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A Task-based Language Teaching Approach to Garment ESP Course for Secondary Students

导  师: 蒋晓萍

学科专业: 040102

授予学位: 硕士

作  者: ;

机构地区: 广州大学

摘  要: 中等职业技术教育是培养生产、技术、服务、管理等方面的就业教育,近年来得到了长足的进展。目前,中职教育面临工学结合课程改革的挑战,而中职英语教育的挑战特色就是突出语言教学的应用性和实用性。然而,长期以来中职英语教学从教学环节到教学方法基本上沿袭了一般用途普通英语传统中的相对滞后的教学模式,未形成具有职业特色的专门用途英语/(ESP/)教学模式,出现学生畏难和厌倦职业类、专业类英语学习的现状,教学质量长期低下与不振。因此,职业学校专门用途英语的教学模式亟待在工学结合课程改革与实践中得以变革和创新。 专门用途英语作为一种根据学生交际需要为学习目的而确定教学内容和方法的教学途径,符合中职教育的培养目标,更符合社会对具有良好专业交际能力的涉外人才的客观需要。专门用途英语教学与任务语言教学法(TBLT)有着共同的教学理论基础和契合点。基于交际教学思想的任务教学法是一种强调“做中学”的语言教学方法,把语言运用的基本理念转化为具体实践意义的课堂教学方式,已成为专门用途英语的常用教学方法。 服装英语是专门用途英语之一,在职业学校的纺织服装类专业英语教学中占有重要地位。因此,在专门用途英语教学理论和工学结合课程理论的基础上,将任务型语言教学法应用于服装英语教学,使学生在有限的时间内最大限度地获取胜任将来工作所需的英语应用能力。目前,国内大部分任务型教学研究侧重于该教学模式在中小学中的教学应用,较少涉及任务型教学法在职业院校工学结合课程教学中的有效性研究。作者试图通过这次实验研究,将任务型教学法应用到服装英语课程,并解决以下问题:任务型教学法是否能有效提高中职学生对服装专门用途英语学习的态度与兴趣,是否能提高学生应用英语技能完成相应服装专业工作任务的能力(以工作口语交际、处理单证资料等内容为典型性测验)。 本文采用的研究方法是文献综述法、实验法、问卷调查法和访谈法。为付诸实践和检验其实际效果,作者设计了在同一个专业两个平行班的对比教学实验。受试班采用任务型教学法干预服装英语教学,另一个对比班按照以前的传统语法翻译教学法教学,然后进一步处理和分析源于前后测、问卷调查和访谈的数据。历时16周的实验数据结果显示,通过分析具体教学过程中以“学生为中心”的任务式教学活动和以英语语言为工具完成各种相关工作任务的情况,学生能快速地、标准地完成宏观或微观方面的工作任务,并体现出较强的职业能力和素养。其中,实验前后的问卷调查和试验后访谈进一步反应了真实教学过程的有关情况。实验研究结果表明:实验班的服装英语教学现状和学生学习成效和兴趣得到了较大的改善;基于工作任务的任务型语言教学法能有效应用于服装英语教学,能有效提高实验班学生应用服装英语的能力,尤其是提高其完成专业性的真实或模拟工作的职业水平。同时表明该方法在一定程度上形成了以学生为中心的、基于工作任务的中职服装英语教学模式,充分结合服装行业工作任务、工作过程的语言能力需求和专业知识需求,利用工学结合课程的特点,将课堂教学内容演变为真实工作任务或工作能力需求,将英语语用能力的培养与行业英语工作技能培养结合,提高中职学生专业英语的应用能力、未来职业的竞争力,增强其岗位能力,同时也促进了教师跨学科语言教学的专业成长。 Secondary vocational and technical education is vocation-oriented and itsobjective is to cultivate practical talents in production, technology, service andmanagement and etc., which has been made corresponding advances in recent years.Also it is facing the challenge that is to combine work with learning and createsomething new and competitive, and the distinguishing features of vocational andtechnical education are its application and practicality in students' language learning.However, secondary teaching of English for Special Purpose /(ESP/) has basicallyfollowed general English teaching mode from teaching links to teaching methods for along time without building the English language course system with somecharacteristics of secondary vocational education. Vocational students fear Englishlearning and have been tired of classroom teaching and professional English study, thecurrent situation of poor teaching quality and in a long-term recession. Therefore, theEnglish teaching mode should change and innovate in vocational schools, combiningthe curriculum reform with practice. ESP is learning-centered according to the students' need of communication andthe need determines the teaching content and the teaching approach, which accordswith the training target of secondary education, conforms to the objective need fromthe society in order to have better foreign-oriented talents with the ability ofprofessional communication. And Task-based Language Teaching /(TBLT/)emphasizes “learning by doing” and offers students an opportunity to make languagemeaningful and useful in the classroom as a tool. This relatively new teachingmethodology has become crucial for EPS. TBLT and ESP teaching are closely linkedin terms of their common teaching notion and theoretical basis. Garment English, as a language for special occupation purpose, plays anincreasingly important role and has become the important course in the vocationalschool curricula. So based on the relevant scientific theories, ESP teaching modeshould be applied in garment English teaching so as to make students gain theessential abilities of applying English language for their future work within limited time. Thus improving the students' ability of working and implementing necessarytasks is the most important part of vocational English teaching. Nowadays, in China,TBLT approach to language teaching is often applied in primary or high schools anduniversities,little relevant research and practice have been conducted in the TBLTapplication to special courses and vocational education. The author attempts to do thisresearch with a view to examining the effect of TBLA application to inspiringvocational secondary students' interest in language-learning. She also intends toinvestigate whether this approach can help to effectively perform the working tasks byusing Garment English rather than the traditional approach like Grammar-translationapproach. This thesis explores a tentative teaching method by the applying a TBLT approachto Garment English course through literature review, experiment, questionnaires andinterview, and etc. In order to apply this approach to practice and test its real effect,the author designed a comparative empirical teaching research which lasted for18weeks with the comparison of two parallel classes. The experimental class adaptsTBLT to Garment English teaching while another class uses previous traditionalgrammar-translation teaching method. Pre-test and post-test, questionnaires andsemi-structured interview data are further processed and analyzed. Through a flexibleanalysis of specific teaching and learning process of “student-centered”, teachingactivities and complete various tasks related to career needs using English, studentscan appropriately implement the standard macro or micro aspects of simulationworking tasks, and reflect their strong professionalism. Experimental result showed that TBLT can be applied effectively in GarmentEnglish and improve students' language skills and ability of implementing the worktasks in Garment industry. The questionnaires and interviews further reflect the realsituation of teaching process, indicating that Garment English has been greatlyimproved both teaching and learning. To a certain extent, the application of TBLTapproach reveals that a student-centered teaching could help students master bothEnglish language skills and professional knowledge. It can not only effectively migrate from theory knowledge to students' occupational skills and ability, butincrease the fun and flexibility in classroom teaching and teachers' professionalgrowth.

关 键 词: 任务型教学法 专门用途英语 服装英语 工作任务 英语应用能力

分 类 号: [G633.41]

领  域: [文化科学]


作者 王瑞英
作者 黄律环
作者 吕桥
作者 邓贤贵
作者 高细明


机构 华南师范大学
机构 广东外语外贸大学
机构 广州大学外国语学院
机构 华南师范大学外国语言文化学院
机构 广东技术师范学院


作者 庞菊香
作者 康超
作者 廖燕萍
作者 廖荆梅
作者 张丽娟