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The Impact Study of English Curriculum Resources on the Quality of English Teaching in Rural Junior High Schools

导  师: 肖建彬

学科专业: 040101

授予学位: 硕士

作  者: ;

机构地区: 广州大学

摘  要: 一个不争的事实是,在相当长的一个时期里,我国的基础教育发展极不均衡,虽然表现是多方面的,但最终则集中反映在城乡学校教学质量存在较大差距,而且这种差距还有进一步拉大的趋势。教育公平是我国教育事业乃至整个社会持续发展的基础,要实现教育公平就必须促进城乡教育均衡发展,必须快速提升农村学校的教学质量,包括英语学科教学质量。 英语学科是我国基础教育课程方案中的重要学科,研究成果汗牛充栋,然而,直至目前为止,学界关于农村初中英语教学质量的因素研究仍然缺乏对英语课程资源的深入关注。本研究选取“农村初中英语”这一领域,探讨英语课程资源对农村初中英语教学质量的影响。本研究认为:影响农村初中英语教学质量的因素是多种多样的,其中就包括英语课程资源;课程资源是形成课程要素的基本来源和影响课程实施的必备条件,包括教师、物质资源和环境与政策资源;英语课程资源的丰富程度与适切程度直接影响着英语课程的顺利实施。 经过文献分析、理论探讨和实证研究,本研究得出如下结论:1、英语课程资源贫乏的现状已经严重影响着农村初中英语教学质量提升;2、不同的英语课程资源对农村初中英语教学质量的影响是不同的,而教师是影响农村初中英语教学质量的最关键因素;3、在英语课程的物质资源中,直接影响农村初中英语教学质量的是其物质资源的丰富性与适切性;4、英语课程的环境与政策资源主要是通过影响英语课程其他资源的建设来间接影响初中英语教学质量的。 为此,本研究建议:1、教育行政部门和学校要高度重视并统筹规划好农村初中英语课程资源的建设;2、要切实提升农村初中教师的专业化水平,特别是要加强农村初中英语教师的教育修养,提高农村初中英语教师培训的有效性,构建农村初中英语教师交流合作的平台;3、在英语课程物质资源的建设方面,要特别注重“丰富性”与“适切性”,特别重视校内外英语课程物质资源的综合开发和有效利用;4、在环境与政策资源建设方面,学校管理者应该为加强英语课程资源建设提供“资源支持”,加大对英语课程资源建设的经费与物资投入。 An indisputable fact is that the imbalanced development of fundamental educationin China has existed for many years, which is typically reflected in the great distancebetween teaching qualities in urban and rural areas. Fairness is the foundation ofeducation and it concerns the sustainable development of the whole society. Thus, thereis a necessity to promote countryside’s education quality, including English teachingquality. English is one of the crucial subjects in our country’s primary education program.Research related to it is in abundance. So far, however, there are few studies on EnglishCurriculum Resources /(ECR/) with regard to English teaching quality in rural junior highschools. This study hence selects them as its research target and explores their influenceson the quality of rural English education. The research finds that factors affecting juniorEnglish teaching in rural areas are numerous, among which are ECR. As a source ofcurriculum elements, curriculum resources are the prerequisite for implementation of allcourses. They consist of teacher resources, material resources, as well as environmentand policy resources. The variety and pertinence of ECR have immediate impact onwhether English courses are carried out successfully or not. After literature review, theory exploration and case study, the author reaches theconclusion as follows. Firstly, the scarcity of ECR has severely hindered theimprovement of junior English teaching in rural schools. Secondly, different ECR havedifferent effects on rural English teaching, among which teacher resources are the mostcrucial ones. Thirdly, the variety and pertinence of material resources affect the qualitydirectly. Fourthly, environment and policy resources have an indirect effect on the qualityof English teaching. Therefore, this study gives suggestions as follows. Firstly, the governmentdepartment related and schools should highlight and have a sound plan for thedevelopment of ECR in junior high schools of countryside. Secondly, professionalknowledge of rural junior teachers must be improved and the validity of rural teachers’training must be enhanced. Besides, platforms, for the purpose of exchanges and cooperation, like learning community could be constructed. Thirdly, great emphasisshould be placed on the principles of "abundance" and "suitability", and on makingeffective use of material resources both inside and outside schools. Fourthly, schoolmanagement should provide supports for ECR development by strengthening investmentin funds, places and materials.

关 键 词: 农村初中 英语课程资源 英语教学质量

分 类 号: [G633.41]

领  域: [文化科学]


作者 曾令志
作者 王福
作者 李丽诗
作者 宋海燕
作者 曾元林


机构 广东培正学院
机构 广东外语外贸大学英语教育学院
机构 华南师范大学增城学院外语系
机构 华南师范大学
机构 广东轻工职业技术学院


作者 庞菊香
作者 康超
作者 廖燕萍
作者 廖荆梅
作者 张丽娟