导 师: 戴仲平
学科专业: 050102
授予学位: 硕士
作 者: ;
机构地区: 广州大学
摘 要: 在言语交际中,地点属于语境的一部分,对言语交际具有制约作用。研究言语交际中的地点,对语境与言语交际都具有十分重要的意义。 论文首先对言语交际中的地点做了界定,并从言语交际的角度,根据不同的标准,对言语交际中的地点进行了分类。 论文在关联论、顺应论的理论基础上,结合已有的言语交际理论,对言语交际中的地点表达和理解规律进行了探讨。提出了地点表达的顺应性和地点理解的关联性。其中地点表达的顺应性主要包括地点表达的顺应性以及言语表达对地点的顺应。地点表达应该顺应语境中其他因素。言语表达则要顺应场合、地点的自然属性和人文属性等。地点理解的关联性主要指理解地点应该从文化背景、上下文、场景、个人的知识与经验等方面去寻找关联,从而做出准确的理解。 Place is part of context in verbal communications and has a limiting effectson the latter. It is significant for verbal communication and its context to make anexploration on verbal communication’s place. This thesis identified verbal communication’s place first, and divide it intomany kinds on different standards from different points of view. And meanwhile, the thesis discussed place expression and placeunderstanding connected with the existed verbal communication theory on thebasis of relative theory and obligation theory, among which, the obligation ofplace expressions contained the obligations of place expression to the place andthe place expression’s obligations. The place expressions should obligate theother facts of context. The verbal communication should obligate occasion,place’s natural attributes and literal attributes. The relativity of placeunderstanding mainly points to custom backgrounds, context, occasion, personalknowledge and experience and other aspects to seek the relation and then makean accurate comprehension.
分 类 号: [H030]
领 域: [语言文字]