导 师: 聂衍刚
学科专业: 040202
授予学位: 硕士
作 者: ;
机构地区: 广州大学
摘 要: 本研究以1780名中学生为被试,通过自编《青少年现实-理想自我差异问卷》,同时采用了流调中心用抑郁量表(CES-D)、焦虑自评量表(SAS)和Nolen-Hoeksema的沉思反应量表(RRS),调查了青少年的现实自我、理想自我和现实-理想自我差异的发展特点,考察了中国文化背景下青少年现实和理想自我差异的情绪效应,初步探讨现实-理想自我差异、抑郁和沉思反应的关系。继而从817名被试中,筛选了高自我差异组(n=40)和低自我差异组(n=40)被试,采用Stroop任务实验范式,每组被试随机分成两种诱导方式——沉思或分心诱导,成功诱导的有效被试61名,之后要求被试忽视不同性质情绪面孔而对面孔的边框颜色做反应,以反应时作为指标,深入探讨了沉思和分心对青少年现实和理想自我差异的作用机制。 研究结果表明: (1)青少年现实-理想自我差异问卷主要由学业自我、社交自我、体貌自我、家庭自我和品德自我5个维度构成;因子解释率达48.411/%,该量表具有很好的信度和效度; (2)青少年自我差异由高到低,依次为学业自我差异、品德自我差异、家庭自我差异和社交自我差异,最低的是体貌自我差异; (3)青少年自我差异总体上随年级的增长而增大,且在社交自我差异和学业自我差异上年级差异显著,年级越高,差异越大; (4)青少年自我差异与焦虑、抑郁都呈显著正相关,体貌自我差异和家庭自我差异能很好地预测焦虑,家庭自我差异、体貌自我差异和社交自我差异能很好地预测抑郁; (5)路径分析发现:自我差异可以直接影响抑郁,也可以经沉思反应的中介作用间接影响抑郁; (6)对正性和负性情绪面孔的边框颜色判断时,高自我差异被试在沉思和分心诱导下差异显著; (7)分心诱导下的高自我差异被试对正性情绪面孔更加关注; (8)沉思和分心方式对高低自我差异个体的作用机制不同。 In this study1780high school students were invited by the Adolescent’s ActualSelf and Ideal Self Questionnaire that by adopting self-designed,CES-D, SAS andRRS. To investigate the level and characteristics of actual self, ideal self andactual-ideal self discrepancy in adolescent. and investigate the mood effect ofself-discrepancy under Chinese cultural background. To explore the relationshipsbetween actual-ideal self discrepancy, rumination and depression. Then eligiblesubjects were rated as the high self-discrepancies /(n=40/) and the lowself-discrepancies/(n=40/) from817students, First, Each group of subjects wererandomly divided into2groups, and respectively executed induced rumination anddistraction task, finally61students were induced successfully in stroop task. Second,required the participants judge border color of mood faces in stroop task, and recordthe response time as index. Discuss the mechanism of rumination and distraction toactual-ideal self discrepancy. The results show that, /(1/) The Self-discrepancy questionnaires, including5correspondent factors whichare social self, moral self, academic self, physical self and family self, They couldexplain48.411/%of the total variances and had acceptable credibility and validity. /(2/) The adolescents’ self discrepancy from high to low in order as academic self,moral self, family self,social self and physical self. /(3/) The different grades were significant difference in self discrepancy. With therise of grades, the gap of actual-ideal self discrepancy showed a rising trend.Especially in the social self-discrepancy and academic self-discrepancy. /(4/) The self discrepancy was positively correlated with depression and anxiety.Physical self-discrepancy and family self-discrepancy can predict the anxiety, Thefamily self-discrepancy, physical self-discrepancy and social self can predict thedepression. /(5/) Through path analysis, Self discrepancy influenced depression directly,andwhile self discrepancy indirectly influence depression through rumination。 /(6/) When judge border color of positive and negative mood faces, high selfdiscrepancy were significant difference under rumination and distraction inducing. /(7/) Under distraction inducing. The high self discrepancy pay more attention topositive mood faces. The low self discrepancy pay more attention to neutral moodfaces. /(8/) Rumination and distraction has different mechanism to high-low selfdiscrepancies.
分 类 号: [B844.2]