as the3aspects ofaudiences’ demand. With the gradual forming of democratic political system and citizenssociety, the mass culture and visual times followed, as well as the media commercializationand formation of consuming society, all these brought presenting style change in differenttimes. International communication concepts, the adjustment of media positioning andmanagement mechanism induced presenting style changes from simple type to diversifiedtypes. With the “Audience centered” theory set in mass communication, the structure ofaudiences changed and their demand became characteristics, which provided a space forchange and innovation of presenting style. Chapter6is mainly on the problems of recent presenting styles, analyzing through3aspects such as complex phenomenon, homogenization and superficiality. Commercialization,vulgarization and excessive entertainment of media brought lower taste to presenting style.Blindly copying, directly imitating at a lower level and lack of original creativity brought thehomogenization of presenting style. Recognition the deviation of focusing on appearance butwithout intrinsic quality and the reality of focusing on presenting skills but nothumanity-oriented communication concept brought the superficiality of presenting style. Chapter7is mainly on the innovation of presenting style in the future. This part willanalyze the principles of innovation and development, macroscopic designing and microscopicshaping of TV hosts’ presenting style in new times. In a word, this paper will analyze Chinese TV programs’ presenting style in differenttimes, different programs and different TV hosts, to find out the history of change, the reasonsof change and existing problems in presenting style, as well as the innovation methods in thenew times.

关 键 词: 电视节目 主持人 主持风格 演进 多样化

分 类 号: [G222.2]

领  域: [文化科学]


作者 张曼缔
作者 朱剑飞
作者 贾毅
作者 苏晓娟
作者 李金旺


机构 暨南大学
机构 暨南大学新闻与传播学院
机构 华南理工大学
机构 华南师范大学
机构 中山大学


作者 庞菊香
作者 康超
作者 廖燕萍
作者 廖荆梅
作者 张丽娟