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Influential Elements and Existing Situation of Practical Teaching in Vocational Colleges

导  师: 叶平枝

学科专业: 040101

授予学位: 硕士

作  者: ;

机构地区: 广州大学

摘  要: 加强实践教学,切实提高大学生实践能力,已成为当前我国高等教育发展的一项重要内容。高职院校,作为向地方培养和输送高级技术人才的重要基地,尤其必须注重强化实践教学环节,促其成为特色。以实践教学作为提高高职院校教育质量的突破口,已经成为理论界和实践界的共识。然而,目前关于高职院校的实践教学体系的研究还很薄弱。究其原因,实践教学的研究不足和现实困境是一个重要方面。为进一步深化我国高职院校实践教学发展,建构适合时代发展与可行的实践教学体系,探讨高职院校实践教学环节发展的困境,也就是实践教学开展的影响因素,了解各影响因素的现状并分析,已成为亟需解决的课题。 本研究结合实践探索与理论思考,通过文献、访谈等方法,提出实践教学开展的影响因素;在此基础上,开展问卷编制与调查,进行统计分析,进而验证其影响因素并进行现状分析。通过理论假设并经实证分析,得出高职院校实践教学影响因素是条件、投入、态度和成效四方面,进而分析其四因素的现状,为实践教学的深入开展提供对策依据。 根据高职院校实践教学环节开展现状,提出建议和对策:不断培养高职院校实践教学发展所需的双师型教师;加强高职院校人才培养模式改革;进一步提升学生的拓展能力,提升高职院校人才培养的质量和水平,真正做到为社会人才需求服务。 One of the most important tasks for higher education development inChina is to strengthen practical teaching and effectively improve thepractical capability of college students. As an important basis ofeducating and distributing senior technical talents to local markets,vocational colleges shall pay extra attention to practical education andkeep it as one of the characteristics. It is the common sense amongtheorists and practitioners that practical teaching shall serve as thebreakthrough to improve the education quality in vocational colleges.However, there is little study so far on practical teaching system invocational colleges. One of the reasons is the shortage of study onpractical teaching due to the realistic predicament. In order to furtherdeepen the practical teaching development in vocational colleges and buildup a workable practical teaching system compatible with the epoch, it isan urgent topic to discuss the predicament encountered by vocationalcolleges like the influential elements for carrying out practical teaching,understanding and analyzing the existing situation of all kinds ofinfluential factors. Having combined practical exploration with theoretical thinking, thisarticle put forward to the influential factors in the development ofpractical teaching with the help of documents, interviews and so on; thenit deals with questionnaire preparation and investigation tomake statistical analysis, further verify the influential factors andanalyze the existing situation. After making theoretical hypothesis andempirical analysis, it is found out that the influential factors ofdeveloping practical teaching in vocational colleges involve four aspectscondition, contribution, attitude and efficiency; and then, the articleanalyzes the existing situation of the four factors to offer the groundfor the countermeasure of deeply carrying out practical teaching. This thesis also presents suggestions and countermeasure for theexisting situation of practical teaching in vocational colleges, such ascultivation of the double qualified teachers necessary for the developmentof practical teaching in vocational colleges, strengthening the reform thetalent cultivation mode in vocational colleges; further enhance students’capability and improve the quality and ability of talent cultivation invocational colleges so that the college can really provide service for thesociety.

关 键 词: 高职院校 实践教学 影响因素 现状

分 类 号: [G712.4]

领  域: [文化科学] [文化科学]


作者 钟秀英
作者 施佩刁
作者 林海
作者 刘淑仪
作者 燕艳


机构 暨南大学
机构 华南理工大学
机构 东莞职业技术学院
机构 华南师范大学
机构 广东轻工职业技术学院


作者 庞菊香
作者 康超
作者 廖燕萍
作者 廖荆梅
作者 张丽娟