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Research on Mao Ze Dong Science and Technology Thought

导  师: 莫宏伟

学科专业: 030204

授予学位: 硕士

作  者: ;

机构地区: 广东海洋大学

摘  要: 毛泽东的科学技术思想贯穿在其整个思想体系及中国革命和建设的实践过程之中,已经成为中华民族的宝贵精神财富。系统整理和研究毛泽东的科学技术思想对全面建设社会主义现代化国家具有重大的意义。本文通过七大部分对毛泽东的科学技术思想进行论述: 第一部分即绪论部分论述研究毛泽东科学技术思想的重大意义、研究的概况、方法、重点、难点和本文的创新点。 第二部分阐述毛泽东科学技术思想形成的时代背景、理论基础及其演变轨迹。中国优秀的传统文化、西方资产阶级关于社会科学和自然科学的进步理论以及马克思主义理论家关于社会科学、自然科学和科学技术的观点是毛泽东科学技术思想的理论来源。毛泽东的科学技术思想在中国社会的变迁过程中逐渐地形成、丰富和发展。 第三部分论述毛泽东提出“百花齐放,百家争鸣”方针的来龙去脉。毛泽东和中共中央在总结古今中外经验的基础上,针对领导社会主义科学技术实践过程中的一些违背科学技术发展规律的现象和问题,决定把“百花齐放,百家争鸣”作为发展科学文化事业的指导方针。在这一方针的指导下,中国的科学技术事业取得了长足的进步。但是,这一方针在贯彻执行的过程中也出现了一些问题。 第四部分阐述毛泽东关于科学技术的功能和技术革命的观点。毛泽东认为,无论自然科学还是社会科学,都是对自然界、社会、人类思维现象和客观规律的正确认识,只有科学才是真正的学问,科学技术是社会进步的重要推动力量。因此,要大力发展科学技术,开展技术革命,打好科学技术的仗。 第五部分论述毛泽东关于科学技术的中西结合、洋为中用等方面的观点。毛泽东认为对于外国的科学、技术和文化,不加分析的一概排斥,或者不加分析的一概照搬,都不是马克思主义的态度。一切国家和民族的优秀科学、技术和文化都要学习,但是要结合本国的特色进行学习,坚持吸收与批判的态度。 第六部分论述毛泽东对科学与政治关系的认识。科学技术必须与政治相结合,为政治服务,这是毛泽东一贯坚持从未放弃的重要原则。毛泽东强调科学技术与政治的结合是无可厚非的,这对中国科学技术的发展起到了积极的推动作用。但是,毛泽东有时太过于强调政治,这就使科学技术在某种程度上变成了政治的附属品。 第七部分评析毛泽东科学技术思想的价值。毛泽东领导中国人民进行科学技术实践所取得的经验和教训和他的科学技术思想,是中国共产党和中国人民的宝贵精神财富。在毛泽东科学技术思想的指导下,我国的科学、技术和文化事业在短时期内取得了巨大的成就,为今天我们进行社会主义现代化建设打下了坚实的基础。 Mao Zedong science and technology thought runs though his whole ideologicalsystem and the course of the Chinese revolution and construction practice, which hasbecome a precious spiritual wealth of China. The systemize and study on Mao Zedongscience and technology thought hold great significance for the comprehensive constructionsocialist modernization of our country. The article focuses on Mao Zedong science andtechnology thought which has seven chapter. The first chapter is an introduction that introduces the great value of the study on MaoZedong science and technology thought, research review, research methodology, keypoints,key difficulties and the innovation points of this paper. The second chapter expounds the background, theoretical foundation and footprint ofMao Zedong science and technology thought. The source of Mao Zedong science andtechnology thought is the Outstanding traditional culture of China, the advanced theory ofsocial and natural science of western bourgeois, and Marxist theorist about the social,natural and technology science. Mao Zedong science and technology thought wasformed,enriched and developed gradually during the time when the society of China wasstarting to change. The context of the policy of 'let a hundred flowers blossom and a hundred schools ofthought contend' is elaborated in the third chapter which was put forward MAO Zedong.MAO Zedong and the central committee of the communist party of China decided to setthe policy as guidelines of the development of science and technology when they hadaimed at the phenomenons of a deviation from the science and technology order and thesolutions of problems in the practice of science and technology, and summarizedexperiences at all times and in all countries. Guided by this policy, science and technologyhas made good progress. But, some problems also appeared in the course of implementingof the policy. The fourth chapter sets forth the function of Mao Zedong science and technologythought and his revolutionary views. Mao Zedong thought that, whether natural scientificor social science, is the correct understanding of phenomenon and the objective law of thenature, society and the human mind. He also deemed that only science is real learning, and science and technology is an important driving force of social development. Therefore, weshould energetically develop science and technology, promote technology revolution, andplay good science and technology battle. The fifth chapter mostly discusses Mao Zedong's opinions about the combination ofChinese and western science and technology, and his view 'foreign used by the Chinese'.Mao Zedong considered that for foreign science, technology and culture, neither theindiscriminate rejection of everything foreign, nor the indiscriminate imitation ofeverything foreign has anything in common with the Marxist attitude. All state andnational excellent science, technology and culture needs to be learned in combination withcharacteristics of the domestic country. One needs to keep absorption and critical attitudein learning. The sixth chapter discusses Mao Zedong's understanding of the relationship betweenscience and politics. Science and technology must be combined with politics, severe forpolitical, and that is the important principles that MAO Zedong never give up. That isunderstandable, Mao Zedong emphasized the combination of science and technology andpolitics, which plays a very active role in promoting the development of science andtechnology of China. However, the science and technology once became the politicalsubsidiary of the politics because Mao Zedong overemphasized the politics. The seventh chapter analyses the value of Mao Zedong science and technologythought. Mao Zedong science and technology thought and experiences and lessons fromthe scientific technology practice of Chinese people, is the precious spiritual fortune ofcommunist party of China and the Chinese people.Guided by Mao Zedong science andtechnology thought, our scientific, technological and cultural undertakings has had greatsuccess in the short period, which forms the solid basis of our socialist modernization fortoday.

关 键 词: 毛泽东 科学技术思想 演变 内容 价值

分 类 号: [A841]

领  域: [哲学宗教]


作者 李延静
作者 熊丹
作者 王兵
作者 莫楠
作者 贾孟喜


机构 中山大学
机构 华南师范大学
机构 中山大学教育学院
机构 华南理工大学
机构 中山大学人文科学学院马克思主义哲学与中国现代化研究所


作者 张玉普
作者 张蕾蕾
作者 张馨文
作者 徐敏
作者 施群丽