导 师: 卢汉桥
学科专业: 120401
授予学位: 硕士
作 者: ;
机构地区: 广州大学
摘 要: 公务用车改革是一项涉及面广、系统性强、程序复杂的改革,近年来备受社会关注公务用车改革不仅涉及到公务员工资制度、职务消费改革、国有资产管理、财政增收节支、行政事业单位改革,还关系到政府的高效行政和财政经费的合理利用,关系到国家廉洁政府和廉价政府的有效建立。公务用车的改革的推进,对我国行政体制改革具有重要意义。 基于此考虑,本文以广州为典型,对公务用车改革进行了深入分析和探讨。运用定性定量的方法,对公务用车的总量和公务用车的财政成本进行测算,了解广州现有公务用车制度的现状,指出现存公务用车制度存在的超标超编制配车、公车私用现象严重、公车使用效率低下等问题。同时深入改革单位,掌握大量一手资料,对广州的公务用车改革基本情况进行概述,并通过问卷调查形式对其改革的经济、政治和社会效果进行分析,指出改革存在的不彻底、不透明、缺乏监督和制度保障等几方面的问题。并借鉴国外成熟的公务用车制度和国内部分省市的试点经验,结合广州改革单位的实践,综合分析了国内三种不同改革模式的利弊,再次基础上结合本地的实际情况,提出了广州公务用车制度改革的指导思想和基本原则,并以此为指引,尝试研究设计出适合广州本市实际情况的改革模式,将改革分为三个层次推行,即根据市、区级机关、事业单位和基层单位、公安机关等特殊单位三类单位的不同情况,采取不同的改革方式。同时根据改革情况提出了实际推行的相关配套措施和一些政策性建议。 The institution of cars for public affairs is wide related, systematical and complicated.The institution has become the focus of the society because it is related to the payment system of civil servant, the welfare of the retired,official consumption reform, management, enlargement and economizing in public funds,reform on government institution and the clean handed government construction.The reform is hard because it is to adjust vested interest,which requires a perfect legislation environment and a balance between politics,economy,and society.The reform should base on the experience both within the nation and abroad.At the same time,we must avoid limitation and make innovation to the existing model in order to find out a reasonable way of reform. The existing management institution of cars for public affairs in Guangzhou is funded by public finance,provided in terms of real car,controlled on amount,paid by public funds,owned by institution, runclosely,and self serviced,which can't meet the needs to construct the modern governmental management structure in the core of public finance.The institution results in a series of problems of over-burden of public finance and corruption. At this stage,it is important in realistic to promote the institution reform of cars for public affairs.The paper elaborates the current problems in the institution of cars for public affairs and the necessity of reform through analyzing the present situation.Drawing lessons from overseas institution and the experimental provinces while combining with the practice in Guangzhou, the paper analyzes the advantages and disadvantages of three different reform models of marketization,monetization,and standardization of cars for public affairs.Based on the theories on public administration, the paper provides the guide thoughts and basic principle for the reform and advises the reform model and policy according to the real situation of Guangzhou.
分 类 号: [D630]