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The Research on the Development Strategy and Management Mode of Telecom Companies Based on the the Industry Integration

导  师: 孙东川

学科专业: 120204

授予学位: 博士

作  者: ;

机构地区: 暨南大学

摘  要: 通过2008年底新一轮的重组,电信业三家运营商都获得了包含固网业务和第三代移动通信业务在内的电信全业务牌照,实现了固定电话、移动电话、数据业务和增值业务的全业务运营;同时2010—2012年国务院加快了以互联网、通信网和广播电视网为核心的“三网融合”,从而开启了电信业产业融合的新发展趋势。在此产业融合背景下,电信企业应如何发展自身?论文正是基于此问题开展研究。研究提出产业融合通过一个传导机制影响电信企业发展,这个传导机制的中间环节是电信产业价值链的变革。产业价值链的变化使得电信企业运营模式发生变化,三家运营商需要在原有的业务范围内重新思考和定位自身在整体产业融合背景下的发展战略。 论文综合运用了产业经济学中产业融合理论和产业链理论、现代管理学中战略管理的利益相关者理论、价值链理论和发展战略理论、企业营销学中关系营销理论、交叉营销理论和客户细分理论以及商业生态系统思想和价值网络分析法等多学科理论开展研究,研究层面从行业宏观背景到企业微观运营,理论结合实践,力图为新形势下电信企业发展战略制订提供科学而客观的决策依据。 论文的主要内容及其结论概述如下: 第1章和第2章对论文研究开展做出说明,并对相关理论进行了综述。 第3章首先回顾电信业发展历程,然后分析电信业面临的整体宏观环境和行业微观环境。 第4章对电信业产业融合进行研究,构建电信业产业融合模型。电信业产业融合模型表明,促进电信业产业融合的主要影响因素来源于三个方面:技术因素、行业政策因素和客户因素。在国内垄断市场环境背景下,在产业融合初期,融合动力主要来自技术因素和行业政策,当技术具有可行性而且政策允许产业相互进入则促进多产业实现融合;当产业融合开始后,决定产业融合发展方向的却是客户需求,客户需求是产业融合最终推动力;产业融合会触发产业价值链发生变化,传统的产业链价值创造模式被打破,形成一个网状的产业价值链;产业价值链网状化使得提供综合性业务具有可能性,业务融合也由此开始;业务融合要求电信企业具有能够提供综合性业务的能力,因此,电信企业需要采取能够适应产业融合发展趋势的全业务运营模式。 第5章对电信市场客户细分进行研究,针对产业融合趋势下的全业务运营模式构建基于挖掘客户总体价值的客户细分模型及三个子模型。论文在现有客户细分理论的基础上,结合关系营销、关系价值和交叉营销等相关研究成果构建总体价值理论模型,模型包含三个子模型:包括基于交易行为的直接价值模型、基于关系营销的关系价值模型和基于交叉销售的隐性价值模型,运用此模型可对电信客户从价值视角进行细分,为电信企业在全业务环境下寻找具有价值的客户市场提供决策依据。 第6章运用价值网络分析模型和商业生态系统理论思想,构建全业务竞争环境下电信企业无边界价值网络分析模型。通过此模型的分析,论文构建电信企业无边界竞合及差异化发展战略模型,模型表明电信企业发展战略可有如下选择:第一,在电信产业边界日趋模糊和产业价值链逐渐由传统的链状向网状转变的情况下,电信企业应采取竞合战略。第二,在电信业具有自然垄断性的情况下,电信企业应采取差异化发展战略。 第7章是第6章的延伸,论文运用现代管理中国学派管理的综合集成思想构建一个电信企业的无边界管理模型。资源和客户的无边界化是促使电信企业采取无边界管理的动因,有效的无边界管理包括无边界价值链合作、无边界营销管理、无边界品牌管理、无边界服务管理和无边界组织管理五个部分。 本文的创新点体现在以下两点:一是研究思路创新,体现在从产业融合和产业价值链角度开展电信企业发展战略研究;二是理论创新,包括电信业产业融合模型、客户总体价值模型及其子模型、全业务竞争环境下电信企业无边界竞合及差异化发展战略模型和电信企业的无边界管理模型。 After the new round of re-construction, all the three telecom companies were guaranteed thebasic telecom business licenses and mobile telecom business licenses. Then the three-netintegration which is based on the standard of internet and symbolized by the integration ofcomputer industry, telecom industry and broadcasting industry, came into being. How do thetelecom companies develop themselves based on such background? This research aims at thisquestion. This paper provides a conduct mechanism that there is an intermediate links, which isthe change of the industry value chain, when the industrial integration influences the telecomcompanies. The change of the industry value chain will influence the mode of companyoperation. So, all the three telecom companies have to consider and locate their owndevelopment strategy in the industry. This paper makes use of different theories to carry on the research, such as theories o findustrial integration and the industry chain from the science of industry economics, the theoriesof stakeholder, the value chain, and development strategy from the strategic management, thetheories of relationship marketing, cross-marketing and customer segmentation from the scienceof marketing, and the thought of business ecosystem and the method of value net. The levels ofresearch include macro industrial background and the micro company operation. The theoriesintegrate with the practices. This paper tries to provide a decision basis for the telecomcompanies’ development strategy based on the new background. The main contents and conclusions of this paper conclude as following. The first chapter and the second chapter make arrangement for the research and have aliterature review about the theories related to the research. The third chapter has a review of the development history of telecom industry and thenanalyzes the whole macro background and the industry micro background. The fourth chapter has research of the industry integration and constructs a mode of theindustrial integration in the telecom industry. The model shows