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The Transformation and Upgrade of Specialized Towns in the City of Zhanjiang

导  师: 宁凌

学科专业: 120301

授予学位: 硕士

作  者: ;

机构地区: 广东海洋大学

摘  要: 近年来,广东省湛江市积极发展专业镇,结合镇域产业特色发展实际,大力引导镇一级具有镇域特色的产业不断集成创新,努力提高镇域特色产业的技术创新水平。目前,湛江市专业镇镇域经济发展凸显出必然的趋势,成为湛江率先实现经济大发展的重要增长点。湛江市已建成批准的省市级专业镇总数18个,涵盖有家电、羽绒制品、塑料制品、饲料、珍珠养殖与加工、水果种植与加工等特色产业。近年来,湛江市专业镇发展面临如知识产权、核心技术、信息资源、可持续发展新动力等一些新的问题,这些发展中亟需解决的问题迫使湛江专业镇进入再次创业发展的思考和实践。 新时期湛江经济面临的实际问题是新形势下,如何加快专业镇的转型升级,推动县域经济发展,促进社会主义新农村建设,进而推动湛江经济的快速发展,这不仅是一个机遇,同时也是更严峻的挑战。本文研究湛江市镇一级经济的发展,希望能够对湛江农村产业结构的调整和就业结构的改变及推动湛江城市化的进程发挥应有的作用。 本文从专业镇发展现状及转型升级的理论入手,通过对湛江市专业镇发展现状及其发展过程中存在的问题进行分析,然后借鉴国内一些地方专业镇发展的成功模式并对选取典型案例,得出一些对于湛江专业镇转型升级的启示,结合湛江市不同类型的专业镇进行具体案例分析,最后根据这些成功经验对于湛江市专业镇进行转型升级提供一些政策建议。 本文研究的具体内容主要有: 第一章是绪论。主要是本文的研究背景和研究意义、国内及国外研究现状、研究思路与研究方法等。提出了本文的研究背景和一些理论基础。 第二章是相关概念与理论基础。对专业镇的概念进行了界定,对转型升级概念进行了说明,并对专业镇转型升级的理论进行了阐述。通过梳理传统产业集群理论、现代产业集群理论及专业镇经济理论为文章的分析研究打下理论基础。 第三章主要湛江市专业镇转型升级发展现状及问题。主要阐述湛江专业镇发展概况及其转型升级发展概况,发现湛江市专业镇转型升级过程中存在产业结构不合理和特色产业定位不突出,专业镇企业管理水平落后,技术投入不足和自主创新能力较弱,专业镇生产性服务发展滞后,科技创新缺乏人才等问题。 第四章是国内专业镇转型升级经验借鉴。通过对国内转型升级较成功的典型案例分析,得出对于湛江市专业镇转型升级的启示和借鉴。具体的有完善政府政策,构建集群创新网络促进产业结构优化升级,吸引产业转移和外资,重视人才,加强品牌建设,实施技术投资战略和“走出去”的发展战略。 第五章列举湛江市不同类型专业镇转型升级的具体案例进行深入分析。分别选取三个具有代表性的专业镇为例,介绍其经济发展现状及镇内主要龙头企业的发展现状。分析典型专业镇转型升级发展过程中存在的问题,针对存在问题提出对策和措施。 第六章是湛江市专业镇转型升级的对策建议。根据分析提出发挥政府服务功能,构建专业镇产业优势,加强技术创新,实施品牌、人才战略,建立信息交流渠道等对策建议。 Recently, specialized towns are greatly developed in the city of Zhanjiang,Guangdong province. According to the fact of special industry in the scale of towns, thegovernment of Guangdong guides the creation of special industry and improves thetechnology level of special industry. Now, the economics of special towns become themain type of economics in Zhanjiang. There have been18special towns in the level of“province and city” in Zhanjiang. The special industries in these towns include the plasticindustry, pearl culture and processing, down products, appliance, feed, fruits planting andprocessing, etc. However, the development of special towns is faced with new problems,such as, core technologies, intellectual property, information resource and the new powerfor sustainable development, etc. These problems enforces special towns in Zhanjiang tothink about and practice the second entrepreneurship. In the new situation, how to quickly transform and update special towns, developeconomics in the scale of towns and improve the construction of new country are thepractical problems faced by Zhanjiang. These problems are opportunities, and meanwhile,bigger challenges. This paper studies on the development of economics in towns ofZhanjiang, which is hoped to be useful for the structure transformation of the industry andemployment in countryside, and the process of Zhanjiang’s urbanization. Begin with the theory of special town development states and transformation, by theanalyses for the existing problems in the development process of special towns inZhanjiang, using some typical successful cases in other special towns, this paper obtainsmany good ideas for developing Zhanjiang special towns. Then, combining different typesof special towns in Zhanjiang with these cases, some details of the development of thesetowns are analyzed. Finally, according to this experience for success, this paper gives someadvices for the transformation and update of special towns in Zhanjiang. The main content of this paper includes: Chapter1is the instruction. This chapter mainly indicates the background andsignificance of this paper, research status and way. Some theory foundations are also givenin this chapter. Chapter2is about items, notations and more theory foundations. In this chapter, the concept of special towns and transformation are defined and explained. The theories on thetransformation of special towns are elaborated. By the analyses to the theories ofconventional industrial cluster, modern industrial cluster and special town economic, thischapter lays the theory foundation for the study of this paper. Chapter3focuses on the development status and problems in the process of thetransformation and update of special towns in Zhanjiang. These problems includeunreasonable industrial structure, commonplace orientation, laggard management, shortinvestment and talents, weak innovation ability, hysteretic productive service. Chapter4is about the experience of the transformation in our country. By analyzingsome typical cases, ideas about the transformation of the special towns in Zhanjiang areobtained. The details of the ideas include perfecting government policies, constructingcluster creative network, improving the transformation of industrial structure, attractingforeign investment, paying more attention to talents and brand building, and implementingthe strategy of technology investment and “walking out”. Chapter5deeply analyzes different cases about the transformation of special cases.This chapter considers three typical special towns and introduces the development status ofthe main companies in these towns. Finally, this chapter gives advices on the problems inthe process of special town transformation. Chapter6gives some advices on the transformation of special towns in Zhanjiang,which include playing the service function of government, constructing the advantages ofspecial town industry, strengthening the technology innovation, implementing brand andtalents strategies, building exchanging information channels.

关 键 词: 湛江 专业镇 转型升级 案例 政策建议

分 类 号: [F127]

领  域: [经济管理]


作者 庞菊香
作者 康秋实
作者 康超
作者 廖伟导
作者 廖刚


机构 中山大学
机构 暨南大学
机构 华南师范大学
机构 华南理工大学
机构 广东外语外贸大学


作者 廖刚
作者 张为
作者 张丽丽
作者 张丽娟
作者 张丽娟