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The Administrative Coordination Mechanism of the Pearl River Delta

导  师: 谢俊贵

学科专业: 120401

授予学位: 硕士

作  者: ;

机构地区: 广州大学

摘  要: 在世界经济全球化,区域经济一体化,经济体制市场化的宏观背景下,2009年起珠江三角洲区域经济发展思路以《珠江三角洲地区改革发展规划纲要/(2008—2020年/)》为新的挈领起点正紧锣密鼓地展开着。珠三角地区广佛肇、深莞惠、珠中江九个城市三个经济圈的划分,为珠三角区域一体化思路的实现确定了新的战略布局和落实载体。虽然在实践中,三个经济圈在静态上所表现出来的地理位置、资源禀赋等自然要素方面存有天然的差异性;在动态上所反映出来的发展历程、融合现状等社会属性方面也存在明显的差别性,但是,三者的发展过程与趋势,在理论上都遵循从无序到有序,有序如何更有序的共性原理;在实践中均依赖行政合作协同,推进区域一体化的共同路径。 因此,文章以德国学者赫尔曼·哈肯的协同学理论为切入视角,从行政管理学角度,探究珠江三角州区域行政协同机制的构建思路。据此,文章分别先对区域行政协同、区域行政协同机制的概念做出界定;紧接着从规划协定的框架性安排、组织保障的常规化构建以及合作运行中的纵横实践三个方面讲述了珠三角区域行政协同的践行情况及程度;之后基于行政区经济的间隔不经济,区域公共产品供应不协同,统一规划却难以同步实施,法制保障体系协同不足等五个方面提出了珠三角在区域行政协同中存在的不足及其例证表现,并从地方保护主义行为的横向切割,垄断公共事务地位的纵向沿袭,行政协议合作机制的乏力运行,现存立法横向冲突调节的缺失等五个角度试图阐明其行政不协同的原因;最后提出珠江三角洲区域行政协同机制的构建思路设想,主要包括协定规划机制、协同运行机制以及协和关系机制。 Under the macroscopical background that the economic globalization, regional economic integration and market-oriented economic system coexist, the economic development strategy of Pearl River Delta has been implemented since2009,based on 《The Outline of the Plan for the Reform and Development of the Pearl River Delta /(2008-2020/)》.There has been the new strategic situation and organization for implementing the plan as Pearl River Delta was divided into three economic zones in2009,including GuangFoZhao, ShenGuanHui, ZhuZhongJiang. Actually, there are some natural diversity of these three economic zones, such as geographical location, resource and so on. And there are also obvious different in social attributes, such as the process of development, the extent of integration, etc. However, the development process and trends of them seem to be same, following the common principle that converts disorder into order and the more; relying on the common path of administrative cooperation for promoting the regional integration. Therefore, the article takes the Synergetic Theory of Hermann Haken, a German scholar as perspective; try to discuss the administrative coordination mechanism of the Pearl River Delta from the academic subject of administration. Accordingly, the article defines two concepts at first, which includes the regional administrative coordination and the regional administrative coordination mechanism. And then, the situations of regional administrative coordination are introduced, including the outline of the arrangements for making agreements, the general organization constituted for ensuring implement and the practice of cooperation. After this point, the insufficiencies of the Pearl River Delta regional administrative coordination are discussed, which contains the conflict of interest during the integration, the inefficiency of administrative region economy, the fail of implementing the plan in phase, the failure of providing regional public goods effectively, and the limitation of the legal guarantee system. Correspondingly, there are five reasons at least to explain it:local protectionism behavior makes trouble; the follow role of monopolizing public affairs exists; administrative agreements work slack; performance assessment indicators were designed for the superior purpose; and some disaccord of the existing legal system still works. So the administrative coordination mechanism of the Pearl River Delta will be needed, which refers to three aspects:the plan-coordination mechanism, the run-coordination mechanism and the relation-coordination mechanism.

关 键 词: 珠江三角州 区域行政协同 协定规划 协同运行 协和关系

分 类 号: [F127]

领  域: [经济管理]


作者 邱诗武
作者 王胥覃
作者 杨桦
作者 谢宜峰
作者 邵冲


机构 中山大学
机构 暨南大学
机构 华南师范大学
机构 华南理工大学
机构 广州体育学院


作者 廖刚
作者 张为
作者 张丽丽
作者 张丽娟
作者 张丽娟