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The Theory of the Victim in the Sentencing Procedure

导  师: 欧卫安

学科专业: 030101

授予学位: 硕士

作  者: ;

机构地区: 广州大学

摘  要: 2010年10月,最高人民法院在全国普及量刑规范化改革,在《人民法院量刑指导意见(试行)》和《人民法院量刑程序指导意见(试行)》中规定被害人有权提出量刑意见并对其提出量刑意见的程序做了相应的规定。作为刑事案件的直接受害人,在刑事审判中被害人的诉讼当事人地位非常特殊:一是在公诉案件中,被害人不能作为独立的诉讼当事人参加诉讼,尤其是在量刑程序中,被害人的当事人地位更加被弱化;二是刑法的主要目的是保护国家和公共利益,刑事诉讼不会仅以被害人的利益为主要的定罪量刑依据,难以实现被害人的个人正义。这两个方面的原因导致被害人难以参与量刑程序。本文主要从被害人参与刑事审判程序的特点出发,比如庭审地位、庭审权利、庭审程序等,找出其难以参与量刑程序的根源,并针对问题提出解决措施。具体来说,本论文分为六个部分: 第一部分为绪论。主要介绍了论文研究的相关背景资料,包括选题的缘由与意义、研究现状及存在的问题。 第二部分为被害人参与量刑程序概说。主要介绍了量刑程序与被害人参与量刑的程序的相关理论。具体包括量刑程序的概念与特征、量刑程序的分类与功能、被害人参与量刑程序的界定及特点以及被害人参与量刑程序的功能。 第三部分为被害人参与量刑程序的法理基础。首先对被害人参与庭审的诉讼主体地位进行了分析,然后分析得出程序正义、人权保障、社会和谐是构建我国被害人参与量刑程序的价值基础。 第四部分为被害人参与量刑程序的比较法考察。本章在介绍了独立量刑程序模式、混合量刑程序模式的基础上对两大量刑模式进行比较。 第五部分为我国被害人参与量刑程序评述。由于被害人的特殊庭审地位,本章先从两个方面对被害人参与量刑程序进行了阐述,接着从立法、诉讼观念、被害人自身以及司法实践四个方面对被害人参与量刑程序不足的原因进行了具体的分析。 第六部分为我国被害人参与量刑程序的构建。这部分是在第四、五部分的基础上,对如何构建被害人参与量刑的程序进行了初步的探讨。主要从保障被害人充分行使量刑建议权和对案件分流后设置具体的量刑程序两方面提出了我国被害人参与量刑程序的构建措施。 In October2010, the Supreme People's Court reformed sentencingstandardization in the nation,<> and <> regulated the victim have right to put forwardsentencing opinions and proposed the procedure of sentencing opinions.As the directly victim in criminal case, the status of the victim oflitigants is very unique: First, in a case of public prosecution, thevictim not have independent litigants status to participate inlitigation, especially in sentencing procedure, the parties status ofvictims is more weakening; Second, the main purpose of the Criminal Lawis to protect the state and public interests, Criminal litigation notonly for the victim’s interests, so it is difficult to achieve thevictim’s personal justice. The two causes make the victim difficult toparticipate in the process of sentencing. The article mainly from theparticularity of the victim in the criminal trial procedure, for example,trial status, trial right, court proceedings and so on, it is to findthe root of the victim in sentencing procedure, and proposes solutionmeasures. Specifically, this thesis is divided into six parts: The first part is the introduction. Mainly introduces the researchof the relevant background material, including the reason and meaningof select this topic, research status and existing problems. The second part is a summary of the victim in sentencing procedure.The paper mainly introduces the related theory of the sentencingprocedure and the victim in sentencing procedure. Including the conceptand characteristics of sentencing procedure, classification andfunction of sentencing procedure, the definition of the victim in sentencing procedure, the characteristics and the function of the victimin sentencing procedure. The third part is the legal theory of the victim in sentencingprocedure. Analysis the litigation subject position of the victim aboveall, then analysis the procedural justice, human rights protection,social harmony as the foundation value of the victim in sentencingprocedure, the foundation value of the victim in sentencing procedureand to perfect our country’s victim in sentencing procedure. The fourth part is the comparative study of the two mode of victimin the sentencing procedure. The part mainly in base on introduces theindependent mode of sentencing procedure, the mixed mode of sentencingprocedure, then make a comparison of the two major sentencing mode ofsentencing procedure. The fifth part is about the victims in sentencing procedure in ourcountry. Because the trial status of victim is special, first the articlediscuss the two aspects of the victim in sentencing procedure; then fromthe legislation, lawsuit idea, the victim itself and the judicialpractice analysis the causes of the victim deficiency in sentencingprocedure. The six part is the construction of the victim in sentencingprocedure in our country. This section on the basis of the fifth part,preliminary discuss how to construct the victim in the sentencingprocedure, mainly from the protection of victim to advice and thesentencing distribute of cases, and to construct the system of the victimof sentencing procedure in our country.

关 键 词: 被害人参与量刑 量刑程序 诉讼当事人 量刑建议权

分 类 号: [D925.2]

领  域: [政治法律] [政治法律]


作者 唐姝玮
作者 吴啟铮
作者 刘德明
作者 王爱国
作者 张勃


机构 华南理工大学
机构 中山大学
机构 广州大学
机构 广东技术师范学院
机构 深圳大学法学院


作者 康秋实
作者 廖伟导
作者 廖芳
作者 张万坤
作者 张光亚