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Studying of Promoting Employment Policies for College Students

导  师: 蒋重秀

学科专业: 120401

授予学位: 硕士

作  者: ;

机构地区: 广东海洋大学

摘  要: 随着高等教育大众化推进的步伐,原本应是劳动力市场上优质人才资源的大学毕业生,如今面临着严峻的就业形势。由于大学生的就业问题不仅关系着学生个人价值的实现、还牵动着社会千千万万家庭的心,是社会关注的民生热点问题,与我国社会稳定,国民经济发展息息相关。因此,政府作为劳动力市场的主体、在劳动力市场机制尚未能完全发挥作用的情况下,政府应当加大就业促进政策在大学生就业问题上的调控力度。 本文以完善我国大学生就业促进政策为目的,以实证研究为支持,从需求、供给以及供求匹配等三个角度来进行对当前大学生就业政策进行分析,通过系统研究、文献研究、对比研究、走访调查等方法务求反映出当前我国大学生就业政策存在的现状、问题及其成因,同时借鉴国外先进的研究成果及湛江市政府在促进大学生就业政策方面成功经验,为我国探求一条既符合我国国情、又符合市场规律的大学生就业促进政策优化路径。 全文共分为七部分,第一部分是导论,论述选题的目的、背景和意义,明确研究的内容、方法和技术路径;第二部分介绍国内外的研究成果;第三部分结合湛江市大学生就业促进政策的实证研究分析我国促进大学生就业公共政策的现状及存在的问题;第四部分分析当前大学生就业政策供给不足的原因;第五部分借鉴国外成功经验的,第六部分提出对优化我国大学生就业促进政策的建议,第七部分为结论。 With the process of mass higher education, the problem in job seeking of collegegraduates becomes more obviously. College graduates used to be high-quality newlabor resources,but now they get harder than they used to be in finding a job. Theemployment of graduates is closely related to realization of personal value,to societystability, and to the development of national economy. The government as the mainbody of the employment market,has the function of macro-control,should play amore important role in solving the problem. The focus of this thesis is how to improve the promoting employment policy inChina. Based on the sample of Zhan Jiang City and China’s national conditions,taking the angle of Niall O’Higgins’ theory in the demand, supply and supply anddemand matching, the paper combines practice and theory and tries to explore a roadto improve the promoting employment policy which suitable to. The study iscomposed of four parts. The thesis uses methods just like system analysis,documentary analysis, comparison analysis, and questionnaire, tries to reveal the lawof China’s promoting employment policies for college students and points out thatChina must use the experience of other countries for reference and must adjustmeasures to local conditions, combinative oneself in making promoting employmentpolicies. The study is composed of six parts. The first part is to introduce the background, content, methods and thesignificance in the studies. The second part the presents the situation of research ongraduates’ employment over the world. The third part based on the empirical study inZhan Jiang City’ promoting-employment policies to reveal the existing Problems ofthe promoting employment policies for college students in China. The forth partmakes an analysis of the reason why the policies of college student’s employmenthave no effect. The fifth part studies the measures carried by western countries. Thesixth part puts out measures based on the foundation in reality and the theoreticalsupp

关 键 词: 大学生就业 公共政策 政策效率

领  域: [文化科学] [文化科学]


作者 温云峰
作者 苏淑君
作者 马君昭
作者 王旭东
作者 陈健赟


机构 中山大学
机构 暨南大学
机构 华南理工大学
机构 华南师范大学
机构 广州大学


作者 庞菊香
作者 康超
作者 廖燕萍
作者 廖荆梅
作者 张丽娟