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The Basic Writing Experimental Research of Applying 'The Lexical Chunks' to Grade2Senior High School

导  师: 朱亚夫

学科专业: 040102

授予学位: 硕士

作  者: ;

机构地区: 广州大学

摘  要: 高中新课程标准于2004年在广东省推出,其中对学生的写作方面的要求拔高,高考也由原来的一个写作增加到两个,即基础写作和读写任务。在这个背景之下,作者仔细地研究了全国高考卷与广东省高考卷中的写作范文,发现这些范文中使用了大量的词组与句型。这就使得作者想到了Michael Lewis提出的词块理论.词块又可称为语块,既可以是单个的词,也可以是规则或不规则的短语或句子;当我们在上下文中把它们看成是语言的最小单位时,它们就变成了集意义、语法、语境为一体的个体。而语言则是由各种类型的词块组成的语料库,词块的不同组合就构成句子,因此组成连贯的篇章。因为词块的这个特点,它使得人们在交流上不用担心语法上的错误,而且也使得语言的表现形式具有多样性。因此许多专家学者对于词块及其它在教学中的应用进行了研究,其中大部分都是关于大学外语教学的,但是把词块应用于高中的教学的研究还是太少。 本次实验主要是将词块法应用于高中的写作教学。目前,在中学中广泛使用的英语写作教学法可分为结果法与过程法,其中结果法主要关注学生写作中出现的语法错误与搭配的正确与否,而忽视了文章的结构与对学生进行写作步骤方面的引导;过程法重过程,能对学生在写作步骤与文章的结构上做一些正确的引导,但是它还是不能帮助学生克服一些由母语的负迁移引起的错误,和中国式的英语以及反复出现的语法错误。为了帮助学生克服写作中反复出错,并使他们对写作充满信心,笔者以Swain的输出假设为基础,指导学生在课堂上学习词块并将其应用于写作中;作者还通过Nattinger/&DeCarrico的Micro-organizer /(微组织者/)与Macro-organizer /(宏组织者/)的理论让学生了解了某些词块在文章的结构的组织和语言的形式方面的举足轻重的作用. 为了检测词汇法在基础写作中的有效性,作者在所教的高二的两个文科普通班进行了实验。在被测前,两个班在期末考试中基础写作水平相当,平均分也相差不多;在实验过程中,作者在实验班运用了词块法进行了教学,而在控制班仍然使用传统的教学方法。这样持续了两个月后,在后测及全年级的期中考试中,两个班的基础写作的平均分有了很大的差距,作者也用SPSS16.0对所得的数据进行统计分析。这次实验从结果上可以证实了将词汇法运用于写作教学中是有效的。不仅如此,通过老师与学生的访谈,老师也发现了被测班级的同学对写作的兴趣与参与度也大大的提高了。 The new English Curriculum Criteria were issued in2004in GuangdongProvince, which enhanced the requirements for students’ writing ability, so the writingpart of the college entrance examination of Guangdong Province has increased fromone passage to two----one is basic writing and the other is task-oriented writing. As anEnglish teacher of a middle school, the author of this thesis carefully studied thewritten versions of basic writing of the college entrance examinations of GuangdongProvince and she found that there are a large number of phrases, idioms and sentencepatterns appearing in the written versions of basic writing. Those reminded the writerof the theory of the Lexical Chunks put forward by Michael Lewis. The lexicalchunks consist of simple words, some regular or irregular phrases and sentencepatterns, so when we consider them as smallest unit in a language in a context, theyare some individuals with certain form, meaning and function. In this case, we cancompare a language with a corpus which is made up of different lexical chunks, andthe combinations of lexical chunks develop into the sentences which can play animportant part in forming a passage. Because of the characteristics of lexical chunks,they are widely used in the spoken and written English. That’s why people are evennot afraid of making mistakes when they communicate with each other by usinglexical chunks. Some specialists ever did some researches into the lexical chunks,most of which are about applying the lexical chunks to teaching in college or forcollege students. So the studies about applying the lexical chunks to teaching in seniorhigh school are not enough. This experiment aims to apply the lexical chunks to teaching writing in the seniorhigh school. Nowadays, the approaches to writing widely used in English classes areprocess approach and product approach. Product approach focuses its attention to thegrammar mistakes and wrong collocations in the student’s composition, but neglectsthe structure of the passage and fail to guide the students in the process of writing.Process approach emphasizes the writing process, and it not only gets students to pay attention to the structure of the passage but presents students the process of writing.However, it can’t help students to overcome the mistakes caused by the negativetransfer of their native language and some Chinese English as well as the repeatedgrammatical mistakes. In order to help students to overcome them and let students beconfident about writing, the writer, based on the theory of Swain’s output hypothesis,guide the students to practice writing in English classes. In addition, the writer alsointroduced the theory, Micro-organizers and Macro-organizers /(Nattinger/&DeCarrico/) to the students to make them realize the important role the lexical chunksplay in the structure of a passage and form of the target language. In order to test the effectiveness of lexical chunk approach used in the basicwriting, the writer carried out an experiment between the two classes of grade two.Before the experiment, the writing levels of the two classes were equal according tothe scores of the basic writing in the pretest, the final examination. During theexperiment, the writer applied lexical approach to the writing and reading classes inthe experimental class. As for the controlled class, the traditional way of teaching wascontinued. After two months, in the posttest, the average scores for the basic writingof the two classes were quite different, and SPSS16.0was employed for statisticanalysis. Moreover, the writer had an interview with some students in theexperimental class, which prove that students’ interest in writing has been motivated.In this case, the writer can prove that the lexical approach applied in the teaching ofwriting is effective. Not only can it improve the student’s writing ability; but also thisapproach can raise the students’ interest in writing.

关 键 词: 词块 词汇法 基础写作 写作教学 高中

分 类 号: [G633.41]

领  域: [文化科学]


作者 罗巧云
作者 曾玉梅
作者 吕建英
作者 林喆
作者 胡月芬


机构 华南师范大学
机构 五邑大学外国语学院
机构 广州大学
机构 广东外语外贸大学英语教育学院
机构 暨南大学华文学院华文教育研究所


作者 庞菊香
作者 康超
作者 廖燕萍
作者 廖荆梅
作者 张丽娟