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An Empirical Study on Teaching of English Prepositions in Secondary Schools from the Perspective of Cognitive Linguistics

导  师: 肖坤学

学科专业: 040102

授予学位: 硕士

作  者: ;

机构地区: 广州大学

摘  要: 英语介词从结构上分为简单介词、合成介词、带-ing词尾介词与成语介词,按意思来分则有引导时间短语的介词、引导地点短语的介词和引导其他短语的介词。从这些不同的分类可知,英语介词的教与学具有一定的复杂性,也因此备受学术界的关注。 一直以来,结构主义和生成语法语言学对英语介词的研究多限于介词的核心语义及其搭配。受其影响,传统英语教学认为英语介词教学无章可循,故多采用直观法实施教学,主张学生死记英语介词的核心语义及其搭配。诚然,这样的教学方法对学生学习英语介词不无作用,但是对介词的掌握远非其核心语义及其搭配。事实上,英语介词与其他词类一样具有多义性特点,而且其不同义项之间也同样可以从认知层面获得解释。众所周知,语言学的研究成果是教学方法的重要理论来源之一,英语介词语义的认知阐释自然也对英语介词教学具有启示作用。 本课题的目的在于运用认知语言学的意象图示理论和图形背景理论从认知角度阐释英语介词的语义、基于认知语言学的原型范畴理论与概念隐喻理论分析英语介词的内部语义关系,进而探讨英语介词教学的有效方法。本课题的具体研究问题包括1)从认知角度解释英语介词的语义是否能促进英语介词教学?2)英语介词认知阐释观照下的教学方法是否较传统教学方法更为有效? 本课题采用定性与定量相结合的研究方法。具体为:1)个案研究法,即运用认知语言学的相关理论从认知角度对英语介词语义做出解释;2)实验法,即运用实验的方法检验认知阐释观照下英语介词教学的效果。实验以广州一所中等学校英语基础相当的两个班的学生为受试,实验组基于英语介词的认知阐释进行教学,控制组采用传统方法实施英语介词教学。 研究结果显示,实验组的学生愿意接受新的教学方法,对英语介词的理解和运用水平远高于控制组的学生。 本研究是探索英语介词教学途径的一次有益尝试。研究结果表明,认知语言学对英语介词的阐释对英语介词教学具有很好的启示作用。我们相信,随着认知语言学研究的不断深入,其对英语教学的影响定将愈加明显。 English prepositions are classified into simple prepositions, compoundprepositions and–ing prepositions according to their structure. Meanwhile, accordingto their meaning, prepositions can also be classified into temporal prepositions,location prepositions and other phrasal prepositions. From these classifications, it canbe inferred that the English prepositions pose much difficulty for teaching and leaning.Therefore, the prepositions have attracted much attention in the academic field. For a long time, the preposition researches of structural linguists and generativetransformation grammar linguists focus on the core meanings and the collocations ofprepositions. Influenced by these researches, traditional English teaching offer noeffective guidelines to help teachers or learners. Teachers just require their students tolearn by rote the core meanings and the collocations of prepositions. Undoubtedly,this requirement helps in some way. But preposition learning means more than therote learning. Actually, like other word classes, prepositions are polysemous.Moreover, the various senses of a given preposition can be explained from thecognitive perspectives. As is know to all, the research findings of linguistics are oneof the theoretical foundations of language teaching methodology. It naturally followsthat the cognitive explanation of the senses of prepositions offers more insights intothe effective teaching and learning of prepositions. In this thesis, cognitive theories, like the image schema theory, the prototypetheory, and the conceptual metaphor theory, are employed to analyze the meanings ofprepositions and the internal relationship between the different senses of a givenpreposition. The purpose of the analysis is to explore more effective ways to teachEnglish prepositions. There are two research questions:1/) Whether the analysis of thesemantic network of prepositions based on cognitive perspective can improve theteaching of English prepositions? and2/) Is it more efficient to teach the Englishprepositions from the perspective of cognitive linguistics than traditional teachingmethodology? This research adopts both the qualitative and the quantitative approaches. To bespecific, there are two methods. One is the case study, in which the semanticmeanings of English prepositions are analyzed with relevant theories from cognitivelinguistics. The other is the experiment study. The effectiveness of the cognitiveteaching method for prepositions is dealt with by means of experiments. Two classes,from a secondary vocational school in Guangzhou, participated in the experiment.The subjects are at the same level in terms of their English proficiency. Theexperiment group is taught with the cognitive method, while the control group is withthe traditional method. The findings show that the subjects from the experiment group prefer thecognitive teaching method and they understand better and use more effectively thetarget prepositions than those from the control group. The research is a fruitful effort to try new ways to teach and learn Englishprepositions. The findings make it clear that the cognitive explanation of the Englishprepositions is pedagogically meaningful. Therefore, with the development ofcognitive linguistics, English teaching will benefit more.

关 键 词: 认知语言学 原型理论 意象图示 概念隐喻 介词教学方法

分 类 号: [G633.41]

领  域: [文化科学]


作者 罗昕
作者 黄建中
作者 杨雨晨
作者 周恂
作者 佘维玮


机构 华南师范大学
机构 广东外语外贸大学
机构 广州大学
机构 广东技术师范学院
机构 中山大学


作者 庞菊香
作者 康超
作者 廖燕萍
作者 廖荆梅
作者 张丽娟