导 师: 苏远连
学科专业: 040102
授予学位: 硕士
作 者: ;
机构地区: 广州大学
摘 要: 本研究是以主位推进模式为理论框架,通过实验方法对高中学生英语写作进行主位推进模式的指导和训练,通过前测和后测调查主位推进模式对学生写作能力是否有改善、研究文科班和理科班的主位推进模式的使用差异等,同时在后测中对男生和女生的主位推进模式的使用频率进行对比研究。 研究对象是92位来自广州市第三中学的高二学生,38位文科生/(11男,27女/)和53位理科生(33男,20女)。研究者准备了一系列的训练计划用于平时的课堂引导学生接受为期四个月的主位推进模式的学习。在第一阶段,学生了解主述位理论的相关知识,学习朱永生提出的4种主位推进模式。在第二阶段,学生进行写作训练并且运用主位推进模式的理论对文章进行评分。 对前测和后测的结果从质和量的角度进行综合分析,结果表明:(1)主推进模式的训练并没有提高学生的写作成绩。(2)实验后学生对主位推进模式的使用频率比实验前提高了,特别是述位一致有了显著提高。(3)文科班和理科班在使用主位推进模式后,写作成绩没有显著差异,但在使用样式方面,文科班使用“主位一致”的模式比理科班显著,而理科班使用“延续型”推进模式比文科班多。(4)男生和女生在主位推进模式使用后写作成绩没有显著差异,女生在使用主位推进模式时“述位一致”的模式最显著,而男生是“主位一致”和“延续型”更多。 尽管这个研究并没有表明使用主位推进模式能够提高高中生的英语写作成绩,但是老师仍然有必要引导学生掌握主位推进模式,因为这个理论能引导学生积极投入到写作,并且帮助提高他们写作的连贯性。这个调查结果预示着主位推进模式是具有可教性和可学性。 This study investigates, within the theory of Thematic Progression patterns /(TPpatterns/), the effect of TP pattern instruction on Senior High School students' writingperformance and TP pattern use. Specifically, the difference of the frequency of TPpattern use between Science students and Arts students as well as between males andfemale is investigated. A cohort of92Senior Two students from Guangzhou No.3Middle School,including38students majoring in Arts /(N=38/) and53students majoring in Science/(N=53/) participated in the study. The Arts Class consists of11boys and27girls whilethe Science Class is made up of33boys and20girls. A series of training schemeswere prepared by the researcher, which served as guideline for the researcher toconduct the instruction on four TP patterns in normal class sessions for a duration of4months which consisted of two stages. During the first stage, the relevant theorieswere introduced to the students by the researcher, and four TP patterns wereintroduced to the participants. During the second stage, students had some training forwriting and assessed their writing with the application of TP patterns. A posttest wasadministered and results of the Pre-test and Post-test were compared. These resultswere analyzed from quantitative and qualitative perspectives. The findings showed that:1/) The instruction of the TP patterns did not enable theScience students and Arts students to improve their writing performance.2/) Thefrequency of the TP patterns improved significantly after the experiment. Specifically,three TP patterns /(i.e., TP with a continuous Rheme, Simple Linear TP, RhemeRegression/) were higher than before, especially the TP with a continuous Rhemesignificantly increased.3/) The difference of the writing scores between Science classand Arts class was not significant. The frequency of the TP pattern uses betweenScience class and Arts class has some differences. It reveals that Arts class preferredto use “TP with a continuous Theme” while Science class preferred to apply “SimpleLinear TP”.4/) There was no significant difference concerning the writing performance between males and females. With respect to the use of the four TPpatterns females had a preference for TP with a continuous Rheme whereas malespreferred to use TP with a continuous theme and TP linear pattern. In conclusion, although the study has not shown clear improvement in thestudents’ writing performance, it has increased, to some extent, the students' use of TPpatterns. It is necessary for the teachers to instruct the students to master TP patternsin their composition, which will positively assist them to become more activelyengaged in their writing and enable them to have a coherent writing. The findingssuggest that TP patterns are teachable and learnable.
分 类 号: [G633.41]
领 域: [文化科学]