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Special Intervention in High Jump Back Jumping Type of Teaching Experiment Technology

导  师: 李建臣

学科专业: 040303

授予学位: 硕士

作  者: ;

机构地区: 首都体育学院

摘  要: 专项体能在国内外许多运动项目中都有研究和应用。专项体能研究可以从体能相关理论出发,也可以以专项项目特点进行。并在大量实验研究中表明,在各项目的运动训练中恰当使用专项体能可以增强专项运动素质,有效提高运动成绩。同时,如果把它作为一种干预手段,专项体能在体育教学中对运动技术的形成、学习动机的培养、学习过程中心理障碍的克服和自信心的确立都起着重要作用。在体育教学实践中,合理运用专项体能干预,对提高教学质量有着积极意义。 本文以田径课中背越式跳高为例,对首都体育学院2010级体育教育专业19名学生进行了专项体能干预的背越式跳高实验教学。主要目的是结合专项体能特征,在教学过程中运用专项体能手段对背越式跳高学习进行干预,力求在有限授课时数内,提高学习效率和效果,探究专项体能干预在田径技术教学中的应用,为发展中的田径技术教学提供相关方法和建议。本研究得出以下结论: 背越式跳高技术教学中的专项体能干预,是从项目技术特点出发,充分利用教学资源和课堂时间,不仅有利于学生技术动作的掌握,而且可以让学生更深刻地认识项目本质和专项体能的作用。 现在体育教学普遍面临着授课时间短和教授动作技术复杂、练习少的矛盾。通过实验研究证明专项体能干预在背越式跳高技术教学中的应用是有效的,这一矛盾是可以在技术教学课堂上解决的。同样,在其它项目的技术教学中也可以尝试和引用合适的专项体能进行干预。 专项体能在背越式跳高技术教学中的干预对学生学习时的心理状况起到积极的影响作用。克服技术学习的心理障碍,提高学习信心,刺激学生更积极有效地进行学习、实践。由于课堂任务安排充实,课堂时间排列紧密,通过这种干预可以使课堂上的学生配合教师完成教学任务并自觉遵守课堂秩序。学生对良好的课堂状态有一定感知,有利于其在以后的学习或教学中运用。 Special physical fitness can be studied on the physical theory, also can be tospecial projects characteristics. Special physical fitness at home and abroad in manysports have been research and application. And in a large number of experimentalstudies which show that, in the project of exercise training in the proper use ofspecial physical training can enhance the quality of the special movement,effectively enhance athletic performance. At the same time, if you treat it as ameans of intervention, special physical fitness in physical education of sportstechniques, the formation of the cultivation of learning motivation, learning in theprocess of psychological obstacles and self-confidence establishment all play animportant role in. In the sports teaching practice, rational use of special physicalintervention, to improve the quality of teaching has a positive meaning. The track and field course of Fosbury flop high jump on the Capital Institute ofPhysical Education as an example,2010physical education students conducted21specialphysical intervention experiment teaching. The main aim is to combine the special physicalfeatures,in the teaching process in the use of special physical means,method of learningback style high jump to intervene, to the limited teaching hours, to improve learningefficiency and effectiveness of interventions, special physical ability in track and fieldteaching application, for the development of track and field teaching provides a relatedmethod and suggestion. This study reached the following conclusions: The special physical fitness in physical basis, according to the project characteristic,with the special are closely linked to the special physical ability training, directlyenhances the special movement quality, grasp the special technology, make the specialsports quality conforms to the special technology development, to create the excellentsport achievement. The Fosbury Flop teaching special physical intervention, from project technicalcharacteristics, make full use of teaching resources and classroom time, not only isadvantageous to the student skill mastery, and allows students to gain a deeperunderstanding of the essence and special physical meaning of project. The present sports teaching is faced with the teaching time and Professor actiontechnology complex, exercise little contradiction. Through the experimental study provedthat special physical intervention in Fosbury Flop teaching is effective, this contradictionis in technical teaching class solution. Similarly, in other projects of technical teachingcan also try and references to appropriate physical intervention. The special physical fitness in Fosbury Flop teaching intervention on studentspsychological condition to play the positive role. Techniques for overcoming the psychological obstacles in learning, enhance confidence in learning, stimulate studentsmore effective learning, practice. Since class assignments to enrich, class time closelyarranged, through such interventions can make the students in the classroom with theteacher to complete the teaching task and consciously abide by the order of the class.Students of good class state has some perceived, for later in the learning and teaching.

关 键 词: 专项体能 干预 背越式跳高 技术教学 研究

分 类 号: [G823.1]

领  域: [文化科学] [文化科学]


作者 张忠元
作者 王显
作者 罗伯平
作者 廉建军
作者 陈新健


机构 广州体育学院
机构 华南师范大学
机构 广东石油化工学院
机构 广州体育学院运动训练学系
机构 华南师范大学体育科学学院


作者 庞菊香
作者 康超
作者 廖燕萍
作者 廖荆梅
作者 张丽娟