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An Experimental Study on the Application of Lexical-chunk Theory to English Vocabulary Teaching in Junior Three

导  师: 汪立荣

学科专业: 040102

授予学位: 硕士

作  者: ;

机构地区: 广州大学

摘  要: 词汇是语言的三大要素之一,对于二语和外语教学来说,词汇教学非常重要。语言学家Wilkins曾说过这样一句话:“没有语法,我们很难用语言沟通;然而,没有词汇,我们简直就无法用语言沟通。”然而,直到二十世纪七十年代,词汇教学在应用语言学的领域中才得到应有的发展。 直到二十世纪八十年代,研究者们对词汇教学才有了新的认识。他们发现大量的半固定或固定的语言结构存在于英语自然语言中。这些模式化的结构/(lexical chunks/)兼有句法和词汇的双重特征。它们作为一个整体储存在我们的大脑中,供我们提取使用。这样的预制语块构成了大部分的日常会话。语言不是由词汇化的语法而是由语法化的词汇构成的/(Lewis,1993/)。词块的存在有助于促进语言处理的速度,对促进语言的习得也同样具有重要的意义。 近年来,语言学家和语言教学专家对词块教学在英语教学中的作用进行了广泛地关注。他们发现词块教学能帮助学生更加有效地掌握词汇。首先,词块的含义讲究整体性;其次,在语境的帮助下,学生很容易就能理解词块的含义;再次,只要学生掌握了词块,他们就能快速而准确地表达自己。使用词块教学法的教师在教学时更重视词块的教学而不仅仅局限于语言知识的分析。这种新的教学法在语言教学中可谓是一种成功的尝试,它为我们提供了一种有效的方法,帮助我们解决了语言词汇教学中一直令我们困惑的难题。然而,对词块教学的研究大部分停留在理论探讨阶段,实证性的研究比较少。 本文的作者提倡使用词块教学并且在论文中积极地探索如何通过词块教学来促进初三词汇教学。作者通过实验对词块教学进行了深入的研究。本次实验选取初三的两个平行班作为实验班和对照班。此实验旨在验证以下两个假设:1)在初三应用词块教学有助于促进学生的词汇学习;2)词块教学能促进初三的词汇教学。 在实验期间,学生进行了前后两次的词块测试以及问卷调查,在实验开始前参加了初二第二学期的期末考,在实验差不多结束时还参加了初三第一学期的期末考,以上实验的所有数据都是通过SPSS来统计分析的。通过这次实验,我们发现在初三英语词汇教学中应用词块教学是合理有效的,也就是说,词块教学能够促进英语词汇教学以及有助于学生更有效地学习词汇。 Vocabulary is an essential part of a language. Wilkins /(1972:9-10/) pointed outthat “Very little can be conveyed without grammar, while nothing can be conveyedwithout vocabulary.” In the second or foreign language teaching, vocabularyteaching plays an important role. However, the research of vocabulary teachingdidn’t develop in the field of applied linguistics until the1970s. Researchers had a new insight into vocabulary teaching in the1980s. Theyfound that there were a large number of semi-fixed or fixed expressions /(i.e. lexicalchunks/) in English natural speech. Lexical chunks have the features of syntax.People store, retrieve and use them as a whole. Lexical chunks make up most of theeveryday conversation. Michael Lewis /(1993/) claimed that language consisted ofgrammatical lexis, not lexical grammar. The existence of lexical chunks can help toimprove the language processing and foster the language acquisition. Linguists and language teaching experts have paid much attention to the lexicalchunk instruction in recent years. It is found that lexical chunk instruction can makelearners master vocabulary more effectively. Firstly, the meanings of lexical chunksare relatively integrated but not isolated. Secondly, the students can easilyunderstand the meanings of lexical chunks with the help of the context. Finally,once learners have mastered the lexical chunks, it will be easier and faster for themto search for appropriate expressions while using. The teachers using the lexicalapproach will be more likely to lead the learners to concentrate on lexical chunkswhile they will not analyze the target language in class. This new approach isregarded as a successful attempt at language learning and teaching. However, thestudies of lexical chunk instruction are mostly on the theoretical level and there arestill many practical problems to be explored. In this thesis, the lexical chunk approach is to be explored to improve Englishvocabulary teaching in Junior3. The author also tries to review lexical chunk theoryand attempts to find a way out to put the theory into practice. The author mainly explores the vocabulary teaching through lexical chunks by carrying out anexperimental study. The subjects of this research are100students from twoequal-level classes in Junior Three. There are two hypotheses in this research: a/)The lexical chunk instruction in Junior3can improve the students’ vocabularylearning. b/) The lexical approach can improve the vocabulary teaching in Junior3. During the experimental period, two lexical chunk tests, two questionnaires andtwo final exams were given to the students. The author analyzed the quantitativeresults by SPSS. Through this experiment, we find that it is feasible to apply lexicalchunks to Junior3English vocabulary teaching. The lexical chunk approach canhelp to enhance the vocabulary teaching and therefore help Junior3learners acquirevocabulary more effectively.

关 键 词: 词块 词汇教学 词汇学习 初三学生

分 类 号: [G633.41]

领  域: [文化科学]


作者 张丽茹
作者 谢文乔
作者 朱楚慧
作者 袁朝阳
作者 罗玉梅


机构 华南师范大学
机构 广东外语外贸大学
机构 广州大学
机构 中山大学
机构 中山大学外国语学院


作者 庞菊香
作者 康超
作者 廖燕萍
作者 廖荆梅
作者 张丽娟