导 师: 卢星
学科专业: 060106
授予学位: 硕士
作 者: ;
机构地区: 江西师范大学
摘 要: 东汉时,监军大致分为常设监军和临时差遣监军两种类型,常设监军主要包括护军、部郡国从事、监黎阳营谒者、北军中候、使匈奴中郎将等,临时差遣监军有监军使者与将军两种身份。其中尤以监军使者的地位突出,监军使者主要有四种:大夫、御史、谒者和中郎将,后三者监军为东汉监军制度的主要形式。此时,不但中央直辖军主力、地方州郡兵、营兵和军屯兵均设有监军,且归附汉朝的南匈奴军也概莫能外,置使匈奴中郎将监护其众。 东汉监军制度从光武帝时的确立到殇帝时的转折,最后到灵帝中平时的瓦解,经历了三个不同阶段,每个阶段的形成都有各自的原因。第一阶段监军使者主导地位的确立与当时的历史背景关系密切。第二阶段监督对象由第一阶段的主监将领转变为主督州郡,原因是安帝即位后各地起义不断,且范围扩大,州郡常募兵镇压,军事力量增加,特别是州刺史兵权的扩张,加之所募之兵时有反叛,朝廷不得不加以防范,从而使监督对象发生转变。第三阶段监军制度在中央直辖军窳败、家兵兴起的军事背景和黄巾起义爆发的大浪潮下崩溃,原因有三:其一、黄巾起义爆发面广,事发仓促,州郡失据,多数地方朝廷尚无机会派遣监军;其二、起义爆发后,东汉朝廷所招募镇压之兵的私家化,使监军失去国家军队的支撑;其三、中郎将监军权力的扩大及其军职化最终瓦解了监军制度。 东汉时期,监军制度有其固有的鲜明特点,主要表现为:监军使者在监军中占据主导地位;不同的监军人员监军有着较为明确的分工;不同的监军人员因身份的高低在执行监军任务时拥有不同的地位与权力;监军除执行监督权外,并拥有领兵权。东汉监军制度的强化体现了军权的集中,对防止武将及地方长官专兵有着� In general, the army supervisors in East Han Dynasty are divided into two kinds:permanent army supervisor and temporary dispatched army supervisor. Permanentarmy supervisor mainly included Hu Jun、Cong Shi of vassal state、Ye Zhe whosupervised Li Yang camp、Zhong Hou of North Army、Zhong Langjiang who wasemissary to Xiong Nu and so on. And temporary dispatched army supervisor had tworoles: emissary of army supervisor and general. Among all these army supervisors, emissary of army supervisor had the higheststatus. And this kind of supervisor mainly contained Da Fu、Imperial secretary、YeZhe and Zhong Langjiang. Except Da Fu, all of them are the chief forms of ArmySupervisory System in East Han Dynasty. During this period, not only the major troops directly under the jurisdiction ofcentral authorities、the troops under the jurisdiction of localities、the camp troops orgarrison troops which open up wasteland and grow food grain, but the troops ofSouthern Xiong Nu which submit to authority of Eastern Han was also equipped witharmy supervisor. Eastern Han authority assigned Zhong Langjiang of Xiong Nu tosupervise its troops. Army Supervisory System in East Han Dynasty had three different stages whichare establishment in Guangwu Emperor period、transition in Shang Emperor periodand collapse in Zhongping Time of Ling Emperor period. Each of them had their owncauses. In the first stage, the establishment of emissary of army supervisor's leadingposition had close thing to do with the background of that time. In the second stage,the surveillanced object had changed from generals to vassal states which resultedfrom the continuous uprisings everywhere. And the ranges of uprisings expandedconstantly. Therefore, the vassal states often recruited soldiers to suppress theuprisings which strengthened their military power, especially Ci Shi. Besides, the recruited soldiers rebelled sometimes which made the central government have to takestrict precautions against them. And this leaded to the transition of the