导 师: 徐奇堂
学科专业: 050104
授予学位: 硕士
作 者: ;
机构地区: 广州大学
摘 要: 《唐才子传》是中国诗学史上首部专门为诗人立传的著作,其作者是元代西域作家辛文房。全书共十卷,叙及唐代诗人398位。此书既考证了诗人的生平又评论了唐诗流变和各家的诗风,同时又生动地描绘出了诗人的风采。每篇传记一般都包括传略、诗评、著作流变情况和附论四部分。 到目前为止,对《唐才子传》的研究多集中在整理、版本考证和事实刊谬方面,而对其在编纂学方面的研究却较少,更没有系统的研究。本文是笔者在综合前人研究的基础上,从编纂学的角度对《唐才子传》进行的简要研究。 全文共分为六个部分: 第一部分,绪论。主要介绍《唐才子传》的学术史回顾、课题研究的主要内容和主要的研究方法。 第二部分,辛文房与《唐才子传》。主要探讨《唐才子传》成书的因素,其中,元代“十儒九丐”的社会现实是辛氏创作《唐才子传》的社会因素;而《唐才子传》成书的学术因素则是元代诗坛的“宗唐”之风,《唐才子传》成书于元代大德八年(1304年),此时正是元代“宗唐”风气最盛的时候,可以说《唐才子传》是元代“宗唐”诗风的产物。当然《唐才子传》的成书与作者辛文房的诗歌创作才能、受教育背景及个人经历都有着莫大的关系。 第三部分,《唐才子传》的取材情况。《唐才子传》是一部纯文人的传记,在写作的过程中对于资料的收集和处理是很重要的,也是编纂学研究的重要方面。在取材来源上,辛氏搜集了大量的资料,并经过反复的比排;至于什么样的材料能够最终被采用,辛氏遵循了两个取材原则,一是以表现“才子”为出发点;二是以丰富“才子”形象为本;当然,在写作的过程中,由于辛氏采集资料范围过广或是由于所参考资料本身存在错误而辛氏疏于考证,使得《唐才子传》在取材上出现了不少疏误。 第四部分,《唐才子传》的体例、编纂原则和特点。《唐才子传》的体例继承了《史记》的“纪传体”和“传赞结合”,把“纪传体”引入诗人传记,《唐才子传》具有首功,实为开诗人列传之先河。在编纂过程中,辛氏遵循了“因诗系人”和“不虚美,不隐恶”的原则,无论诗坛大家还是小家甚至无名者,只要诗作发自“性情”具有“吟咏性情”之功都是辛氏立传的对象。对于《唐才子传》的特点,历来的研究都多有提到,所以笔者在本文中也只做了简略的论述。 第五部分,《唐才子传》的写作方法。辛氏采用了格法批评、寓论断于序事和互见法,其中寓论断于序事和互见法是《史记》的重要写作方法,所以《唐才子传》在写作方法上也深受《史记》的影响。 第六部分,《唐才子传》的编纂学价值。《唐才子传》具有重要的史料价值、诗论价值、目录学价值是毋庸置疑的。从编纂学的角度来看,《唐才子传》同样具有重要的编纂学价值。首先《唐才子传》开诗人列传之先例,首次把列传写入诗人传记,在论述上采用评传的形式;其次《唐才子传》继承了《文士传》文人小传的体例,在写作上开创单一的小传格局,以诗歌创作事迹为中心,内容生动活泼,体式灵活多变。这些对于我们编纂传记都具有重要的指导作用,可以说《唐才子传》是传记发展史上不可缺少的链条。 The Biography of Gifted Poets in Tang Dynasty is the first book of the monograph ofpoets.The book has10chapters,include398poets. The author is Wenfang Xin who was livedin western country which closed to the area of Yuan,and in that time the Yuan Dynasty wasestablished not longer. The book do not only research the poet's life and comment on Tangpoetry rheology and the poetic style, but also vividly depict the poet's style. Each biographygenerally includes profile, Poetry criticism, Book circulation and Appendix four parts. So far, the Biography of Gifted Poets in Tang Dynasty's studies mostly focus onarrangement, textual research and fact magazine version of error, but the research ofcompilation is few, and has no system. On the basis of previous studies, this paper has asystematic research on the compilation of the Biography of Gifted Poets in Tang Dynasty. This paper altogether is divided six major parts. The first part is introduction. Mainly introduces the Biography of Gifted Poets in TangDynasty's study history, the paper's main content and research methods. The second part is Wenfang Xin and the Biography of Gifted Poets in Tang Dynasty.Mainly discusses the book's academic factors and subjective factors of the author WenfangXin. The book wrote in the year of1304,which is the ' Zong Tang' atmosphere is mostabundanted, we can say that the Biography of Gifted Poets in Tang Dynasty is the “ZongTang”s products. Of course, the Biography of Gifted Poets in Tang Dynasty has a greatrelation of the author Wenfang Xin's poetry creation ability and educational background. The third part is the Biography of Gifted Poets in Tang Dynasty's material conditions.The Biography of Gifted Poets in Tang Dynasty is a pure literary biography.In the writingprocess, how to collect and do with the material is very important, which is an importantaspect of the study of Compilation. In the sources of material, Wenfang Xi collected a largeamount of data, but what material can finally be used, he followed the two samplingprinciples.The one is taking ' Wit' as the starting point; the other is enriching the image ofthe' Wit'. There are a few mistakes in the book for too wide range of the material.The fourth part, the Biography of Gifted Poets in Tang Dynasty's style,compiling principlesand characteristics. The author records of the Records of the Grand Historian,and usesJiChuanTi and Commentaries with biography. The fifth part is the method of the Biography of Gifted Poets in Tang Dynasty. In thebook,Xin uses three methods that are Method of criticism, Judgment based on narrative, Crossreference.,Which are the methods of the Records of the Grand Historian. The sixth part, the historiography value of the Biography of Gifted Poets in TangDynasty.Firstly,Xin takes the Biographies into the Biography of Gifted Poets in TangDynasty.Secondly,the book inherites the style of the scribe's biography.and makes a simpleprofile pattern,which is to poetry creation story as the center, in the content be lively and vividin style, flexible. So, the Biography of Gifted Poets in Tang Dynasty is a a good guide for ourcompilation of biographical.It is can be said that the Biography of Gifted Poets in TangDynasty is an indispensable chain in the biographical history.
分 类 号: [I207.209]
领 域: [文学]