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An Analysis of the Path of Government Response to Citizen's Network Political Participation

导  师: 李小军

学科专业: 120401

授予学位: 硕士

作  者: ;

机构地区: 广州大学

摘  要: 当今信息技术的迅猛发展,不但改变了人们的日常生活方式,而且改变了人们的政治生活方式。在互联网主导的现代信息社会中,网络化的政治参与正逐渐的嵌入人们的政治生活,形成一种新的政治参与生态,即公民网络政治参与。公民网络政治参与是公民利用网络平台表达政治意愿,进行利益诉求的种新的政治参与途径,能够弥补由于传统政治参与渠道不畅而带来的话语丧失危机,是传统政治参与渠道的一种有效补充。而公民网络政治参与要真正的实现其价值,离不开政府的有效回应,它直接的影响公民网络政治参与的意愿与热情,是公民网络政治参与得以有序有效进行的保障。所以,对公民网络政治参与中的政府回应路径进行研究具有非常重要的现实意义。 本文主要分五部分来进行研究: 首先是绪论部分,该部分主要引出此篇文章的写作背景,国内外对相关问题的研究现状,以及该篇文章的研究目的和意义,并对文章的主体框架有一个基本的阐述,以利于对文章的结构有一个清晰的把握。 接下来是文章的主体部分,也就是从文章的第二部分到第四部分。第二部分主要是对公民网络政治参与和政府回应作一个基本的阐释,包括对其各自概念的界定、二者之间的内在关系、相关的理论依据等。第三部分主要是对公民网络政治参与中的政府回应的基本现状进行分析,通过对这些问题的基本分析,能够对公民网络政治参与中的政府回应有着比较全面深入的了解,从而为问题的解决提供必要的基础。文章的第四部分主要是如何完善政府回应路径的问题,包括对政府回应路径完善的理性认知、基本思路、以及相关的配套措施。 最后一个部分是文章的结语部分,主要是在全文写作基础之上的概括性总结。 The rapid development of today's information technology, has not only changed people's daily lives, but also changed people's political life. In the modern information society led by the Internet, the network political participation has being effected people's political life, so as to form a new kind of political participation ecology named the citizen network political participation.The citizen network political participation is the way in that citizens use network platform to express political will and demand their interests, which can make up the loss of speech owing to the poor access to the traditional political participation channels, and is an effective supplement to the traditional channels of political participation. To realize the value of the citizen's network political participation, government must make effective and timely responses, which not only directly influences the willingness and enthusiasm of citizen's network political participation, but also guarantee citizen's network political participation effective and well-organized. Therefore, it has important practical significance to research the government response path on citizen's network political participation The content of this dissertation mainly involves five parts: In order to have a clear understanding to the structure, the first chapter is mainly introduce the writing background, including research status at home and abroad, the purpose and significance of this study, and the basic exposition of the main frame. The following is the main part of the dissertation, which is from the second part to the fourth part. The second part mainly expounds the citizen's network political participation and government response, including their definition, relationship and related theoretical basis etc. The third part mainly analyzes the basic situation in government's response to citizen's network political participation, by which we can have a relatively comprehensive and deeply understanding of the government's response to citizen's network political participation, so as to provide the necessary foundation to solve the problems. The fourth part is about how to improve the path of government's response, including the rational cognition of the path of government response, the basic idea, as well as related support measures. The last part is the conclusion of the study, mainly summarizing the whole dissertation.

关 键 词: 公民网络政治参与 政府回应 回应路径

分 类 号: [D630]

领  域: [政治法律] [政治法律]


作者 翟园园
作者 罗超华
作者 陈秀招
作者 赖礼强
作者 周飞


机构 广州大学
机构 广州大学公共管理学院
机构 暨南大学
机构 华南师范大学
机构 华南理工大学


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