导 师: 田晓燕
学科专业: 040102
授予学位: 硕士
作 者: ;
机构地区: 广州大学
摘 要: 写作是一个如何寻找最有效的语言进行思想感情交流的连续过程。在多年的初中英语教学实践中,作者发现绝大多数学生的英语写作很不理想,英语写作也一直是教学中最薄弱的环节。 针对初中学生本身英语基础比较薄弱、缺乏对写作的重视与兴趣的现状,本研究尝试着把图式理论带进阅读与作文教学中来,让学生“以读促写”,把阅读中学到的写作知识运用到自己的作文中,提高读写能力。根据读写结合可行性理论:作者对中山市永宁中学初三年级的90名学生开展为期8周的英语写作教学实验对比研究。结果表明,读写相结合的英语写作教学模式对于提高初中学生的写作水平有着积极的促进作用。 本文是以图式理论以及输入输出理论为理论基础,探讨“以读促写”对初中学生英语写作能力的影响,以期能对初中英语写作课的教学提供一些新思路。为了验证这一方法的效果,研究者开展了一项英语写作教学法的比较实验。该实验旨在通过教学实践比较“以读促写法”与“传统法”对于提高初中学生英语写作水平的有效性。本实验共包含三个研究问题:1).“以读促写”法是否比传统的方法更能有效提高对初中学生作文的写作质量?2).“以读促写”法能否丰富初中学生英语写作的策略?3).“以读促写”法能否提高初中学生英语写作的兴趣? 受试者为中山市永宁中学初三年级的90名学生。在为期8周、每周2节、每节45分钟的教学实验中,实验之前进行了一次前测和问卷调查,实验结束之后进行了一次后测和问卷调查。所有采集到的数据进行统计,以分析与对比学生实验前后英语写作水平发生的变化。 结果表明,通过教学实践取得的效果,证明了在学生层次不高的初三英语教学中,采用“以读促写”的英语写作训练是完全可行的。它不仅能提高学生英语的写作能力,而且还能增强学习成就感,提高学习英语的兴趣和自信心,帮助学生养成良好的英语写作方法。同时研究还发现,“以读促写法”对英语教师提出了更高的要求,教师需要在教学过程中熟练地使用策略并在教学实践中不断成长。 受各种因素影响,本研究尚存在一些不足之处,如:样本含量不够大,实验时间不长,研究方法还不是很完善等,都有待后续研究。希望本文的研究能对初中学生的学习与写作教师的教学有所帮助。 Writing is a continuous process to search for the most effective language to communicatethoughts and emotions. After years of English teaching practice in junior high school, theauthor found that the vast majority of students in English writing are far from ideal. In China,English writing is always the weakest segment of English teaching. Junior high schoolstudents are relatively weak in English and lack of attention and interest in writing, this studyattempts to introduce reading-to-write to train students’ basic writing skills. The experimentshows reading-to-write has positive effects on English writing. It helps the students learn howto use the language appropriately and achieve coherence and unity in the whole writingprocess. It is generally believed that because reading and writing are so interconnected and aresuch mutually enhancing activities that one cannot hope to become a good writer withoutbeing a good reader. The present thesis, whose theoretical bases are schema theory, Krashen's comprehensibleInput Hypothesis, Swain’s comprehensible Output Hypothesis, and relevant researches onreading and writing, and puts forward the reading-based English writing instructive approachwith the purpose of providing some new ideas for the writing instruction. To verify the effectof this approach, the researcher carries out an experimental study to compare the effectivenessof Reading-based Writing Instruction and traditional knowledge-based Writing Instruction onimproving junior high school students’ writing performance. The research questions to beaddressed in this study are as follows:1/). Is reading-to-write method better in improvingjunior high school students’ writing performance than the traditional method?2/). Canreading-to-write method enrich junior high school students’ writing strategies?3/). Canreading-to-write method arouse junior high school students’ writing interest? Therefore,90junior high school students who are all from Grade Three in YongNingMiddle School participated in the experiment according to the method of integrating writingwith reading. The experiment lasted8weeks and each week the students took2classes/(Every lesson lasts45minutes/). The instruments of this study were two writing tests and2questionnaires. Pretest and posttest were carried out in order to get data on writingcompetence before and after the experiment. Two questionnaires were conducted toinvestigate the students’ interest changes and the use of reading and writing strategies. All thedata are collected and analyzed to compare the changes of students’ writing performancebefore and after the experiment. The result shows that both approaches can improve students’ writing performance, butReading-to-Write Instruction produces a better teaching outcome, because it can arousestudents’ interest and self-confidence, improve students’ English writing strategies, andexpand students’ writing ideas. Meanwhile the research indicates that, the teachers undertakemore challenges under Reading-to-Write approach. They need to use strategies expertlyduring the teaching process and develop themselves through the teaching practice. Though the experiment has been finished as it is planned, the present study fails to avoidsome limitations, such as the small sample number, a relatively short experimental time andimperfect research methods, etc. Therefore, the results leave much to be improved and ishoped that further research.
分 类 号: [G633.41]
领 域: [文化科学]