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The Research on Physical Problem Representation System of Domain Knowledge Learning in Physical Discipline

导  师: 蔡笑岳

学科专业: 040202

授予学位: 硕士

作  者: ;

机构地区: 广州大学

摘  要: 学科领域知识/(Disciplinary Domain Knowledge/)是指学生所拥有的关于某个特定学科领域内的所有知识,具体而言是关于某一学科当中的某些具有一定相关性、逻辑性、操作性的知识按其知识属性、认知特性而加以组织形成的知识组块和认知操作图式,包括学理内容,认知过程和问题条件三类知识。已有研究表明,在问题解决中,丰富且结构良好的领域知识能够提高问题表征的效率,而在物理问题表征体系的研究中也得出,学习是影响学生物理问题表征体系的其中一个重要因素。本研究以初中物理学科知识为研究对象,探讨学科领域知识对物理学科问题表征体系的影响及其作用机制。 研究一以207名初中八年级学生作为被试,使用自编物理学科领域知识调查问卷调查学科领域知识与物理学业成绩之间的关系。结果显示:(1)绩优组、中等组与绩差组在学科领域知识总体水平上存在显著差异;(2)在学理内容知识纬度上,三组学生差异不显著,在认知过程知识纬度上绩优组成绩显著高于中等组和绩差组,而中等组成绩显著高于绩差组。在问题条件知识纬度上,绩优组得分显著高于中等组和绩差组,但是,中等组和绩差组的差异不显著。 研究二以20名学生作为被试,使用口语报告法研究学科领域知识丰富组与贫乏组学生在物理经典电路黑箱体解决中问题表征体系的动态差异。结果显示:(1)丰富组与贫乏组在文字表征层次起始时间和持续时间上无显著性差异;(2)丰富组与贫乏组在朴素表征和物理表征层次起始时间和持续时间上存在显著性差异,丰富组优于贫乏组。 研究三以前两个研究结果以及教师访谈结果作为现实依据,以学科领域知识教学策略理论为指导针对初中物理八年级《电流与电路》知识单元做学科知识领域化的改组,以237名学生作为被试,使用补充式策略进行教学实验。结果显示:(1)实验组与对照组绩优生在单元测验得分上差异不显著;(2)实验组与对照组中等生和绩差生两个层次学生在单元测验得分上差异显著,实验组优于对照组。 研究四以参与研究三中教学实验操作的全部学生为被试,以附带不同图形表征的电路完成题为操作任务,使用E-PRIME实验软件考察实验组和对照组不同学业层次学生在不同题型解决中问题表征的正确率与反应时。结果显示:(1)实验组的中等生和绩差生在三种题型上相比较对照组中等生和绩差生正确率更高,反应时更低,但实验组绩优生只在无图题表征反应时上低于对照组绩优生,其余指标与对照组绩优生无显著性差异;(2)不同学业成绩层次的学生在三种题型上的正确率和反应时存在显著差异,其中绩优生优于中等生,中等生优于绩差生;(3)学生在三种题型上的正确率和反应时存在显著差异,其中电路图题正确率最高,反应时最低,其次为示意图题,最后为无图题。 Disciplinary Domain Knowledge refers to all the knowledge students acquired on onespecific area. In detail, it means knowledge plates and cognition process schema thatintegrated from the knowledge commons in correlation, logic, and operation by its disciplinaryand cognitive attributes. The knowledge is divided into doctrinal content knowledge, cognitiveprocess knowledge and problematic condition knowledge. According to the current studies,in knowledge study, domain knowledge can improve the efficiency of the problemrepresentation.This research chose the knowledge of physics as the research object to explorehow Disciplinary domain knowledge study acts on students' physics question representation. Research one investigate the relationship between the Physical Academic performanceand Disciplinary Domain Knowledge by using Physical Disciplinary Domain KnowledgeQuestionnaire with207grade eight students. The results showed:/(1/)there is Significantdifference in the overall level of Disciplinary Domain Knowledge among students inhigh,medium and low grades level;/(2/)In the part of Declarative Knowledge,there is nodifference among three groups of student,but In the part of Procedural Knowledge,students inhigh grade level were better than students in medium and low grades level,students in mediumgrade level were better than students in low grade level;In the Conditional Knowledge,thestudents in high grade level were better than students in medium and low grades level. Research two investigate the difference of Physical problems representation systembetween Disciplinary Domain Knowledge-rich students and Disciplinary DomainKnowledge-poor students by using Oral Report Method with20students.The results showed:/(1/)In the Text Representation Level,there was no significant difference between DisciplinaryDomain Knowledge-rich students and Disciplinary Domain Knowledge-poor students;/(2/)Inthe Simple Representation Level and Physical Representation Level,there were significantdifferences in Start-Time and Response Time between Disciplinary Domain Knowledge-richstudents and Disciplinary Domain Knowledge-poor students,the Disciplinary Domain Knowledge-rich students were better than the Disciplinary Domain Knowledge-poor students. Research three was based on the results of the first two research,Instructed by the basicconstruction of Disciplinary Domain Knowledge, the research made the teaching unit of'Electric current and circuit 'into modules domains. And by the supplying of necessaryknowledge to the teaching units, Disciplinary Domain Knowledge teaching modules isconstructed,then operate the Teaching-Experiment with237students.The results showed:/(1/)In the unit exam scores,there was no significant difference between the students in highgrade level in the experimental group and the students in high grade level in the matchedgroup;/(2/)there was significant differences between the students in medium and low gradeslevel in the experimental group and the students in medium and low grades level in thematched group, the c were better than the matched group. Based on the research three, research four investigate the differences in Correct Rate andResponse Time of solving Physical problem with different gram among students inhigh,medium and low grades of level of the experimental group and the matched group,byusing E-PRIME experimental technique.The results showed:/(1/) In all the three types ofproblems,the Correct Rate of the students in medium and low grades level of the experimentalgroup were higher than the students in medium and low grades level of the matched group,the Response Time of the students in medium and low grades level of the experimental groupwere shorter than the students in medium and low grades level of the matched group, but inthe type of no-gram problem, the Response Time of the students in high grade level of theexperimental group was shorter than the students in high grade level of the experimental group;/(2/) there were significant differences in the Correct Rate and the Response Time amongstudents in different grade level;/(3/) there were significant differences in the Correct Rate andthe Response Time among different type of physical problem.

关 键 词: 领域知识 学科领域知识 学科领域知识教学 物理问题表征体系

分 类 号: [B842.3]

领  域: [哲学宗教] [哲学宗教]


作者 郑腾鹏
作者 骆思钊
作者 蔡笑岳
作者 黄燕佩
作者 谢文锦


机构 华南师范大学
机构 广州大学
机构 广州大学教育学院
机构 中山大学网络教育学院
机构 广州体育学院


作者 张玉普
作者 张蕾蕾
作者 张馨文
作者 徐敏
作者 施群丽