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A Practical Study on Developing a School-based Curriculum of 'Closing to Animals'

导  师: 吴毅;冯洁莲

学科专业: 040102

授予学位: 硕士

作  者: ;

机构地区: 广州大学

摘  要: 为满足时代对具有创新精神和实践能力的人才的需求,新课程改革强调课程以及课程资源的多元化。目前,校本课程己成为课程改革的焦点之一。 本研究是根据校内和校外环境的分析,特别是对学生学习的调查,与广州动物园合作,利用动物园资源,开发“亲近动物”小学科学校本课程,并进行有效实施和科学评价。 课程实施前的调查结果显示学生对动物相关知识了解不是很深,对动物的保护意识还是比较薄弱。调查结果显示,只有22.2/%的学生认为在教室上科学课能非常满足其对科学的好奇心,多数学生认为教科书的内容并非十分充足,有必要开发科学校本课程补充校内课程的不足。通过对学生及校内外的环境分析,认为开发科学校本课程的可行性较高。要根据调查结果,充分利用动物园资源,科学合理开发和实施科学校本课程。 本次校本课程开发的总目标是以小学科学新课程的目标为根据,促进学生在知识、能力、情感态度和价值观等全面发展和提升。课程实施后的调查结果显示,通过本课程的学习学生的收获很大,对本课程的评价也很高,本课程的开发和实施受到学生的普遍欢迎。课程实施后的调查结果显示,80/%的学生表示很喜欢这样的校外课程,认为此课程对其学习没有帮助的比例为0,认为“有一点帮助”的占28.9/%,认为“帮助很大”的占71.1/%。 课程实施后的调查问卷结果和访谈记录表明,本次校本课程的开发和实施取得了很大的成果,实现了“三赢”,即无论是对学生的学习,教师专业水平的提升还是动物园的发展,都收到了较大的成效。成果主要包括: 第一,促进了学生科学素养的提高,拓宽了学生对动物学和生态学相关知识的观察视野,提高了学生的学习积极性和学习能力,提升了学生的情感态度和价值观。对两份测试题进行课程实施前后测的相关样本t检验,结果都是p=0.000<0.01,差异极显著。反映学生通过本课程的学习,在知识、能力、情感态度价值观方面都有很大的进步。 第二,拓宽了科学教育教师的专业发展方向,推动了学校办学特色的形成。笔者对本研究的实践经验和访谈的结果表明,利用动物园资源开发小学科学校本课程的实践研究能大大促进教师的专业化发展。 第三,丰富了动物园科普及环境教育的内涵,推动了动物园青少年实践基地的发展。保护教育是现代动物园的一项基本任务,是动物园重要的功能,也是动物园有必要存在的原因。利用动物园资源开发小学科学校外课程,充分体现了动物园的科普和教育功能,同时也促进了其保护教育的发展。 第四,开发了一套具有推广价值的校外课程,包括《揭开蝙蝠的神秘面纱》和《聪明的动物》等,既可用于小学科学教育的课堂教学,也可在动物园主办中小学生夏令营等活动中使用。 School-based curriculum has become a hot topic in education reform. It is developedto meet the need for a diversified curriculum and program, which is believed, canpromote students’creativity and ability to take on challenges in21stcentury. The “Closing to Animals” was developed under a combined effect of careful study ofthe current situation, especially the students’ learning method, and support from theZoo of Guangzhou. Before the curriculum was put into practice, study showed that students had littleknowledge about animals, not to mention the awareness to protect animals. The resultof survey showed that only22.2/%of the students thought that having science coursein the classroom could fulfill their needs, while most of them pointed out that therewere not enough information in the text book. So there exists a need for suchcurriculum to cover this blank. The feasibility study also exhibited a fairly optimalprediction about the curriculum. Based on these study result, the curriculum becomespossible to be developed. The major aim of this school-based curriculum development is to follow the guidanceof the new primary school program, and improve students’ knowledge, ability andattitude. After the curriculum was in effect, the study showed a fruitful result for theapplication of the curriculum, in the way that it was spoken highly of and welcomedby students. The investigation after the curriculum indicated that80/%of the studentsliked that kind of curriculum very much, and all of them thought that the curriculumdid help somehow;28.9/%of them thought that it helped a little; and71.1/%of thempoint out that the curriculum helped them a lot in their study. The study also showed some notable achievement of the curriculum, which bringsthree-win effects in terms of improvement in learning ability of the students,professional teaching skill of the teachers and the development of the Zoo. Resultsprove that this curriculum achieves multiple goals and bring benefit to all involvedgroups. Firstly, the curriculum widened students’ knowledge about animal and environmentalso improved their scientific literacy. The t-test result of two quizzes before and afterthe curriculum showed that the difference is extremely obvious with p=0.000, whichindicated that students got much improvement in knowledge, ability and also emotionafter the curriculum. Secondly, it encouraged teachers to apply their professional knowledge to the teaching,and helped the establishment of the unique teaching feature for the school.Thirdly, it enriched the connotation of the science popularization and environmentaleducation in the Zoo. And it promoted the development of the practice base in the zoofor teenagers. Fourthly, it developed a school-based curriculum that worth to be promoted, such asreveal the mystery of bats and bright animals, which can be used in both sciencecourse for primary students and primary summer camp for students in the Zoo.

关 键 词: 小学科学课 校本课程开发 动物园

分 类 号: [G623.6]

领  域: [文化科学]


作者 何丽娴
作者 马晓宇
作者 詹茂荣
作者 黄洁瑜
作者 王桦


机构 华南师范大学
机构 广州大学
机构 深圳大学师范学院
机构 华南师范大学教育科学学院
机构 华南师范大学教育科学学院课程与教学系


作者 庞菊香
作者 康超
作者 廖燕萍
作者 廖荆梅
作者 张丽娟