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A Study Case on School-based Research Improving Teachers' Professional Deveopment

导  师: 林清才

学科专业: 040101

授予学位: 硕士

作  者: ;

机构地区: 广州大学

摘  要: 教师专业发展和校本教研都是新课程改革的两个重要概念。教师专业发展是指教师在其教育实践中不断反思自己的教育教学理念与行为,不断自我调整、自我建构,从而获得持续不断的专业成长。教师专业发展离不开教学,教学无法脱离学校。学校和课堂是教师专业发展的主阵地。校本教研是把关于新课程教学研究的立足点放在学校,以解决学校在新课程改革中所面对的各种具体问题为对象,以学校教师为研究主体,以促进学生健康、主动、充分发展和教师专业成长为主要目的的一种研究活动。校本教研是解决课堂教学实际问题和教师专业发展的有效途径。 本研究选取了梅州市蕉岭县蕉岭中学英语教研组为个案,在对校本教研和教师专业发展进行理论梳理的基础上,以该教研组开展的校本研究为切入点,运用文献法、调查研究法和行动研究法等方法,对校本教研制度、校本教研形式及教师专业发展的情况进行了分析和研究,特别对如何开展校本教研才能更好地促进教师专业发展做了探索和研究。同时,针对学校在校本教研中所存在的一些问题,就如何有效开展校本教研提出了可供操作的意见和建议。经研究得出结论: 1.校本教研是促进教师专业发展的有效途径。 2.加强教研组的组织建设是做好校本教研的基本保障。 3.注重培养教师自我反思能力是提升校本教研质量的基础和前提。 4.教师群体的同伴互助与合作是校本教研的标志与灵魂。 Both teachers’ professional development and school-based research are thetwo important concepts in the new curriculum reform. Teachers’ professionaldevelopment refers to the one where teachers reflect on their educationalteaching ideas and behaviors in the educational practice, and constantly adjustand self-construct, so as to achieve continuous professional development.Teachers’ professional development is inseparable from teaching and teachingcannot break away from the school. Schools and classroom teaching are themain base of teachers’ professional development. School-based research lay itsfoothold on the new course teaching research to school, aiming to solve researchactivities, whose object is to face the specific problems of the schools in the newcurriculum reforms and whose main body is the teachers at schools, thus topromote the students’ healthy, active and full development and teacher’sprofessional development. School-based research is the effective way to solvepractical problems of classroom teaching and teachers’ professionaldevelopment. This study selected the educational research group of English of Jiao LingMiddle School in Meizhou City as the case. On the basis of the theoreticalanalysis of teachers’ professional development and school-based research, withthe school-based research carried out by the educational research group as astarting points, by using some qualitative research,including the methods ofliterature, survey research and action research, the study explores theschool-based research system, school-based research form and teachers’professional development. It in particularly mainly probes and studies on how tobetter the teachers’ professional development while carrying out theschool-based research. Meanwhile, in view of some problems existed in theschool-based research, the study puts forward some practical suggestions and opinions. They are as follows: 1. School-based research is the effective way to improve teachers’ professionaldevelopment 2. To strengthen the organization development of the educational research groupis the basic protection to carry out the school-based research 3. To emphasize and cultivate the teachers’ self-reflection ability is thefoundation and premise to improve the quality of the School-based research 4. Teachers’ collective mutual assistance and cooperation is the sign and soul ofthe school-based research

关 键 词: 教师专业发展 校本教研 个案研究

分 类 号: [G451]

领  域: [文化科学] [文化科学]


作者 江碧科
作者 邱瑞吟
作者 毛道伟
作者 蔺海沣
作者 黎万红


机构 华南师范大学
机构 中山大学
机构 香港中文大学
机构 广州大学
机构 广东外语外贸大学


作者 庞菊香
作者 康超
作者 廖燕萍
作者 廖荆梅
作者 张丽娟