导 师: 焦建余
学科专业: 040303
授予学位: 硕士
作 者: ;
机构地区: 广州大学
摘 要: 高校的发展是时代的要求,体育的发展可以推动高校的发展已经是一个不争的事实,在发达国家,依靠高校体育来带动学校发展的例子已经很多,一位体育明星、一项体育赛事可以把一所高校推向世界高峰。利用高校体育推动学校发展要用什么样的方式,品牌化是一个发展趋势,高校体育品牌化该怎么开展,用什么样的模式开展,是本研究要解决的问题。 本研究论述了我国高校体育发展的现状和局限性,结合部分高校在推动体育品牌化的案例进行探讨。着力阐述了新时期高校体育品牌化的时代要求,走体育品牌化道路的条件、思路;理论联系实际,提出高校体育品牌化的一般模型,通过深入分析这些模式的预期社会效益、经济效益和现实价值意义,探讨其对于我国高校体育发展的积极影响:高校体育品牌化发展的创新模式有效弥补我国现有体制下高校体育事业发展的不足,长期地促进高校教学与科研及高校与企业产学研良性互动,既能带动高校体育发展,又能带动高校各个相关专业学科的教学实践;既能带来勤工俭学和就业创业实践机会,能为高校科研人员创造零距离研发机会;在为高校和企业发展自主知识产权和创造利润的同时,更为学生带来帮助和实惠,使我国高校体育和产学研发展具有积极意义,为高校发展提供了有益的参考。 我国高校在迈向世界知名高校的进程中,如何利用自身独有的体育文化资源和地域文化特色,最大效用的发挥现有资源设施的作用,走体育品牌化道路是理应思考的问题,同时,如何使体育品牌发展成为推动高校发展的源动力,以此来扩大高校的辐射力、知名度和影响力的问题值得我们深思。本文的论证正是建立在对这些问题的思考、梳理和探讨的基础上提出高校体育品牌化模型,希望对高校体育品牌化发展提供借鉴和参考。希望为推动广州地区高校走向快速发展的道路,为提高学校的教学实力、知名度和综合实力贡献力量。 The development of colleges and universities is the requirements of the Times, andit is fact that the development of the sports can promote the development of colleges anduniversities. There are many cases that college sports drive the development of theschool in developed countries, for example: a sports star and sports events can put auniversity to the peak of the world. How to use the university sports to promote thedevelopment of the school, the brand is an inevitable trend. But how to carry out andwhat kind of model to develop, that is the core problem to solve. This study discussed the development present situation and limitations of sportsindustry in universities in China, and analyzed some colleges and universities topromote the sports brand of cases. The paper focused on requirements, conditions andideas which promote college sports brand in the new period; The author combinedtheory and practice and put forward the general model of college sports brand, anddiscussed the positive effects of these patterns through in-depth analysis of thesepatterns expected social benefit, economic benefit and realistic significance for ouruniversity sports. College sports brand model of innovation made up for the deficiencyof the development of sports industry under our country's existing system effectivelyuniversities and promote long-term development of college teaching and scientificresearch and the benign interaction of the university and the enterprise the combination.This can drive the development of sports industry in colleges and universities and candrive each relevant professional subject teaching practice and bring part-work andemployment entrepreneurship practice chance, more can create zero distance ofscientific research personnel research opportunity; In college and enterprisedevelopment get independent intellectual property rights and create profits, morestudents can get help and benefit at the same time, it provide the beneficial reference forour country college sports development and the combination of a positive innovationmode for college physical education reform. This is a question worth considering how to use their own unique sports cultureresources and regional culture characteristics to play the best value role of the existingresources facilities in the process of our universities to enter the world famousuniversities. At the same time, this is also worth pondering that how to make sportsbrand development become source power of development of the college, so as to expandradiation, fame and influence of universities in Guangzhou. This paper proposeduniversity sports brand general model on the basis of thinking and sorting out andexploring these problems to and hoped to provide reference for the college sports branddevelopment. The author hope to find out new roads for the rapid developmentuniversities in Guangzhou and Chinese to improve the teaching strength, the popularityand comprehensive competitiveness.
分 类 号: [G807.4]