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A Study on the Identification of the Postgraduate Academic Misconduct

导  师: 王卫东

学科专业: 040101

授予学位: 硕士

作  者: ;

机构地区: 广州大学

摘  要: 近年来,随着研究生学术不端问题日益凸现,完全将研究生学术不端问题笼统归于一般意义的学术不端问题加以研究,显然已无法满足研究生培养的理论和实务需求。强调研究生的独特身份,重视研究生学术不端治理具体环节,专门开展针对研究生学术不端问题治理的研究,已显得十分必要。正是在此背景下,本研究立足研究生学术不端问题实务,通过借助文献归纳和比较分析的方法,围绕研究生的身份特殊性和行为主体性,选取学术不端的认定作为切入点和主要研究内容。其根本目的在于,通过对研究生学术不端及其认定的概念与内涵进行理论探讨,概括分析美国与我国研究生学术不端认定的现状和经验问题,在此基础上提出若干思路建议,为改进我国研究生学术不端认定提供一些借益和启示。 本论文认为,研究生学术不端是在研究生培养过程中,研究生恶意违反学术共同体所公认并获统一遵守的学术道德和学术规范,以及违反作为研究生所应遵循的学术纪律和规范的各种不良学术行为。研究生学术不端认定则是有权认定主体依据一定的认定标准,按照特定的认定程序,对于研究生学术不端行为予以确认的过程。其具有过程性、程序性、法律性、学术性和教育性的内在属性,以及学术价值、制度价值、精神价值和教育价值等价值体现。 为了更好地研究我国研究生学术不端认定问题,本论文选取在这方面经验较为先进的美国,就其研究生学术不端认定的主体、标准、程序、结果、环境等问题进行了介绍和分析。美国的研究生学术不端认定具有明确标准体系,多元制衡的主体结构,注重程序正义和权利保护,强调学术自由和研究生主体参与,重视教育补救的结果,以及拥有良好的运行环境等。虽然也存在认定标准不统一、法律渊源体系复杂、程序正义成本过大等问题,但是不可否认美国在研究生学术不端认定方面有着比较成熟的制度经验值得我们适当借鉴。 我国研究生学术不端认定方面存在的主要问题是:标准模糊、主体单一、程序欠缺、结果乏力、环境缺失以及认定措施创新不足。据此,本研究提出改进我国研究生学术不端认定问题的如下基本原则:立足我国研究生培养的实际情况;学习借鉴国外的成功经验;依靠国家政策的有效支持;追求认定制度的内化自律。在此基础上,本研究提出了一些改进我国研究生学术不端认定的若干建议,主要包括:构建系统明确且具可操作性的认定标准体系;形成以高校为主多元共治的认定主体结构;实施以程序正义和权利保护为内容的认定程序;推行以教育为主处罚为辅的认定结果;培养诚信公平且积极有序的认定环境;创新并推广行之有效的认定措施等。 In recent years, the issue of postgraduate academic misconduct has becomeincreasingly outstanding. Simply categorizing the issue into general academicmisconduct obviously cannot meet the theoretical and practical needs of postgraduateeducation. Therefore, there is a great necessity of paying attention to the specialidentity of graduate students, the research and details of governance for postgraduateacademic misconduct. In this context, this paper, based on the practice of graduatestudent misconduct, centering on the special identity of the graduate students andbehavior subjectivity, chooses academic misconduct as a starting point and its mainstudy subject. Through the exploration of the concept and connotation of graduatemisconduct, as well as the general analysis of historical problems and presentsituation both in the United States and China, this essay puts forward some ideas andsuggestions, providing beneficial helps and enlightenment to the improvement of ourcountry's identification of graduate misconduct. This paper holds that, postgraduate academic misconduct is the inappropriatebehavior in which a postgraduate violates the academic rules and norms recognizedby the academic community. The identification of the postgraduate academicmisconduct is a legal process in which the powerful subjects, according to certainstandards and procedures, confirm the postgraduate academic misconduct. Thisprocess has profound implications. In order to conduct better research on the identification of postgraduate academicmisconduct in our country, this paper, selecting the United States as the researchreference which has more experience in such related field, introduces and analyzespostgraduate misconduct in such respects: subjects, standards, procedures, results, andidentification environment. The identification system of the US for postgraduateacademic misconduct possesses many advantages, such as a clear standard system andpoly-balanced major structure, attention to the procedural justice and rights protection,emphasis on academic freedom and participation in the identification, stress oneducational remediation and good academic environment. In spite of disunified standards, complex legal system and over-costly procedural justice, it is stillundeniable that the US has a mature identification system and thus, is worth ourlearning. On the contrary, unclear standards, single subject, lack of programs, powerlessresults, defective environment, and insufficient innovation in identificationmeasures--all of these are the major problems of postgraduate academic misconductidentification in our country. Therefore, this paper puts forward the following basicprinciples to improve the misconduct identification in China: firmly base on the actualsituation of our country; selectively study of foreign successful experience; relying onnational policy support; internalizing self-discipline in the identification system.Afterwards, the study brings forward some suggestions for the improvement of ourcountry’s graduate misconduct identification, such as building a identification systemwith clear and operational standards; forming universities multi-governance as themajor structure; implementing procedural justice and right protection as the maincontents; promoting the education-first-punishment-second principle; improving fairand orderly identification environment; promoting innovation in the effectiveidentification measures, etc.

关 键 词: 研究生 学术不端 认定 问题 改进

分 类 号: [G643.1]

领  域: [文化科学] [文化科学]


作者 何惠予
作者 李文珊
作者 王俊哲
作者 何晓聪


机构 华南师范大学
机构 广东技术师范学院
机构 广州大学
机构 广州番禺职业技术学院
机构 深圳大学


作者 庞菊香
作者 康超
作者 廖燕萍
作者 廖荆梅
作者 张丽娟