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A Study of Constructing a Regulation Frame Structure in the Circular Economy and Society

导  师: 李广明

学科专业: 020201

授予学位: 硕士

作  者: ;

机构地区: 暨南大学

摘  要: 循环型经济与社会规制涉及到环境经济学、制度经济学、福利经济学等众多学科,其是对现有经济发展方式的反思与改进,也是对政府职能的限制与完善。一个适当的循环型经济与社会规制构建,应该将规制的设计与经济发展阶段相结合。基于这个出发点,本文在理清相关规制概念、进行国内外规制经验分类、分析经济阶段与规制政策关联性的基础上,综合运用产业对比、钱纳里工业化理论以及Northam曲线等方法,定位我国的经济发展阶段,并在这一背景下展开对现有规制缺陷的分析。本文认为,现有的循环型经济与社会规制,在规制制度本身、规制对象参与、规制的技术条件上等方面还有待改善。规制的进一步发展,可以从规制构建的原则、构建的基本政策思考、规制执行的分权思想、经济激励的混合措施、公共服务市场化趋向等层面改进。全文的探讨遵循“理论阐述、经验启示、困境分析、政策建议”的路线,对学术界已有的实证分析研究经验做了一定吸收。 Circular economy and social regulations involve many subjects such as environmentaleconomics, institutional economics, welfare economics and so on, and they functionnot only as reflection and improvement of the present economical development mode,but as the limit and perfection of governmental functions. The author of this articlethinks the construction of a proper set of circular economy and social regulationsresults from the combination of the design of social regulations and the economicaldevelopment stage. Based on the contrasts between the experiences of constructingsocial regulations at home and abroad, the author clarifies the related the concepts ofthe social regulations and analyses the relation of the economical stage to the policiesof social regulations. The author also tries to orient the economical development zoneof our country by incorporating the industry contrast, the theories of industrializationand economic ideas including Northam Curves. In this context, the author analysesthe defects of the supply, the implementation, the inspiration and the game theory ofcurrent social regulations. In the end, the author comes up with the thoughts and theprinciples of constructing social regulations, as well as some ideas about the powerseparation of its implementation and the market development of the public servicessupply. By incorporating the available research methods of empirical study in suchrelated academic circles, the author discusses the related problems to some content, bythe principles of the theory elaboration, experience enlightment, analysis of problemsand policy suggestion.

关 键 词: 循环型经济与社会 规制 经济发展 环境

分 类 号: [F124.5]

领  域: [经济管理]


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机构 暨南大学
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机构 华南农业大学
机构 华南师范大学
机构 华南理工大学


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