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Investigation and Reseach on Present Situation of Implementing Integrated Practical Activity Curriculum in Junior Middle School in Guangzhou

导  师: 吴毅

学科专业: 040102

授予学位: 硕士

作  者: ;

机构地区: 广州大学

摘  要: 2001年6月,教育部颁布了《基础教育课程改革纲要(试行/)》,标志着综合实践活动课程作为一种新的独立的课程形态在我国诞生。从2001年新课改启动到2005年全面铺开,综合实践活动课程在实践中遭受到不少质疑和考验。作为新课改第一批试验城市的广州市,推广和实施综合实践活动课程十余年,有必要对综合实践活动的实施现状作一个阶段性研究:是否大部分的中学领导和教师完全认同了该课程的价值?教师队伍是否能很好地胜任这一课程?学校是否充分利用了校内外资源开展活动?活动的开展取得了哪些成果,又遭遇到了什么样的困难? 本论文以问卷调查法为主,自行编制《广州市初中综合实践活动课程实施现状调查量表》作为主要研究工具,结合访谈和随堂听课,从八个方面对广州市9个区和2个区级县的44所中学进行了问卷调查。这八个方面包括:教学管理人员及教师对课程的了解、教学管理人员和教师对课程价值的认同情况、学校对课程的开设及规划、学校教学条件保障及对课程资源的利用、综合实践活动课的教学、学生参与综合实践活动的兴趣及表现、中学生每年参与指定领域活动内容的次数、综合实践活动课程实施的效果及遭遇的困难。 结果表明,广州市综合实践活动课程在推广和实施过程中取得了四个方面的成绩和存在四个方面的不足。取得的成绩主要是:(1)课程开设的价值得到认同;/(2/)教师的教学方式和学生的学习方式正在转变;(3)评价方式多元化初步得到体现;(4/)课程实施积累了一定经验,正向深度推进。学校在推广和实施该课程的过程中存在问题主要有:(1/)用活动课代替综合实践活动课程;(2/)课程幵设不全面、不规范;(3/)课时'缩水”现象明显;(4)教学人员在数量和能力方面得� As the latest curriculum reform started in June,2001when the Ministry ofEducation promulgated “the outline of basic education reform /(trial/)”,which indicatedthat the integrated practical activity curriculum came into being in China as a new andindependent course form. The new curriculum reform started from2001,and rolledout in the round in2005, but the curirculum suffered many questions and trials inpractice. Guangzhou,as the ifrst test city of the new curirculum reofrm, has promotedand implemented the curirculum for more than10years. Therefore, it was necessaryto conduct a research on the implementation status of the integrated practical activity,which involved problems as lflows: Whether most of the school leaders and teachersagreed with the curriculum value? Whether teachers were well qualified for thiscurriculum? Whether schools made full use of internal and external resources to carryout activities? What kind of achievements have gotten, and what kind of diiffcultieshave encountered in the middle school? The questionnaire survey method was the main research method in this thsis,weused self-designed 'Investigation Questionnaire of the Status on ImplementingIntegrated Practical Activity in Junior Middle School Curriculum of Guangzhou City”,combined with interviews and classroom lectures, to conduct survey in44middleschools from eight aspects, these middle schools covered in9zones and2districtcounty of Guangzhou city. The eight aspects include: understanding of the middleschool leaders and teachers to curriculum; value identity degree of the middle schoolleaders and teachers to curriculum; the conditions of setting up and planning thecourse in the middle school; security of school teaching conditions and utilizations ofcurriculum resources; class teaching about integrated practice activity; interests andperformances of middle school students in participating in the integrated practicalactivity; how many times do middle school students participate in the specified ifeldactivities cach year;

关 键 词: 综合实践活动课程 现状调查 广州市 初中

领  域: [文化科学]


作者 李雯雯
作者 董小红
作者 魏俊华
作者 李水霞
作者 姚婧


机构 华南师范大学
机构 华南师范大学政治与行政学院
机构 华南师范大学教育科学学院
机构 广东轻工职业技术学院
机构 广州大学


作者 庞菊香
作者 康超
作者 廖燕萍
作者 廖荆梅
作者 张丽娟