导 师: 胡位荣;曾小龙
学科专业: 040102
授予学位: 硕士
作 者: ;
机构地区: 广州大学
摘 要: 课程资源是国家新一轮基础教育改革所提出的一个重要的概念。因地制宜,广泛开发利用各种课程资源,有利于课程改革目标的实现。如果没有课程资源的广泛支持,不管多么理想的课程改革蓝图也很难实现。所以,强化课程资源意识是当前一个重中之重的课题。 客家地区有丰富的生物地方课程资源。在高中生物教学中因地制宜,注重理论联系实际,激发了学生的学习兴趣和动机,同时,也促进了教师的专业发展和学生的长远发展,对当前中学生的教学改革起到积极的促进作用。因此,如何开发利用高中生物地方课程资源是一个值得探讨的问题。 本文主要研究内容如下: /(1)采用文献法探讨了地方课程资源的含义、特点及分类,并分析了高中生物教学开发利用地方课程资源的意义。 /(2)从濒危物种资源、植物资源、动物资源、文化资源等方面整理了梅州市的课程资源,表明以客家文化为背景的梅州地区具有丰富的生物地方课程资源。 /(3)采用问卷调查法和访谈法调查了梅州市高中生物地方课程资源开发利用现状,分析了梅州市高中生物教师开发利用地方课程资源的优势,并针对合理开发地方课程资源中存在的问题提出了一些建议。 /(4)结合实际情况对高中生物教学中地方课程资源开发利用进行案例研究,力求在教学实践过程中能够结合教材开展具有地方特色教学活动。 相信本文能给高中生物教师在开发利用课程资源方面提供一些借鉴和参考。 Curriculum resource is an important concept put forward by the country in the newround reform of basic education. Without a broad support of curriculum resources,splendid curriculum reform assumption will be difficult to become achievements ofpractical education in primary or secondary schools. An important issue aimed tostrengthen the awareness of curriculum resources, to improve cognition level ofcurriculum resources and to better achieve objective of course reform by utilizing anddeveloping every local resources, is becoming a task of top priority. Hakka area is rich in local curriculum resources.By developing and utilizatinglocal curriculum resources, focusing on linking theory with practice, and stimulatingstudents' interest and motivation in biology teaching in high school, it benefitsstudents from passive learning to positive acquiring knowledge, and it also helpstudents in long-term development and teachers in professional growth. Therefore, itis worthwhile to do some research on how to exploit and make full use of localcurriculum resources. In this paper, the main research contents are as follows: /(1/) Adopts the method of literature discussed local curriculum resources meaning,characteristics and classification, and analyses the high school biology teaching thedevelopment and utilization of the local curriculum resource significance. /(2/) From the endangered species resource, plant resources, animal resources,cultural resources, finishing the Meizhou local curriculum resources, suggest toHakka culture as the background of the Meizhou has abundant biological resources oflocal courses. /(3/) By means of questionnaire and interview method to investigate Meizhou highschool biology curriculum resources development use present situation, analyzes theMeizhou high school biology teacher development and utilization of curriculumresources of Hakka culture, and for the reasonable development of local curriculumresources and puts forward some suggestions. /(4/) Combined with the actual situation of senior middle school biology teaching inthe local curriculum resources development use case studies, in the teaching practiceprocess can be combined with teaching materials in teaching activities with localcharacteristics. Any reference of this paper to biology teachers in high school was appreciated.
分 类 号: [G633.91]
领 域: [文化科学]