导 师: 吕拉昌
学科专业: 070502
授予学位: 硕士
作 者: ;
机构地区: 广州大学
摘 要: 区域发展不平衡是当今社会的热点问题。区域发展不平衡不仅表现在经济上,在发展的其他环节如社会环境、教育医疗等方面同样存在巨大差异。包容性发展作为一种新的发展观,得到世界范围尤其是亚洲地区的认可,不同于可持续发展,它的主要目的是让全体民众共享发展的成果,故其发展理念更加注重发展的公平性,更加关注民生。总体来说,目前关于包容性发展的研究多在概念的初步诠释和其内涵的初步理解上,这与社会包容性发展的趋势不相适应。包容性发展,其中一个至关重要的问题,是如何对一个地区进行包容性发展进行评估,即如何建立合理的包容性发展评估体系,这应当是包容性发展接下来的研究重点,也是难点。 广东省是我国改革开放的排头兵,但随着经济的发展,区域发展极不平衡,而针对广东省欠发达地区的研究有多集中在经济方面,有失偏颇。本文在第一章中介绍了包容性发展的相关理论概念,第三章进一步分析了可持续发展与包容性发展的异同,认为包容性发展是可持续发展的进一步延伸,更加明确了包容性发展是一种注重发展机会公平,发展利益共享的一种发展,并据此构建了一套包容性发展水平评估体系。即把包容性发展分为经济发展、社会发展、民生建设发展三个子系统,在评估的过程中运用主成分分析法、聚类分析法进行分析研究。最后得出广东省欠发达地区中粤北地区包容性发展最好,粤东地区次之,粤西地区最末。在文章的第五章中与珠三角对比分析找出了影响广东省欠发达地区包容性发展的影响因素,并根据前文对包容性发展进行研究,从解决欠发达地区包容性发展的途径——产业结构的调整和收入分配优化进行实证分析。 Unbalanced regional development is a social focus, not only in economic field, but also inother fields such as social environment, education and medical treatment. As a new concept ofdevelopment view, Inclusive development is recognized worldwide, especially in Asia.Different from Sustainable development, the purpose of Inclusive development is to let allpeople share development achievements, pay more attention to the development fairness andlivelihood. But so far, the research of Inclusive development has just started, and can't fit intoday's society. How to assess a region' Inclusive development level is an important issue. Inother words, how to establish Inclusive development assessment has become the focus of theresearch. Since the reform and opening, Guangdong's economic has been has been ranked first. Butwith the economic development, unbalanced development of region is extremely obvious, andthe research in Guangdong underdeveloped areas is too little. In chapter one, this paperintroduces the related theory and concept of inclusive development. In the chapter three, wefurther analysis the similarities and differences between Sustainable development andInclusive development. After analysis the two chapters, we recognize that Inclusivedevelopment is a further extension of sustainable development, and we further confirm thatInclusive development is a new development which is more focus on equity developmentopportunities and benefit-sharing. Hereby, we establish an assessment system of Inclusivedevelopment. In this assessment system, we have divided Inclusive development into threesubsystem: economic development, social development, Construction of livelihood. Usingprincipal component analysis and cluster analysis in the assess process, we found NorthernGuangdong have got the highest score in Guangdong underdeveloped areas, EasternGuangdong following, Western Guangdong worst. Contrasting to the Pearl River Delta andless developed regions,we identified the factors that affect the Inclusive development ofGuangdong underdeveloped areas. In summary the research, we found that the way to theinclusive development of the underdeveloped areas is to adjust the industrial structure andoptimize income distribution, also we have analysis on the two aspects.
分 类 号: [F127 F224]