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Uncertainty of Law in Jurisprudence Analysis

导  师: 朱俊强

学科专业: 030101

授予学位: 硕士

作  者: ;

机构地区: 广州大学

摘  要: 法律的确定性是法治的基础。但是对于法律确定性这个问题,一直存在争论。有的认为法律是绝对的确定的,因而适法者只是机械地把具体案件与法律规范对应起来,也有的认为法律的确定性不是绝对的,例如,法律原则的适用需要加入适法者的价值判断。本文对法律确定性问题的不同观点进行考察,认为法律是相对不确定的,并且这种不确定在司法过程中体现出来,导致司法的相对不确定。 全文分为三章,主要内容如下: 第一章阐述从法律的确定性到法律的不确定性。法律确定性是法治的目标和要求,通过西方关于法律确定性问题的相关理论,认识法律不确定性的客观存在,并分析这种不确定性对现实产生的影响。 第二章研究司法过程中的法律不确定性。主要是从两个方面进行分析,一方面对司法过程中的法律不确定的表现加以分析,包括法律概念的不确定、法律事实认定的不确定、法律规则的不确定和裁判的不确定另一个方面分析造成司法过程中这些不确定性表现的原因,笔者认为主要原因在于法律语言的开放性、立法的局限、社会生活的复杂和法官本身所受到的影响。 第三章思考应对司法过程中的法律不确定性的措施。当前学界对这个问题的观点较多,文中主要对法官自由裁量、司法解释和引入判例的观点进行了评述。并在前人研究的基础上,针对造成法律不确定的因素,思考促进法律确定性的途径,认为当前我们可以通过完善立法、加强法律适用的程序设置、提高法官素质、法律解释、漏洞补充和价值衡量等措施,应对司法过程中的法律不确定。 The certainty of law is the basis of the rule of law. There is always controversyabout the certainty of law. Some people think that law is absolutely certain, thereforewhen face a specific case, the judge’s duty is just applying rules mechanically, whilethe others believe that law is uncertain, foe example, legal principles, unlike rules,cannot serve as a test offer grounds to judges for their adjudication. It needs judges’value judgment. This article analyzes different view on the certainty of law, webelieve that law is relative uncertain, and it shows through judicial process. Besides the preface and conclusion, the article is divided into three parts asfollows: The first chapter discusses the certainty of law and the uncertainty of law. Thecertainty of law is the aim and requirement of the rule of law. After a briefintroduction of theoretical foundation of the certainty of law, the chapter points outquery of the certainty of law, and analyze effects of the uncertainty of law to legalpractice. The second chapter studies the uncertainty of law in judicial process. First partis the manifestations of this uncertainty in judicial procedure, containing theuncertainty of legal concept, the uncertainty of verification of legal facts, theuncertainty of legal rules, the uncertainty of the judicial results. Second part analyzesthe reasons that cause the uncertainty of law in judicial process. Because the wordsare fuzzy, their meanings are always change. It also because of limitation inlegislation, and the complexity of the society, and subjective factors of the judges’,the all cause the uncertainty of law. The third chapter provides the measures of settling the uncertainty of law injudicial process. At present, there are various viewpoints among researchers in ourcountry. This article explores three ways mainly: judicial discretion, judicialinterpretation, introduction of case law in our country. Based on the existingachievement, we think that those strategies could play a role to the settlement of the uncertainty of law, but the also have some disadvantages. So we may take othermeasures. For example, we need to perfect the legislation, strengthen the proceduresystem of application of law, improve quality of judges, use legal methods, such aslegal interpretation, supplements of loopholes in the law, value measurement and soon.

关 键 词: 司法 法律确定性 法律不确定性

分 类 号: [D90]

领  域: [政治法律] [政治法律]


作者 张嶂
作者 蔡国芹
作者 孙丽华
作者 李宝婵
作者 陈小朴


机构 中山大学
机构 中山大学法学院
机构 广州大学
机构 华南理工大学
机构 暨南大学


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作者 廖伟导
作者 廖芳
作者 张万坤
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