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Discussion of Legal Thinking by Judge

导  师: 沈志民

学科专业: 030101

授予学位: 硕士

作  者: ;

机构地区: 广州大学

摘  要: 司法公正与法官的法律思维之间存在着密切的联系。司法公正并不否认司法者裁量权的存在,但是要求司法者必须根据法律的精神、法律的价值理念去适用法律。如果司法者缺乏这种法律思维能力,那么同样的法律就可能出现不同的后果,同样的问题得不到同样的处理,司法公正就无法实现。虽然在诸多复杂的因素影响下,法官的法律思维不是实现司法公正的充分条件,但法官的法律思维绝对是实现司法公正的必要条件之一。在人们追求和崇尚司法公正的今天,法治的实现又决定于司法法治化的进程,法官法律思维的重要性就显得格外重要。 尽管关于法官法律思维的研究在理论层面和审判实践领域中都已经不是一个新的问题,但就总体来说,在现实生活中“同样案件得出不同的审判结果”的现象比比皆是。面对司法公正的拷问下,究其原因是每个法官的法律思维运用都存在一定的差异。法官思维的复杂性与力求保持法律的统一性注定法官思维必须形成统一的法律职业性思维。正确行使法官的法律思维具有十分重要的现实意义,只有这样才能维护司法的公正性和司法的权威性,法治国家才得以实现。正是基于此意义,本文试图论述法官在司法过程中的思维是理性的科学的技术活动,是法官职业化建设的内在核心内容,也是社会法治化的重要保障,力求为进一步探索和完善法官法律思维寻求有效的方式和途径。 全文共分为五部分: 第一部分,通过对司法实践中发生的争议性案件的反思,提出法官法律思维对实现司法公正的重要意义,并简要分析了国内外的研究现状以及研究意义。 第二部分,从思维和法官思维的基本概念入手,论述了法官法律思维的特征和构成要素,为下文论述铺下一个大体的理论结构。 第三部分,从司法公正与法官法律思维的关系入手,论述了实现司法公正需要法官的法律思维。 第四部分,分析了目前我国法官法律思维存在的问题,力求为解决方案提供有效的参考依据。 第五部分,根据中国法官的实际情况,提出了法官思维的转型及制度性完善,旨在对司法改革的进程起到抛砖引玉作用。 There is close connection between Judicial justice and judges' legal thinking. Justicedoes not deny the judicial discretion exists, but justice must according to the spirit of the law,legal value idea must apply to the law. If lack of the legal thinking ability, the same laws mayhave different consequences, the same problems do not get the same treatment, justice cannotbe achieved. Although in many complex factors, judge's legal thinking is not the sufficientcondition of realizing judicial justice, but the judge's legal thinking is one of the necessaryconditions to realize judicial justice. In pursuit of advocating justice today, the realization ofthe rule of law depends on the judicial process of monocracy, the legal thinking is veryimportant. Although the research of judge's legal thinking is not a new problem in theory andpractice. But overall, in real life,the phenomenon of' the same case reach has different trialresults everywhere'. In the face of judicial torture, investigating its reason of each judge legalthinking theory is different. The judge thinking complexity and strive to maintain theuniformity of law, the judges are doomed to form a unified legal occupation thinking. Thecorrect exercise of judges' legal thinking is very important.It has practical significance, onlythis can maintain judicial justice and judicial authority, ruling the country by law can berealized. It is based on this point, this paper attempts to discuss the judges in the judicialprocess is the rational thinking of science and technology activities, is a judge occupationconstruction inner core content, but also the rule of law in the society 's important guarantee,and strive for the further exploration and improve the legal thinking to seek efficient way. The full text is divided into five parts: The first part, through to the judicial practice in the dispute case of reflection, putforward the legal thinking on the significance of realizing judicial justice. And a brief analysisof the domestic and international research situation and significance of the research. The second part, from the thinking of the judge 's basic concept, discussing the judges ofthe legal thinking features and elements, as discussed below under a general theoreticalstructure. The third part, from the judicial justice and judge the relation proceed with legal thinking,this paper discusses the realization of judicial justice needs the legal thinking. The fourth part, analysis of the current Chinese judges' legal thinking problems, andstrive to provide solutions to provide reference. The fifth part, according to the actual situation of Chinese judge, puting forward thethinking of the judge 's transformation and system perfect, in order to play a role in process ofjudicial reform.

关 键 词: 法官 法律思维 司法公正

分 类 号: [D916.2]

领  域: [政治法律]


作者 黄笑君
作者 陈婷
作者 李路
作者 吴家豪
作者 马廉颇


机构 中山大学
机构 暨南大学
机构 华南理工大学法学院
机构 中山大学法学院
机构 华南师范大学法学院


作者 康秋实
作者 廖伟导
作者 廖芳
作者 张万坤
作者 张光亚