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导  师: 马守君

学科专业: 040102

授予学位: 硕士

作  者: ;

机构地区: 陕西师范大学

摘  要: 作文教学承载着高中教学的关键,培养学生的语文写作能力,既是语文素养的最终体现,也是高中新课程改革和教学大纲上都明确提出的教学目标之一。高中作文要是能够在教师的教和学生的学这样的环境中教好,写好,离不开作文教学的多样化培养与学生的多角度探索。而今,作文写作在很大程度上是很多高考学生的难题,有的学生甚至不知道如何在作文中表露自己的思想,把真正的作文与实际生活拉的很远,偏离主题,胡乱思维,任意写作,以至于在高考试卷上出现很多零分作文。教师在平时的教学实际中也只能是万般不离其一的正面引导,但是都收效甚微。如何较好地骈除这种现象,需要在我们教师的实际工作中多下功夫。 本篇文章着重就以多元智能理论为基础,来探讨在高中作文教学中如何很好的抓住学生的特点,力求充分体现“学生发展为本”的新课程的基本理念。多元智能理论在教学理论上有高于传统课堂的较新的地方,在实践运用中也多以实践创新为己任。合理的利用多元智能理论是众多教师在授予学生作文写作方法时的一个关键所在。在分析传统的教育方式的基础上,对新课程背景下的高中作文教与学进行了思考,并用此来完善学生的写作理念,让教师把多元智能理论与新课程紧密联系在一起,“用多元智能来教”,教好学生的作文写作和“为了多元智能来教”即如何利用学生的习作来开拓学生的高中语文作文多元智能思维。使得多元智能与高中作文教学成为一个相互依托的整体。多元智能理论下的高中作文教学,是以学生为主体,教师为主导,以教学课堂为体系,三方面相互作用下的动态系统。教师的作文教学体现灵活、因材施教的特点,抓住三维目标教学,学生的作文写作能够扬长避短。达到文不压我,我不窃文的状态,尽量打造一个宽松的教学环境,多元智能理论在教师的教与学生的学中呈现一个积极的共振模式。首先,在教学手段上,可以创新思维,尽量与学生的生活实际相联系,与教师与学生的教学环境相配合,与高中学生的心理方式向一致。多体现活动为原则的教学方法。另外,在教学设计中,明确作文教学的思路、方法、目标以及预计的结果,对现存的一些教学现状进行多元智能理论分析和评价,去打造宽阔的多元智能理论体系下的高中作文教学。笔者还从综合实践体验课、感官模拟表达课、深入情景体会课以及自由作文与评价几个课型上进行了分析。并提倡学生创造性的进行多元智能的相关智能理论探索成功的作文。 Great importance has been long attached to composition teaching to high schools. The ability of writing not only reflects students' Chinese acquisition in general but also appears as what a high school student is expected to achieve when the middle high teaching reform is concerned. Only when multi-aimed teaching actually helps with students' dynamic exploration can students really improve their performance and therefore can the teachers improve their teaching. Yet, composition writing remains quite a difficulty to many high school undergraduates. Some even have trouble putting ideas together and express themselves, because of which the outcome seems unreal from their everyday life. Inferior writings are seen from time to time on papers for college entrance exam. Teachers' tutorial can be limited in this case, but their practical work has shown positive influence. This article is based on the multiple intelligence theory and is to explore the characteristics of high school students teaching, hoping to do this with students themselves fully concerned. Intelligence theory applied in teaching practice involves more abundant innovation than in traditional class. Therefore, the theory of multiple intelligences should be widely introduced to composition teaching. In the analysis of the traditional teaching mode, the author has given deep look into both teaching and learning writing in and after class and decided that teachers should establish close attachment between the theory and the new curriculum in order to "teach with multiple intelligences theory",①to teach students to write and "in order to multiple intelligences to teach" and②to improve students' performance and develop their Chinese composition with multiple intelligence thinking. With the enlightenment of multiple intelligence theory, high school composition teaching in class is focused on students but led by the teacher. Teachers teach students in accordance with their aptitude embodiment flexible composition teaching, characteristics, seize the3D object teaching, students' writing reflects its mode of thinking. To achieve the pressure, the author is to create a relaxing teaching environment, the theory of multiple intelligence in teaching and learning in an active resonant mode. First of all, in teaching methods, can be Innovative thinking, as far as possible with the student's life reality, and teachers and students teaching environment are matched, and the high school students' psychological approach to consistent. In addition, in the course of teaching design, clear thinking, method of composition teaching, target and the expected results, to some existing teaching status of the theory of multiple intelligence analysis and assessment, to build a broad theory of multiple intelligence system of composition teaching in high school. The author also from the comprehensive practical experience, lesson, in-depth scenarios simulated expression of sensory experience lesson and free composition and evaluation of several class was analyzed. And to promote the students creative performed multiple intelligence in the related intelligence theory to explore the success of composition.

关 键 词: 高中作文 多元智能 实践活动 教学设计

分 类 号: [G633.34]

领  域: [文化科学]


作者 周建业
作者 谢建玲
作者 谢晓慧
作者 黎雷芬
作者 李诗盈


机构 华南师范大学
机构 广州大学
机构 中山大学
机构 广东外语外贸大学
机构 华南师范大学教育信息技术学院


作者 庞菊香
作者 康超
作者 廖燕萍
作者 廖荆梅
作者 张丽娟