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Qualitative Research on English Teacher Management Strategies in Project-based Learning in College Adult Education

导  师: 彭茜

学科专业: 040101

授予学位: 硕士

作  者: ;

机构地区: 广州大学

摘  要: 《成教大专教学基本要求》明确了成教大专英语教学必须能培养学生的综合行动能力的目标。如,团队协调能力、时间管理能力、调研能力、技术操作能力、信息获取和处理能力、处理突发事件能力、专业能力等综合行动能力。然而,我国成教大专毕业生的综合行动能力并未能很好地适应当前社会、经济的发展趋势,远不能达到社会对于综合型人才的要求,因此强调成教大专英语教育的综合性是当务之急。为此,必须改革原先的综合英语的传统教学方法。据此,笔者提出了以项目教学的方法,通过实训的手段提高成教大专生综合行动能力的设想。项目教学法,正是要把学习者融入任务完成的工作过程,在学习中实践,培养学生自主学习的能力。要求学生在执行项目活动中充分发挥除语言之外的能力,譬如交流、理解、合作、学习方法、工作方法等。然而在项目教学实践中,笔者发现学生存在很多困惑,而这些困惑影响能力培养,也削弱了项目教学的效果。所以,笔者通过访谈和观察16位学生,获得了他们在项目教学中存在的困惑,并利用质性研究方法对这些困惑进行编码归类。笔者发现,学生所提出的困惑均体现在综合行动能力的欠缺之上,同时也与教师在项目教学的管理上的缺失有间接或直接的关联。据此,笔者提出了12个方面的教师项目教学管理策略(团队协调;选举组长;时间管理;技术操作;调研;信息的获取和处理;处理突发事件;专业知识;评价;激励手段;话题的命名;自我管理),并将他们引入到第二次项目教学中。实践证明,这16位学生在第二次项目教学中重现之前的困惑通过自主学习、团队合作、教师管理、组长领导的途径获得了全部、大部分或部分的解决。虽然教师项目管理策略不是学生解决困惑的最主要途径,但也是一个重要途径,它为提高学生综合行动能力有着不可替代的积极作用。 According to the 'College Adult Education basic requirements'/(BasicRequirements/), Adult college English teaching must satisfy the trainingobjectives and requirements to graduates major in English.'BasicRequirements' have clearly stated the objective of improving students'comprehensive behavior abilities. So college adult English teaching mustaim to improve students' professional ability as well as othercapabilities, such as teamwork, time management, investigation,technical operation, information acquisition, emergency solving, majorknowledge and so on. However, our college adult graduates' comprehensivebehavior abilities are not well trained enough to adapt to the recentsociety and the economic development tendency, which cannot meet thesocial requirements for comprehensive talents. Emphasizing comprehensivecollege adult English teaching has thus become urgent. In this respect,the traditional ways of teaching Integrated English must be reformed.Hereby the author has come up with the idea that teachers try to improvestudents' comprehensive behavior abilities by PBL.PBL tries to helplearners to gain practical experience during the process of carryingprojects. PBL requires students to finish tasks using their learnedlanguage, which focus on social intercourse and linguistic function. Onthe other hand, PBL requires students to give full play to communicate,understand, cooperate, learn and work. In practice, the author foundthat students have so many confusion when taking PBL and this confusionhave weakened the effect of PBL on training students' comprehensivebehavior abilities. By interviewing and observing16students, the authorhas got their confusion. By encoding and classifying this confusion, whichbelongs to quality research method, the author has reached two categories,insufficient comprehensive behavior abilities of students and the insufficient project management strategies of teachers. Accordingly, theauthor has created12aspects of management strategies, which aremaintaining team harmony, selecting team leaders, managing time,operating technology, investigating, information acquisitioning,getting major knowledge, evaluating, encouraging, naming projectsubject, self-managing. It is proved in the second PBL that using thesestrategies is one of an important access to help students solve the previousconfusion.

关 键 词: 项目教学 教师管理策略 综合行动能力 质性研究

分 类 号: [H319]

领  域: [语言文字]


作者 梁凌
作者 林志文
作者 常锐峰
作者 王士才
作者 林达蓉


机构 华南师范大学
机构 华南师范大学外国语言文化学院
机构 广州大学
机构 广州城市职业学院
机构 广东第二师范学院


作者 彭川
作者 彭晓春
作者 徐云扬
作者 成海涛
作者 曾小敏