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Research on the Government Response in the Background of Micro-blog Anti-corruption

导  师: 卢汉桥

学科专业: 120401

授予学位: 硕士

作  者: ;

机构地区: 广州大学

摘  要: 政府回应作为行政沟通的一环,其在行政管理过程中,多变复杂的环境带来的各种挑战面前,如何积极有效地回应民意,畅通政民互动,提升行政管理效能显得至关重要。过去的一年里,微博在反腐中影响力正在不断提升,已成为了一种公众参与反腐的新渠道,如何理性看待微博这种新型反腐方式,引起各级政府管理部门的关注。微博反腐形成的公众舆论的影响力远比传统媒介的大。政府如果忽视或者被动回应,舆论会被加倍放大,甚至会引起现实社会中的群体性动乱事件,危及社会稳定。这要求政府必须及时、准确地作出答复、解决或者回应。 微博反腐背景下,当前的政府回应存在着回应热点信息速度迟缓、回应互动透明度有待提高、回应网络民意态度欠诚恳、回应舆论方式缺乏创新和回应的法律规范层面尚待完善等问题。本文以新公共管理、新公共服务以及善治理论为研究视角,以建设服务型政府为理念,在微博反腐为背景下的政府回应现状为对象,分分别从影响政府有效回应的因素,主要包括主体、客体、回应内容以及手段等方面的来探析政府回应微博反腐形成的各种舆论仍存在很多不尽人意的原因。并在此基础上,提出要从树立“以民为本”的回应理念,建立回应问责制,加大决策透明度提升回应力;建立网络舆情监控体系,规范微博管理引导微博反腐舆论,强化对微博反腐舆情回应的有效性;开展微博问政,建立网络新闻发言人制度,完善基层政府回应形式;提升政府回应技术水平,提高政府回应人员整体素质等几方面来完善和提升政府有效回应微博反腐背景下的公众舆论,以促使政府能够合理利用互联网等新媒体技术来加强反腐倡廉工作,实现高效行政、合理行政、廉洁行政的目标。 The government response as administrative communication of a ring, in the administrative process is changeable and complex environment to bring all sorts of challenges, how to actively and effectively respond to public opinion, unblocked politics civilian interactive, increase the administrative efficiency is very important. In a year of in the past, micro-blog in anti-corruption influence is rising, has become a kind of public participation in the corruption of the new channels, how to take a rational view of micro-blog this new anti-corruption, caused various government departments concerned. Micro-blog anti-corruption is the formation of the public opinion's influence is far greater than the traditional medium large. If the government ignored or a passive response, public opinion will be double magnification, even will cause the social reality of the mass unrest, harm social stability. This requires the government to timely, accurate, or response. Micro-blog anti-corruption background, the current government response exists. Information processing in timely, interactive response information release less transparent, in response to public demands less sincere, treatment response using attitude means less scientific and other need to be improved and perfect problem. Based on the new public management, new public service and good governance theory as the research angle of view, to build a service-oriented government as the concept, the micro-blog anti-corruption background governments response under the present situation as the object, are from the impact of effective government response factors, mainly including main body, object, in response to the content and means of study the government response micro-blog anti-corruption formation in various public opinion still exist many dissatisfactory reason. In order to serve type government' the government',' government by law',' effective government' and 'responsible government' under the guidance of the concept, put forward to want to establish concept from response, establish accountability; establish monitoring, standardize and guide the public opinion; build communication platform, open politics civilian interactive; improve technology level, promoting effective response to wait for a few respects to improve and upgrade the government respond effectively micro-blog anti-corruption under the background of public opinion, to urge the government to the rational use of the Internet and other new media technology to strengthen the work of anti-corruption initiate cheap, efficient, reasonable, honest and clean administration administrative target.

关 键 词: 微博 微博反腐 回应 政府回应

分 类 号: [D630.9 F49]

领  域: [政治法律] [政治法律] [经济管理]


作者 赖礼强
作者 周飞
作者 袁国玲
作者 赵洋
作者 杨秋荣


机构 广州大学
机构 暨南大学
机构 华南理工大学
机构 广州大学公共管理学院
机构 华南师范大学公共管理学院


作者 康秋实
作者 廖伟导
作者 廖芳
作者 张万坤
作者 张光亚