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The Influence of Drug Addict's Working Memory and Depression on Behavioral Inhibition Explore

导  师: 郭斯萍

学科专业: 040202

授予学位: 硕士

作  者: ;

机构地区: 广州大学

摘  要: 全世界每年有10-20万人死于药物成瘾,药物成瘾不仅给成瘾者本人的身体和心理健康造成严重的损害,更会给家庭、社会带来灾难性后果。关于成瘾行为,为什么吸食者会从最初的偶尔用药演变到最后的欲罢不能?成瘾者的认知功能是不是发生了改变?这种认知功能异常与成瘾的产生、维持、复吸之间的相互作用是怎样?药物成瘾的典型症状是冲动性药物寻求以及复吸行为,药物成瘾者丧失对药物及与药物相关的线索的有效抑制,加上持续存在的心理渴求,即使在戒断后仍会出现复吸行为。可见,药物成瘾是生理和心理因素共同作用的产物。药物成瘾的治疗问题成为世界性难题,目前对阿片类药物成瘾的治疗主要集中在美沙酮、丁丙诺非等药物的维持治疗和心理治疗两大方面,然而药物治疗容易产生依赖性,而心理治疗周期长、效果产生慢,导致其在应用上受到限制。因此,揭示药物成瘾者的冲动性药物寻求及复吸的心理机制,探索药物成瘾者的认知操作损害状况,将对药物成瘾的成瘾机制及治疗有重要的现实意义,并进一步为药物成瘾的脑科学研究提供行为水平的证据。 目前从认知和情绪的角度对药物成瘾的直接研究还较少,本研究从抑郁和工作记忆两方面,对药物成瘾的行为抑制机能进行综合研究,结果表明: 1.药物成瘾者工作记忆受损,其中工作记忆准确率显著低于非成瘾组健康被试,而二者在工作记忆反应时上无显著性差异。 2.药物成瘾者抑郁水平显著高于对照组非成瘾健康被试,成瘾组中有抑郁症状者占成瘾总人数的61.36/%。 3.药物成瘾者行为抑制机能受损,其中行为抑制的漏报率(omission error)和反应时指标显著高于非成瘾组。 4.工作记忆准确率对行为抑制反应时有显著影响,高工作记忆者行为抑制反应时显著低于低工作记忆者。成瘾与否对行为抑制无显著的主效应。工作记忆准确率与行为抑制的漏报率(omission error)、反应时有显著负相关,且回归效果显著。 5.抑郁水平对行为抑制无显著主效应,成瘾与否*抑郁水平对行为抑制的虚报率(commission error)、反应时有显著的交互效应。成瘾组低抑郁水平的commission error显著高于非成瘾组,成瘾组在低抑郁水平上的行为抑制能力显著低于非成瘾组。成瘾与否在高抑郁水平上的行为抑制能力无显著性差异,高抑郁水平不论对成瘾组还是非成瘾组都会降低行为抑制机能。抑郁水平与行为抑制的漏报率(omission error)、虚报率(commission error)指标有显著正相关,但回归效果不显著。 6.分别将抑郁和工作记忆当作协变量加以控制后的表明,工作记忆准确率对行为抑制的各项指标有更显著的贡献,工作记忆的损害,会显著降低行为抑制机能,特别是行为抑制的反应时指标。抑郁对行为抑制各项指标的直接效应不显著,成瘾与否在不同的抑郁水平对行为抑制有着不同的影响。 There are about100,000--200,000people died from drug addiction every year all over theworld. Drug addiction will not only bring serious damage to drug addicts’ physical and mentalhealth, but will also take catastrophic consequences to the family and social. About drugaddiction, why someone would develop from occasionally use to forced drugging, and onceaddiction, it is so hard to withdraw from the syndrome? Does drug addicts’ cognitive functionhave changed? What about the interaction between cognitive dysfunction and drug addiction’sgeneration, maintain, relapse? The typical symptoms of drug addiction are compulsive drugseeking and relapses behavior, drug addicts loss effective inhibition of drug and it’s related clues,add persistent psychological craving, even after the withdrawal will still appear relapses behavior.It is thus clear that drug addiction is the result of physiological and psychological factors. Thetreatment of drug addiction becomes a worldwide problem, at present, the treatment of opiatesdrug addiction mainly concentrated in drug maintenance therapy /(such as methadone、buprenorphine/)and psychological therapy, however, drug maintenance therapy will easy toproduce the dependence, and psychological therapy’s long cycle and slow effect result in itslimited application. Therefore, reveal drug addicts’ psychological mechanism of compulsive drugseeking and relapses behavior, explore drug addicts’ cognitive performance damage condition,will bring important practical significance to drug addiction mechanism and its therapy, and willmoreover provide behavior level of evidence for neurological research. At present, there are not many direct research of drug addiction from the view of cognitionand mood, this study from depression and working memory to comprehensive research drugaddicts’ behavioral inhibition function. The results indicated that: 1. Drug Addicts’ working memory is impaired, drug addicts’ accuracy of working memoryis higher than healthy non-addicted drug takers. There is no significant difference betweenaddicts’ and non-addicted drug takers’ reaction time. 2. Drug Addicts’ depression level is significantly higher than non-addicted drug takers, drugaddicts had depression symptoms accounted for61.36/%of the total number of drug addiction. 3. Drug Addicts’ behavioral inhibition is impaired, drug addicts’ omission error andreaction time of behavioral inhibition are significantly higher than non-addicted drug takers. 4. The accuracy of working memory has significantly influence in the reaction time ofbehavioral inhibition, high working memory testers’ reaction time of behavioral inhibition aresignificantly shorter than low working memory testers. Addiction or not act no significant main effectin behavioral inhibition. The accuracy of working memory has a significant negative correlationwith the omission error and reaction time of behavioral inhibition, and regression effect isobvious. 5. Depression level act no significant main effect in behavioral inhibition, addiction or not*depression level have significant mutual effect in the commission error and reaction time ofbehavioral inhibition. Low depression level drug Addicts’ commission error are significantlyhigher than non-addicted drug takers. At low depression level, drug Addicts’ behavioralinhibition are significantly better than non-addicted drug takers. At high depression level,addiction or not have no significant difference in behavioral inhibition, high depression level willreduce behavioral inhibition. Depression has a significant positive correlation with the omissionerror and commission error of behavioral inhibition, but regression effect is indistinctive. 6. Respectively control the depression and working memory as covariant indicate that, theaccuracy of working memory has a more prominent contribution in each index of behavioralinhibition, the damage of working memory will significantly reduce behavioral inhibition,especially the reaction time of behavioral inhibition. Depression has no direct effect in eachindex of behavioral inhibition, addiction or not has different influence in different depressionlevel.

关 键 词: 药物成瘾 工作记忆 抑郁 行为抑制

分 类 号: [B845]

领  域: [哲学宗教]


作者 王筠榕
作者 侯强
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作者 谢特秀


机构 华南师范大学
机构 华南师范大学教育科学学院心理学系
机构 广州大学
机构 华南师范大学教育科学学院
机构 暨南大学


作者 张玉普
作者 张蕾蕾
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作者 施群丽