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Initial Investigation and Analysis the Effect of Sports Activities on Internet Addiction Disorder of Junior Students

导  师: 陈明

学科专业: 040303

授予学位: 硕士

作  者: ;

机构地区: 广州大学

摘  要: 本研究以广州市海珠实验中学的初中生为主要调查对象,通过文献资料的收集查阅,从而比较全面地获得关于青少年网络成瘾的研究现状,对整个研究有了一个初步的理性认识。通过研究目的意义来设计相关问卷,发放问卷800份,回收有效问卷623份,有效回收率为85.1/%;在整个调查的过程中,也走访了相关的专家、教授,就初中生网络成瘾及其网瘾倾向问题进行交谈,从中也掌握了第一手资料;用逻辑分析法考察初中生网络成瘾倾向及其参加体育活动情况的必然性,在揭示其内部逻辑的基础上再现其发展。最后做出数据统计,将调查出的指标数据进行比较,以达到认识二者的关系和规律,并做出客观的分析。 通过调查分析,得出以下结论:(1)广州市海珠实验中学初中生每周上网1-3次,每次上网1-3小时的学生占79.3/%,每周上网4-6次,每次上网4-6小时的学生占14.5/%,每周上网7-9次,每次上网6小时以上的学生占6.2/%,分别表现为网络成瘾倾向的轻度、中度和重度;(2)该校初中生上网目的主要为了调节心理的学生约39.8/%,参加球类和田径项目的学生约23/%,最喜欢参加体育活动的家庭成员中是父亲的占总人数的28.4/%,是母亲的约占13.8/%。由此看出,造成初中生网络成瘾倾向的原因包括:在现实中无法满足初中生这一特殊年龄时期的需求,容易沉溺于虚拟的网络中去追寻;学校开展的体育活动不多,项目单一,无法满足学生的娱乐,减缓压力等需求;家长影响力不够,缺乏正确引导。(3)广州市海珠实验中学初中生使用最多的是QQ聊天占55.2/%,参加体育活动为了与人交往,调节心理的学生也占到55/%,该校初中生在上网和参加体育活动二者之中所预想达到的需求基本一致,若能引导学生参与到体育活动中满足学生减缓压力、调节情绪、与人交流等方面的需求,那么学生则会减少上网的时间和次数。(4)根据初步分析,提出措施:增加体育活动的时间和次数,重视体育课、课外体育活动和大课间体育活动,推进素质教育;发挥教师的主导作用,丰富初中生体育活动的内容和形式;学生积极参加体育活动,把体育活动与心理调节相结合;提供丰富社会体育活动内容,发挥社会对初中生网络成瘾倾向的引导作用;常督促孩子参加体育活动,而自己也要加入到体育活动中,充分发挥家长在体育活动中“言传身教”的作用。 In this research, the Haizhu Experimental Middle School of the students for themain survey,Inspection through the collection of documents,More comprehensive access to the Research on Internet Addiction Disorder,Rational understanding of the entire study has made a preliminary。To design the questionnaire through the research purpose and significance of800copies of questionnaires,623copies of valid questionnaires,Effective recovery rate of85.1/%。In the entire investigation process,Also visitedthe relevant experts and professors,Junior high school students Internet addiction andInternet addiction tendency to talk,Which is also a master first-hand information;Logical analysis the inevitability of France visits junior high school students Internet Addiction and Its Participation in Sports,Reveal its internal logic based on the reproduction of its development。And finally to make statistics,Survey indicators data were compared,In order to achieve awareness of the relationship between law and make an objective analysis。 Investigation and analysis,The following conclusions:/(1/) Investigation and Analysis,Guangzhou City junior high school students the Internet1-3times a week,Internet1-3hourseach time students accounted for79.3/%,Internet4-6hours each time students accounted for14.5/%,The Internet7-9times a week, each accounting for6.2/%of online students for more than six hours,Respectively, the performance of Internet Addiction, mild, moderate andsevere;(2)Survey shows,Junior high school students the Internet mainly to adjust for about39.8percent of psychology students,Approximately77/%of the students participating in ballgames and track and field events, favorite family members participate in sports activities is28.4/%of the total number of father,and mother is about13.8/%,Resulting to the problems ofGuangzhou City junior high school students Internet Addiction:In reality unable to meet theneeds of this particular age period of the junior high school students to pursue, easy to indulgein a virtual network;Few schools sports activities a single project can not meet theentertainment of the students, reduce stress and needs;Parental influence, lack of properguidance(;3)Research Comprehensive analysis of Guangzhou junior high school students usethe most is the QQ chat accounted for55.2/%,Participate in sports activities in order to relateto people,Psychological adjustment of students accounted for55/%,This comparisonanalysis,Guangzhou is basically the same junior high school students in the Internet andparticipate in sports activities between the two being expected to reach the demand,If we canguide the students to participate in sports activities to meet students relieve stress, regulateemotions, to communicate with others, etc.Students will reduce the time and frequency ofInternet;/(4/)According to the preliminary analysis, the proposed measures:Increase the timeand the number of sports activities, emphasis on physical education, extra-curricular sportsactivities and recess sports activities to promote quality education;Content and form to playthe leading role of the teacher, rich in junior high school sports activities;Establish a correctlife, junior high school itself should consciously resist the temptation of the network, thecorrect use of the network;Asked the rich social activities, play the guiding role of thecommunity for junior high school network addiction;Often push their children to participatein sports activities, and we also have added to the sports activities, and give full play to therole of parents in sports activities,"words and deeds."

关 键 词: 体育活动 网络成瘾 倾向 初中生

分 类 号: [G633.96]

领  域: [文化科学]


作者 张广金
作者 邓彩霞
作者 王筠榕
作者 傅浩坚
作者 吕树庭


机构 华南师范大学
机构 广州体育学院
机构 广州大学
机构 中山大学
机构 佛山科学技术学院


作者 庞菊香
作者 康超
作者 廖燕萍
作者 廖荆梅
作者 张丽娟