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On Charlotte Bronte's Feeling of Inferiority and Her Literary Creation

导  师: 黎志敏

学科专业: 050201

授予学位: 硕士

作  者: ;

机构地区: 广州大学

摘  要: 自《简·爱》于1847出版以来,研究者就开始了对夏洛蒂·勃朗特个人生活及其文学创作的相关研究。评论家们倾向于将勃朗特与维多利亚新女性形象相提并论,认为她自立、自尊、自强。然而,少有人注意到勃朗特因为缺乏美貌而感到的自卑心理。本文主要从阿德勒的个体心理学角度解析夏洛蒂·勃朗特的自卑心理及其文学创作。勃朗特由于自身外表不美而产生的自卑心理并非只是单纯的心理或生理问题,它的产生与维多利亚时期的文化背景不无关系。因而,本论文也将从维多利亚时期的审美标准,宗教信仰的缺失以及当时维多利亚女子的经济状况几个方面去探究造成夏洛蒂·勃朗特外表自卑的文化心理原因。 本论文主要采用文本细读的方法,主要涉及《简·爱》、《维莱特》和《教师》三部作品。论文将从心理、生理及文化三个角度去阐述勃朗特的自卑心理及其文学创作。从心理的角度看,勃朗特对于自身的外表不美有着一种挥之不去的自卑心理。从生理的角度看,勃朗特对于自身及他人的外表都有一种病态的关注心理。从文化的角度看,勃朗特的自卑心理与维多利亚时期的文化关联紧密。 总的来说,勃朗特平庸的外表深深地影响到了她的自卑心理,进而深深地影响到了她的文学创作。勃朗特的自卑心理并非只是单纯的生理或心理问题,同时还深受维多利亚时期文化的影响。 Since the publication of Jane Eyre in1847, the connection between Charlotte Bronte's personal life and her literary creation has become a debatable topic among Bronte critics. While critics tend to associate Bronte with the image of a new Victorian woman of independence, self-esteem and self-reliance, few have noticed Bronte's feelings of inferiority over her lack of beauty and its connection to her literary creation. Mainly based on Alfred Adler's theories on individual psychology, this thesis is going to explore Bronte's desperate feeling of inferiority over her lack of beauty and its connection to her literary creation. However, psychology or physiology alone would not be sufficient to account for Bronte's feeling of inferiority over her lack of beauty, as the Victorian cultures also have a role to play. Therefore, this thesis will cover several parts of the Victorian cultures, such as Victorians'standard for beauty, Victorians'loss of faith in religions and Victorian women's dependence on men, in order to gain an insight into Bronte's feeling of inferiority. Close reading would be the primary methodology adopted in this thesis, and Jane Erye, Villette and The Professor would be the main text books analyzed in this thesis. This thesis attempts to address Bronte's feeling of inferiority and her literary creation from psychological, physiological and cultural perspectives. Psychologically, Bronte has a constant feeling of inferiority over her physical plainness. Physiologically, Bronte is obsessive about her own and others'appearance, whether it is physical plainness or physical attractiveness. Culturally, Victorian cultures have played an essential role in Bronte's feeling of inferiority. On the whole, Bronte's physical plainness has greatly contributed to her feeling of inferiority, which in turn has greatly influenced her literary creation. Bronte's feeling of inferiority is not only a psychological or psychological issue, but also a cultural one.

关 键 词: 夏洛蒂 勃朗特 阿尔弗雷 阿德勒 不美 自卑心理

分 类 号: [I561.074]

领  域: [文学]


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机构 中山大学
机构 华南师范大学
机构 华南师范大学文学院
机构 中山大学人文科学学院中文系
机构 暨南大学华文学院


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