导 师: 屈哨兵
学科专业: 050102
授予学位: 硕士
作 者: ;
机构地区: 广州大学
摘 要: 商品经济的繁荣,广告业的发展,使得广告语言越来越受人们的关注。网络的便捷,使得网购成了商品流通的又一个平台,网络广告为广告语言增添了新活力。迄今为止,我们对广告语言的研究成果已颇丰,对于广告语言中下一个层级颜色词的研究成果也比较多,但对于再下一个层级化妆品广告语言颜色词的研究还尚不多见。本文以化妆品广告语言颜色用词为研究对象,以网络广告为语料的主体来源,运用数据统计、问卷调查等多种手段相结合的方法,细致地分析了化妆品广告语言颜色用词的类别,新兴颜色词的结构模式,并分析了其在结构、音节、语义等方面的特征,建立了化妆品广告语言颜色用词谱系。除此之外,本文还抽取具有代表性的三个词语对化妆品广告语言颜色词进行了个案性的配值分析,从色觉,味觉,消费者性别、年龄,化妆品的使用场合,妆成效果,以及化妆品的品质等多个角度进行了配值分析。化妆品广告语言颜色用词是商品领域具体的一类产品的颜色用词情况,对其他同一层级的颜色用词的分析具有一定的参考性。在本文的分析当中,注重问卷调查的数据分析,尽力挖掘广告受众或说消费者对颜色词的解读,比较真实的反应了广告受众对广告的认知理解,因此,对商品广告在广告策划活动方面具有一定的参考价值。 Advertising is getting increasingly prosperous as the result of the ever fastdevelopment of the commodity economy. Nowadays, with the birth of onlineshopping, network advertising adds new vitality to advertising language. Due to itscrucial role in commerce more and more scholars are becoming interested inadvertising language. So far, many significant research findings have been achieved interms of the color words in advertising language, but studies on the color words incosmetics advertising language are few. Therefore, this thesis chooses the color words in cosmetics advertising languageas our research subject. The data for the present research are network cosmeticsadvertisements. In terms of the research methodology, the quantitative description andquestionnaire survey are adopted in this thesis. In this thesis, the author firstlyanalyzes the categories of the color words in cosmetic advertising language and thestructural mode of new emerging color words in detail; then, the author examines thestructural, syllable and semantic features of color words in cosmetic advertisingrespectively to establish the pedigree of color words in cosmetic advertising. Besides,the author conducts a case study on color collocation of three case samples drawn outfrom color words in the research data, which covers the sense of color and taste,consumer's gender and age, use occasion, makeup effect, and so on. This study focuses on the color wording of a specific type of product amongvarious commodities, the cosmetic product. The research findings may give ideas tothe study on color wording of other specific types of product. What's more, based onthe quantitative analysis of our questionnaire survey, our analysis expounds theconsumer's cognitive understand of color words in cosmetic advertising, which mightoffer some advice to commercial advertising planning.
分 类 号: [H136]
领 域: [语言文字]