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Constraint Relaxation and Chunk Decomposition as well as the Incubation Effect in Chinese Logogriph Task

导  师: 邢强

学科专业: 040202

授予学位: 硕士

作  者: ;

机构地区: 广州大学

摘  要: 基于火柴棒问题,表征转换理论认为限制解除和组块分解是顿悟的两个基本机制,科学地解释了顿悟效应,然而这个理论能否解释其他顿悟问题(字谜等)至今尚不清楚,另外,限制解除和组块分解的电生理机制如何及其通过酝酿期的提示来促进二者的发生没有得到充分研究。本研究通过6个实验主要探讨汉字字谜任务中的顿悟效应是否也是限制解除和组块分解,并探讨两种机制的电生理基础及其酝酿效应。实验1a和1b表明,字谜的常规型语义比字谜型语义更容易激活,提供答案反馈可以有效解除常规语义对猜谜的限制;实验1c表明,限制解除机制在ERP水平上引发了N100//P200复合体,P300成分和N400成分,捕获了更多的早期注意资源,并涉及了去除强而无效激活,产生弱而有效的激活的过程,最终发生语义整合。实验2a表明,涉及镶嵌或者笔画单元的紧组块比涉及非镶嵌或者基础单元的松组块解答率更低,反应时更长;实验2b揭示了组块分解可能需要在早期视觉水平上N100的增强,以抑制无关信息,同时也需要表征的更新,这表现在更大的P400-600成分上。实验3则显示在酝酿期,原型提示比非原型提示以及无提示对猜谜有更大的促进作用。研究揭示,汉字字谜任务中存在限制解除和组块分解机制并且酝酿期的原型提示可以促进二者的发生。 The representational-change theory proposes that there are two mechanisms of insight:constraint relaxation and chunk decomposition and they have been proved true in lots of studieswith the matchstick as the insight material, However, three problems were not yet clear at present,firstly, whether the two mechanisms could explain insight phenomenon in Chinese logogriph,secondly, what is the electrophysiological correlates of constraint relaxation and chunkdecomposition, thirdly, what is the incubation effect of the two mechanisms. In experiment1a and1b, the normal reading meaning and the logogriph meaning of thelogogriph were compared when participants tried to understand the two. And then, the answer wasoffered to test whether it could help relax constraint from the normal reading meaning of thelogogriph. The result showed that /(1/) the normal reading meaning was easier to understand thanthe logogriph meaning and /(2/) it was necessary to relax the constraint from the normal readingmeaning to guess out the logogriph; in experiment1c, the result showed that constraint relaxationwas related to N100//P200complex, P300and N400, reflecting more early attention involving,forming novel association and integration of semantic processing, respectively. In experiment2a, two types of logogriph chunks were distinguished: the logogriph chunksinvolved in sub-chunk embedded with each other or at stroke level were regarded as tight chunksand the logogriph chunks involved in sub-chunk not embedded with each other or at the radicallevel were loose chunk. The result showed that it was more difficult to decompose tight chunksthan loose ones and the reaction time of the former was longer than the latter. As indicated inexperiment2b, N100and P400-600was significantly elicited by tight chunk condition than byloose one, with N100being regarded as a label of unrelated information filtering and attentionattracting and P400-600reflecting representation renewing. To explore the influence different hints on constraint relaxation and chunk decomposition inincubation period, a2/(type of chunk: tight or loose/)*3/(type of hint: prototype, non-prototype or nohint/) experimental design was adopted in experiment3. The result showed that the prototype hinthad more facilitation on the constraint relaxation and the chunk decomposition than thenon-prototype hint or the no hint. In short, the cognitive mechanism of insight in the Chinese logogriph can be explained in the context of representational-change theory with constraint relaxation and chunk decomposition.The prototype hint can advance the process of constraint relaxation and chunk decomposition inChinese logogriph task during the incubation period.

关 键 词: 限制解除 组块分解 原型提示 酝酿期 汉字字谜 事件相关电位

分 类 号: [H12]

领  域: [语言文字]


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机构 华南师范大学
机构 广州大学
机构 中山大学
机构 华南师范大学教育科学学院心理应用研究中心
机构 华南师范大学文学院


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