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On Generation and Application of Rural Primary School Teachers' Practical Knowledge

导  师: 田秋华

学科专业: 040102

授予学位: 硕士

作  者: ;

机构地区: 广州大学

摘  要: 教师实践性知识研究是当前教师教育研究的一个热点问题。研究教师实践性知识,对促进教师专业发展和教师自我成长具有非常重要的作用。 本研究对目前教师实践性知识的研究现状进行了较为全面系统的梳理,在此基础上,运用访谈法、观察法等研究方法对农村一线小学教师实践性知识的生成及应用现状进行了质化研究,揭示了教师实践性知识发展的基本阶段,并据此提出了一些有针对性发展的建议。本研究共分为五章。 第一章主要阐述了选题的缘由、研究目的、研究意义与研究内容,并对本研究中涉及的核心概念进行界定与辨析。 第二章运用文献研究法,对目前关于教师实践性知识的研究成果进行全面系统地评述,籍此了解和把握相关研究的现状、成果及其未来发展趋势;同时,还对本研究所涉及的相关理论进行了具体的分析和阐述,为研究的全面展开奠定了较为扎实的理论基础。 第三章通过研究设计,明确本研究的主要问题与研究框架,阐述选用质化研究方法的理由及其具体操作流程,并讨论本研究的信效度以及研究推论问题。 第四章围绕本研究的主题,分个案教师简介、教师实践性知识生成过程及应用现状、教师实践性知识的生成途径以及个案教师在教学实践中遇到的主要问题等几个部分,逐个分析并讨论山西省L小学六位个案教师的质化研究结果。在此基础上,对这些个案教师进行比较研究,以探寻个案教师生成实践性知识的规律。 第五章根据质化研究的结果得出,教师实践性知识的发展大致经历入门——适应——胜任——熟练——专家五个主要阶段。另外,本研究就如何促进L小学被调研教师获得新的实践性知识、不断提升其教师专业发展水平等问题,提出了一些有针对性的建议。 Currently, teachers’ practical knowledge is a hot issue in teacher educationresearch.Research on teachers’ practical knowledge plays an important role in promoting theprofessional development and self-growth of teachers. The thesis has made comprehensive and systematic summarization on the presentresearch status of teacher practical knowledge. Based on these materials, the author also hasmade qualitative research on primary school teachers in rural areas by interviews, observationand other research methods. Reveals the basic stages of the development of teachers’ practicalknowledge. In addition, specific recommendations are put forward for the development ofpractical knowledge. This study can be divided into the following five chapters. Chapter one mainly expounds reasons for the topic, purpose, significance and content. Inaddition, the core concepts involved in the research is defined and differentiated. Chapter two comprehensively and systematically reviewed current research on teachers’practical knowledge by archival research. By this way, we can have a good demand of thesituation, results and development trend of the related research. At the same time, it alsoanalysis and discuss the related theories of this research, laying a solid theoretical basis forthis study in full swing. Chapter three illustrates the main problems and framework of the thesis by researchdesign and the reasons for employing qualitative research and specific operation procedure.The validity and research assumption are also discussed. Chapter four focuses on the research questions, which mainly consist of sub-case teacherintroduction, the generation process of teachers’ practical knowledge, and problems thatsub-case teachers meet in teaching process. Qualitative researches on six sub-case teachers atL primary school in Shanxi province are discussed respectively. Based on these materials, theauthor makes comparative study on sub-case teachers and explores the generation rules forteachers’ practical knowledge. Chapter five comes to the conclusion that the development of teachers’ practical knowledge consists of five stages: rudiment, adaptation, competence, proficiency and expert.What’s more, the author also gives some niche targeting advice on how to promote theacquisition of practical knowledge of survey teachers in L primary school and at the sametime promote teachers’ professional level.

关 键 词: 农村小学教师 教师实践性知识 生成 应用

分 类 号: [G625.1]

领  域: [文化科学]


作者 杨丽娜
作者 何小玲
作者 黄友庚
作者 马骋
作者 朱惠霞


机构 广州大学
机构 嘉应学院教育科学学院
机构 广东理工职业学院
机构 华南师范大学
机构 广东外语外贸大学英语教育学院


作者 庞菊香
作者 康超
作者 廖燕萍
作者 廖荆梅
作者 张丽娟