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A Study of the Cognitive Motivations of the Lexical Errors in Junior High School Students' Compositions and the Teaching Strategies

导  师: 肖坤学

学科专业: 040102

授予学位: 硕士

作  者: ;

机构地区: 广州大学

摘  要: 写作被广泛认为是语言四大技能之一,但也是最难的一项技能。教师和学生都认识到写作教学的重要性,也在这方面付出了很多努力。可是,写作仍是英语习得中最为困难的部分。在写作中,学生经常犯错误,而词汇错误是中国英语学习者最常犯的错误之一。 从搜集的资料来看,国内所做的有关于词汇错误的研究多是以非英语专业或者英语专业的大学生等中高级英语学习者为研究对象,或者以高中生为研究对象,反而对初中生的研究极少。就仅有的这些针对初中生英语写作中词汇错误分析的研究来说,它们的研究角度大多是对所有的错误进行分析,然后分析错误的原因。而且,目前国内很少有从认知角度分析初中学生词汇错误的文章。因此,本文作者写了这篇以初中生为对象,以提高学生的作文水平为目的,以及从认知的角度探讨写作的教学策略的论文。 所以,作者提出了以下两个研究问题: /(1/)从认知理论来看,初中生作文中的词汇错误的性质是什么? /(2/)基于框架理论,初中生英语写作中的词汇错误可以分为几种类型? 带着这两个研究问题,笔者开始了这次研究。以广州外国语学校的初二年级208个学生为研究对象,笔者对他们的英语作文进行采样分析。数据收集持续了四个月时间。在这期间,作者给全年级的学生6个不同的作文主题,并从每个主题中随机抽取5篇文章,一共随机抽取了30篇作为词汇错误分析的样本。作者以错误分析、迁移和框架理论为理论依据,以思辨性解释方法为研究方法,从认知的角度对作文中出现的201个词汇错误进行了分类:假朋友和不适合框架的词。研究结果表明:在两类词汇错误中,假朋友错误出现比不适合框架的词频繁。词汇错误的原因可以解释为:假朋友的出现主要是由于母语的负迁移造成的;而不适合框架的词是由于学生对框架的概念不够了解,即是对文章的主题不明确,用了与主题无关的词,造成了主题偏移。另一个原因是学生没有掌握好词汇,才会用了不属于框架的词语。此外,输入不足、死记硬背的学习策略和语法翻译法等因素也导致了词汇错误的产生。 基于研究发现,作者提出了英语写作教学的建议,具体包括明确教学目标、用恰当的引导策略、激发学生写作动机、课后进行广泛阅读、系统地教词汇和采用语境教学法等。 Writing is widely acknowledged as one of the four language skills, but is usuallyconsidered to be the most difficult one. Teachers and students have realized theimportance of writing in English language teaching /(ELT/), and have made mucheffort. However, despite the great effort, writing is still the most difficult part for bothteachers and students. Students make many mistakes in writing. Lexical errors are oneof the most common mistakes that Chinese learners commit. Based on the collected data, most of the researches carried out concerning lexicalerrors by domestic researchers took intermediate or advanced learners, such as collegenon-English majors or English majors as the subjects, or senior high school students;On the contrary, few researches took junior high school students as subjects. As theytook junior high school students as subjects, most of them set their focus on all typesof errors in their compositions and analyze the reasons for each of them. What is more,few domestic researchers have ever studied junior high school students’ lexical errorsin the cognitive perspective. Therefore, the author conducts a study on junior highschool students’ writing, with the purpose of finding out the pedagogical implicationsof English writing in junior high school, and improving students’ writing ability. Thus, the author proposes the following two questions: 1. What is the nature of junior high school students’ lexical errors in Englishcompositions in the light of cognitive linguistics? 2. What types of lexical errors are there in junior high school students’ Englishcompositions from the perspective of the frame theory? With the questions, the author conducts the research. The author takes280GradeEight students from Guangzhou Foreign Language School as subjects. The datacollection lasts for4months. During the period, the author gives the students sixtopics to write compositions, and selects5samples from each topic, so there are30samples for lexical analysis. With Error Analysis, Transfer, and Frame theory as theoretical guidance, adopting introspective and exploratory method as researchmethod, the author identifies and analyzes the lexical errors from the cognitiveperspective. The author finds that there are201lexical errors, but the author analyzeserrors in the perspective of cognitive motivation, so just two types of errors are takeninto consideration: False Friends and words not appropriate for the frame. Theresearch shows that False Friends are more frequently produced than words notappropriate for the frame. There are many reasons for errors: False Friends areattributed to negative transfer of mother tongue, and the reasons for words notappropriate for the frame are that students do not understand the conception of theframe well, that is, they do not know the topics of compositions well, and use somewords not relevant for the topic. As a result, the deviation of theme is caused. Anotherreason is that students do not master the words so that they use words not belonging tothe frame. Besides those, lack of input, mechanical memorizing andgrammar-translation teaching method are also the reasons for lexical errors. According to the research, the writer offers some suggestions for English writing,including clarifying the objective of English writing, using proper strategy instruction,putting emphasis on intrinsic motivation, encouraging students to read extensively,and trying best to systematically introduce knowledge of vocabulary.

关 键 词: 初中生 英语作文 词汇错误 认知理据 框架 教学策略

分 类 号: [G633.41]

领  域: [文化科学]


作者 林丽娟
作者 钟志英
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机构 华南师范大学
机构 广州大学
机构 广东外语外贸大学
机构 广东工业大学外国语学院
机构 广东外语外贸大学国际商务英语学院


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