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导  师: 肖星

学科专业: 120203

授予学位: 硕士

作  者: ;

机构地区: 广州大学

摘  要: 高端酒店主要包含已经挂牌营业的五星级及其以上的酒店和以此为标准建设的准五星级酒店。高端酒店旨在为顾客提供豪华的环境与设施、一流的产品与服务,带给顾客难以忘怀的食宿体验。其价值通过员工提供服务的过程体现出来,其中员工的态度和言行决定了能否提供个性化的贴心的服务直接影响客人满意度。 随着旅游业的高速发展,中国的酒店业也获得了长足进步。据不完全统计,截至2012年3月底,全国五星级酒店数量已达651家。但与此同时,我们不能不正视一个严峻的现实:目前,我国酒店行业人才流动非常频繁,流动率居高不下。作为劳动密集型的行业,酒店行业的竞争力主要体现在人力资源的竞争上,人才逐渐成为酒店行业赢得持续竞争力的关键因素所在。而人力资源的竞争力又是通过提高人力资本的价值来实现的,并由此促进酒店经济效益和社会效益的提升。每一位员工恰如构成酒店的细胞,员工对酒店满意与否直接影响到酒店经营的成败,也决定了这个酒店能否获得稳定持续的竞争力。如何提高员工的满意度,吸引和留住人才,培养员工对酒店的归属感,成为摆在酒店管理者乃至整个酒店行业面前的一道难题。 在必要的文献综述和理论探讨的基础上,本文以广州圣丰索菲特大酒店为典型案例,通过问卷调查和系统分析,深入阐释了高端酒店员工对于工作本身、工作回报、工作环境、人际关系和领导管理等各个方面的满意程度。根据调查分析结果和从中得到的启迪,提出高端酒店应从使改善薪酬福利待遇制度化和常态化、完善员工培训体系、实行人性化管理和健全绩效考评制度等四个方面入手,全面而又有效的提高员工满意度,以更好的吸引并留住员工,从而显著提升人力资源竞争力乃至整个酒店的� The high-end hotels include the five-star hotels listed by the tourism bureau andprospective five-star hotels as well as the hotels running above the standard. High-endhotels aim to provide customers with a luxurious environment and facilities, first-classproducts and services, bringing customers an unforgettable accommodationexperience. The value of the high-end hotel is reflected in the provision of servicesthrough its employees, at the same time employees' attitude and behavior into theservice will have a major impact on customers’ satisfaction directly. With China's tourism rapid development, China's hotel industry has madeconsiderable progress. According to statistics, the number of five-star hotels hasreached651since the end of Mar,2012.However we had to face a harsh realitycoming together with rapid development of China's hotel industry. At present, China'shotel industry employee turnover is high. As a labor-intensive industry, the hotelindustry’s competitiveness is influenced by the competition of human resources andtalent is becoming a key success factor of hotel industry to win the continuouscompetitiveness. The competitiveness of human resources is achieved by increasingthe value of human capital, thus contributing to the hotel the economic and socialbenefits to improve. Employees are the cornerstone of an enterprise. Thereforewhether they are satisfied or not will be a direct impact on the success or failure ofbusiness operations, but also determine the ability of the business stable andsustainable development. How to improve employee satisfaction, attract and retaintalent, and cultivate employees' sense of belonging to the enterprise is becoming aproblem in front of the hotel manager. Take Sofitel Guangzhou Sunrich as an example, this paper conducts aquestionnaire survey to explore the high-end hotel employee satisfaction with variousaspects of the work itself, work return, work environment, interpersonal skills andleadership management. According to the questionnaire results of the analy

关 键 词: 高端酒店 广州圣丰索菲特 员工满意度 提升路径

领  域: [经济管理] [经济管理] [经济管理]


作者 庞菊香
作者 康秋实
作者 康超
作者 廖伟导
作者 廖刚


机构 中山大学
机构 暨南大学
机构 华南师范大学
机构 华南理工大学
机构 广东外语外贸大学


作者 廖刚
作者 张为
作者 张丽丽
作者 张丽娟
作者 张丽娟