that the diver factors of theindustrial integration are from three different aspects, technological factor, industrial policyfactors and customer factors; at the beginning of the industrial integration, the driver factors arethe technology and industrial policies for the internal monopoly marketing. The industrial integration will come to being after the technologies are feasible and the policies allow it. Afterthe industrial integration starts, the decision power is the customer demand and the customerdemand will be the final push power for the industrial integration. The industrial integration willtrigger the change of industrial value chain and the traditional industrial value chain will bebroken and will form a new net-shape industrial value chain. A net-shape industrial value chainmakes the provision of comprehensive business being feasible. The business integration begins.The comprehensive business requires that the telecom companies should have the ability toprovide the comprehensive business. So, the telecom companies should apply the full-businessoperation mode The fifth chapter has research about the marketing segmentation and constructs a model ofcustomer overall value and three sub-models. Based on the prevalent theories of the marketingsegmentation together with the achievement of the theories of relationship marketing,relationship value and the cross-marketing, we construct an overall value mode. This modelincludes three sub-model, including the direct value mode based on the transaction behavior, therelationship values based on the relationship marketing, and the implicit value based on thecross-selling. These models can be applied to the customer segmentation from the view of valueand provide the decision basis to find out the customer with high value. The sixth chapter applies the value net model and the eco-business system thought toconstruct a non-boundary value net model of telecom companies on the background of wholebusiness competition. Form this model, this paper constructs a development strategy model ofnon-boundary competition and integration and differentiation for the telecom companies. Themodels show that the telecom companies can choose these two strategies: firstly the developmentstrategy of non-boundary competition and integration for the boundary of telecom industrybecomes vague and the industrial value chains change from the traditional chain-shape to netshape; secondly the development strategy of differentiation for the nature of the naturalmonopoly of the telecom industry. The seventh chapter is the extension of the sixth chapter. This paper constructs anon-boundary management model based on the Morden Management School’s ComprehenviseIntegration Thought. The reasons of the non-boundary management for the telecom companiesare the non-boundary resources and customers. The efficient non-boundary management system includes four parts, such as non-boundary value chain cooperation, non-boundary marketingmanagement, non-boundary brand management and non-boundary service management. The innovation for this paper includes five points. The first is the innovation of the researchthinking, which we have a research of the development strategy of the telecom companies fromthe angle of industrial integration and value chain. The second is the theoretical innovation,includes the model of the industrial integration, the model of customer overall value and the submodels, the development strategy model of non-boundary competition and integration anddifferentiation based on the background of full business compitition for the telecom companiesand non-boundary management model.

关 键 词: 产业融合 电信企业 产业价值链 关系价值 发展战略 竞合战略 管理模式 无边界管理

分 类 号: [F626]

领  域: [经济管理]


作者 孟辉
作者 沈薇
作者 周婵婵
作者 黄金鑫
作者 贾敏


机构 暨南大学
机构 中山大学管理学院
机构 华南师范大学经济与管理学院
机构 中山大学
机构 华南理工大学


作者 廖刚
作者 张为
作者 张丽丽
作者 张丽娟
作者 张丽娟