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导  师: 赵克礼

学科专业: 040102

授予学位: 硕士

作  者: ;

机构地区: 陕西师范大学

摘  要: 书院自唐代产生以来,主要是作为官方教育机构的补充而存在的,在其发展过程中逐渐形成了自己的优良传统。到了清代,书院教育逐步走向衰落。书院改学堂即改旧式书院为新式学堂,是清末教育改革的重要内容,它肇始于百日维新,完成于清末新政。其实,传统书院内部的趋新运动则要更早,那么,陕西书院的趋新变革则是从味经书院开始的,而这也就必然和陕西近代历史上著名的教育家刘光黄联系起来了。 晚清陕西书院的衰败是发生在当时全国背景之下的,当然也具有自己独特的省情,通过对清末关中四大书院进行分析,以此来揭示近代陕西书院所面临的困境及其改革的必然性。四大书院的分化正表明书院制度急需变革,关中、宏道书院的官方化和味经、崇实书院的革新也反映了新旧交替时期陕西教育的状况。 详细叙述晚清陕西书院的趋新改革,即新式书院的出现和发展,这一阶段是传统书院向新式学堂改革的过渡阶段。本部分研究以陕西味经和崇实书院为中心,并且融入陕西近代著名教育家刘光黄在这两所书院的活动轨迹及其对陕西教育的近代化产生的影响,而影响则考察了刘光蕒弟子的课艺和弟子群体在陕西近代史上的价值。 晚清陕西的学堂,则主要以当时全国书院改学堂的全过程为背景,来微观考察陕西晚清时期学堂的建立,通过对各类学堂具体情况的介绍/(有主次之分/),全方位地展现了当时学堂在学生、教员、行政管理制度方面存在的各种问题以及对社会所产生的影响。新式学堂对于陕西近代历史产生了重大的影响,表现在社会生活的各个方面。 本文最后一个部分是对于传统书院现代价值和意义的一个初步探索,通过对于晚清特别是民国时期一些知名学者、思想家对于书院的积极意义的阐述,以期揭示今天书院依然存在的价值和意义,也即是书院的传统精神对于现代教育的启示作用,这是对于本文内容的一个升华,也算是为进一步的研究做一个铺垫吧。 Academies had been built in Tang dynasty, which mainly worked as complement of official education institutions, and in their developing process their fine tradition were formed. In Qing dynasty academy education went on a fall fortune. Academy changed School from old form to a new one that is the great content in education reform in the late Qing dynasty which started from One Hundred Days Reform and ended in the New Deal in the late Qing dynasty. In fact, interior of traditional new hasten reform about academies is earlier, so we can say that the new hasten reform of Shaanxi Academy was started from Weijing and Chongshi Academy. Then it's naturally related with famous educator Liu Guang-fen in the period of late Shaanxi. Shaanxi academies'fall in the late Qing dynasty took place under the circumstance of the whole nation, so it has its own special situation of the very province. Analysis for Four Famous Academy in Guanzhong in the late Qing dynasty revealed necessity of the revolution and Shaanxi Academies'troubles at that time. The division of Four Famous Academy testified that the academy system was badly need in reform, the official on Guanzhong^Hongdao Academy and the reform of Weijing and Chongshi Academy reflected the situation that new knits old period in Shaanxi education. The detail narration to new hasten reform in late Qing dynasty referred to the occurrence and development of new forming academies. It's a period of transition that traditional academies came to new academies. The study focused on Weijing and Chongshi Academy in Shaanxi which involved the trace of the famous education Liu Guang-fen and its effect on late Shaanxi education, so did it on evaluation for Liu's disciples and lectures on late Shaanxi history. Schools in the late Qing dynasty was under the whole process of the national transition from academies to schools, which aimed to micro-study the found of schools in the late of Qing dynasty. Through the introduction of the specific knowledge to the all kinds of schools, we tried to ail-roundly show the students、faculties、administrative management system、various problems and their effects on our society. New schools played a big role in late Shaanxi history. We've seen it on specific aspects in our society. The last chapter of the article is a primary and secondary of the points for modern evaluation and significance of traditional academies, through the positive side of explanation from prominent and thinkers in the late Qing dynasty, especially during the period of the Republic of China, so as to indicate that today's academies is still needed for their evaluation and significance. It's also a enlightenment from academies' traditional spirit for modern education. And that also a sublimation of the article or a bedding of next study stage.

关 键 词: 晚清 陕西 传统书院 刘光蕡 新式学堂 现代价值

分 类 号: [G649.299]

领  域: [文化科学] [文化科学]


作者 邵兆颖
作者 郑洁琼
作者 尹湘兵
作者 何尚武
作者 汤丽莉


机构 暨南大学
机构 中山大学
机构 暨南大学文学院历史学系
机构 中山大学人文科学学院历史系
机构 暨南大学文学院


作者 庞菊香
作者 康超
作者 廖燕萍
作者 廖荆梅
作者 张丽娟