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An Empirical Study of the Ideological and Political Work in Guangdong Mountain Secondary School Teachers

导  师: 董世明

学科专业: 0451

授予学位: 硕士

作  者: ;

机构地区: 广州大学

摘  要: 百年大计,教育为本;教育大计,教师为本。中学教育在我国教育事业中占据着重要地位,然而据中国中小学生心理健康课题组调查,目前我国69/%的中小学教师存在心理健康问题①。导致中小学教师出现这么严重心理健康问题的原因有很多,本人认为跟学校教师的思想政治工作的薄弱有主要的关系。广东山区中学教师思想政治工作的实证研究是在坚持以人为本的理念下,通过对山区中学教师思想状况的问卷调查和访谈,充分了解和把握广东山区中学教师/(包括不同性别、年龄、政治面貌、文化程度、专业、技术职称、兼任行政职务/)思想道德、心理健康的突出变化,综合运用马克思主义人学、教育学、心理学、管理学和思想政治教育学等多学科的理论,提出山区中学教师思想政治工作的有效策略,提高教师思想政治工作的针对性和实效性。 本文共分为三章。第一章主要是阐述研究的背景、核心概念界定、研究的文献综述、研究的目的和实际意义、基本思路和主要方法等内容。第二章主要是对广东山区中学教师思想状况进行实证分析,通过对广东山区中学教师思想状况的调查问卷的设计、样本和结果的分析,总结出不同年龄、不同专业、不同学历的山区中学教师思想状况的突出变化,为制定和运用有效的山区中学教师思想政治工作策略对其进行思想政治教育奠定基础。第三章主要是研究广东山区中学教师思想政治工作的有效策略,根据调查问卷结果分析反映的情况和思想政治工作的基本问题,明确指出改变目前广东山区中学教师思想政治工作薄弱的有效策略,一是转变山区中学教师思想政治工作的理念;二是创新山区中学教师思想政治工作的激励策略;三是完善山区中学教师思想政治工作的运行机制;四是创新山区中学教师思想政治工作的工作方法。 Education is the foundation;education plans,teacher-centered. Secondary education in our country education occupies an important position. However, according to China's primary and secondary education、mental health task force survey,69/%of primary and secondary school teachers in our country there are psychological health problems. There are many factors to explain their own mental health problems so serious. I think, mainly with school teachers, the weakness of the ideological and political work. Ideological and political work of secondary teachers in Mountainous Areas of Gnangdong empirical study adhere to the people-centered concept, and trying to secondary teachers, the situation considering the survey and interviews, to fully understand and grasp secondary teachers /(including gender, age, political affiliation, education, professional and technical titles, part-time administrati-ve duties/) the Moral and Mental Health change, integrated use of Marxist science, education, psychology, management and ideological and political education and other disciplines of theory, the ideological and political work of secondary teachers in Mountainous Areas of Guangdong ineffective strategies to improve the ideological and political teachers the pertinence and effectiveness. This paper is divided into three chapters.The first chapter of the main content includes the research background, the core concept definition, the research literature review, the purpose of the research and practical significance, the basic idea and main method, etc. The second chapter basically is an empirical analysis of ideological condition about secondary teachers in Mountainous Area of Guangdong, set the ideological status questionnaire design,sample and results, a good job in the Moral and mental health and differences for different ages, different professions, different education of secondary teachers, reveal the moral and psychological conditions of the main changes,to take effective ideological and political work in secondary teachers in Mountainous Area of Guangdong and lay a solid foundation. Chapter three of the main ideological and political work of secondary teachers in Mountainous Area of Guangdong in effective strategies,in accordance with the main changes and basic issues of the ideological and political work in status questionnaire. clearly points the effective strategies to change the weak present status of the ideological and political work of secondary teachers in Mountainous Area,the first point is to chang idea of the ideological and political work; the second point is achieving the deological and political work incentive strategy innovation; point three is the deological and political work operation mechanism perfection;point four is for the ideological and political work Work method innovation.

关 键 词: 山区中学教师 思想政治工作 有效策略

分 类 号: [G635.1]

领  域: [文化科学]


作者 周翠娇
作者 苗群鹰
作者 刘鸫根
作者 王小花
作者 石秋玲


机构 暨南大学
机构 中山大学
机构 华南理工大学
机构 华南师范大学
机构 华南理工大学工商管理学院


作者 庞菊香
作者 康超
作者 廖燕萍
作者 廖荆梅
作者 张丽娟