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The Development Strategy Research about Logistics Industry in China Base on the Perspective of "Cooperative Development with Manufaturing Industry"

导  师: 刘英骥

学科专业: 020205

授予学位: 博士

作  者: ;

机构地区: 首都经济贸易大学

摘  要: 随着我国经济的发展,我国物流产业的发展成就瞩目,物流总额逐年增加,物流成本占GDP比例逐步减少,物流业在服务业和第三产业中的地位日益凸显,物流经济在国民经济中的“先导性作用”更加重要。现在和今后很长时期内,物流业的发展都意义重大。那么,物流业的发展应该采取怎么样的战略?这是个有价值和深刻的课题。同时,我国作为制造业大国,制造业在国民经济的发挥了举足重轻的作用,然而制造业大而不强,通过加强制造业物流能力来提升制造业的竞争力,也势在必行。所以,本博士论文选取基于“物流业与制造业联动发展”的视角来研究物流业的发展战略这一研究课题,具备的学术和实际指导意义。 基于“双业联动”视角的物流业发展战略,应该通过什么样的途径来实现,就是本论文要解决的核心问题。在解决这个问题之前,必须研究清楚几个问题:中国物流业的发展现状、制造业的发展现状、双业联动发展的现状如何、存在哪些阻碍因素、呈现出怎么样的发展趋势等,之后再进行基于“双业联动”视角的发展战略探讨,最后是案例研究的支撑。所以本论文按照“理论梳理——现状与问题分析——战略设计——案例支撑”的技术路线,分为11章来撰写,其中战略设计是重中之重,基本遵循“宏观——中观——微观”的思路展开论述。通过进行较为系统研究,文章提出具备理论和实践价值的结论。 从论文可知,我国物流业发展迅速,发展宏观面良好:总额迅速增加、增加值稳步上升、行业整体效益明显上升、物流企业兼并重组步伐加快与战略性合作加强,等。然而也存在不少问题:社会物流需求不足,物流费用仍然偏高;物流服务主体功能的欠缺制约着经营服务专业化发展,导致专业化物流供应不足:相关要素发展不平衡影响着物流服务运作集约化和一体化,等。作为中国支柱性产业的制造业,也取得长足的发展。产值高速增长,总规模达到全球第一;利用外资更加注重质量,逐渐实现从量到质的转变,等;但也存在产业低端等诸多问题。通过分析,可以知道物流业与制造业是两个关联度较强的产业,它们之间的关系密切。但是由于各种阻碍因素,目前我国的这两个行业并没有处于联动协调发展的状态,只是呈现出这样的趋势。如何设计行之有效的基于“双业联动”的物流业发展战略,是关键所在。 论文在一系列的现状、问题和联动机理的分析之后,再探讨战略的实现途径。通过论证表明,首先可以从“国家竞争优势”的视角,通过建立“双业联动”的“钻石模型”来探讨物流业发展的策略:需要巩固物流现有生产要素,发展物流业高级生产要素;扩大制造业物流需求;逐步构建和完善制造业物流价值链,促进物流产业链的横纵向一体化发展;组建战略联盟联动合作形式等。 接着从合作博弈论的视角建立“两业联动”的合作模型。通过合作博弈模型的分析与验证,并结合物流业与制造业联动发展的实际,可以得出一些策略结论:支持物流企业增强一体化服务能力,整合制造业集聚区的物流功能;促进物流业与制造业信息共享与标准对接:建立基于供应链管理的信任机制:建立双业联动过程中基于供应链管理的协调机制;在加强企业合作创新理念的同时应建立一套切实可行的“委托——代理”机制,等。 此外,协同物流是双业联动的一个较新的发展思路,论文通过分析得出“双业联动”应该立足于打造战略重塑与体系重塑模型的协同物流模式。具体到企业的层面发展协同物流,要实现物流服务的制造业价值链嵌入与实现协同演进。协同物流发展的实际操作层次是供应链的协同,由于汽车制造业是我国制造业的典型代表,其协同发展具有推广价值。可以通过选择合适的协同模式和运作方式,获取多方共赢。 双业联动发展在实践方面也开始出现成效,物流企业与制造业的联动发展范围,涉及到了制造业的各种行业,联动发展的模式也具有不同的特点,逐渐向着深度和广度纵横发展,一些战略实践的案例为我国“双业联动”发展提供了很好的借鉴意义。 总之,本毕业论文对“双业联动发展”的研究,相对系统也具备自己的相对创新性,然而由于各种局限因素导致也存在诸多不足之处。所以研究展望,大有文章可做,任重而道远。 As our economy grows faster, the achievement of Logistics industry is fixed eyes upon. Logistics volume increased year by year and cost ratio decreased gradually, What's more, the status of logistics industry is becoming increasingly prominent among the service industry and the tertiary industry. Thus, logistics economy becomes more important for its "leading role" in the national economy. Now and in the future for a long period of time, the development of the logistics industry is of great significance. Then, what kind of strategy should we take for the development of the logistics industry? It's really a valuable and profound subject for us. Meanwhile, China, as a big manufacturing country, the manufacturing industry plays a big role in the national economy. However, it is big but not strong enough. Therefore, it's of great need to enhance the competitiveness of our manufacturing industry through strengthening the manufacturing logistics capability. All in all, this thesis selects a perspective based on the "logistics and manufacturing joint development" for the study of logistics industry development strategy. It's academic and practical significance. Then, how can the logistics and manufacturing industry achieve their joint development? And this is the core problem for the thesis to deal with. Before solving this problem, we need to figure out the following points:the present situation of logistics and manufacturing development in China, the present situation for these two industries, what obstacles and the development trend. etc. After that, come with the strategy study based on the perspective of "double industry linkage". This paper divided into11chapters, based on the technical route "Theory-Analysis-strategic design", Through systematic research, this article put forward a theory and the practice value conclusion. The thesis shows, China's logistics industry develop rapidly and grows healthily: Total increase quickly, added value rise steadily. Logistics costs account for the proportion of GDP has declined, benefit for the whole industry rise apparently, The pace for Logistics enterprises' merger and reorganization, also the strategic cooperation is being strengthened. etc. Just like a coin has two sides. There are still many problems:Logistics cost is still high, social logistics demand is still insufficient; The lack of logistics service main function restricts professional business services, leading to insufficient professional logistics supply; The unbalanced development of related factors also affect the intensification and integration for logistics service operation. etc. Manufacturing, as the pillar industry in China, also get great development. Output got high growth, total dimensions achieved the first in the world:Paying more attention to quality when using foreign capital, Gradually achieve changes from quantity to quality. etc. Still, there are many problems such as weak industry. Through the analysis, we can know logistic industry and manufuturing industry are two close-related business. They have close relationship. While in China, they are still remain unjoint developed because of various obstalcles. Therefore, design a useful develop strategy which is based on "double industry linkage" is key poin. t On the view of nations competitive advantage, we can build a "diamand modle" for "double industry linkage" to discuss how to improve the double linkage development strategy. Thus, we need to consolidate the existing factor of production logistics, to develop advanced logistics production factor, to enlarge the logistics demand of manufacturing industry, to gradully create and improve value links for manufacturing industry, to promote integration development for logistics industry chain, to combine strategic alliance such as linkage cooperation. On the view of cooperative game, we can build a cooperative model--"a joint for two industries" Though the analysis and verification of the model, connected with the fact about these two industries, we can get better strategy and conclusion:support logistics enterprise to enhanced integration service capabilities; Integrate logistics function with manufacturing industry; promote the logistics industry and manufacturing industry in information sharing and standards; establish supply chain management based on trust mechanism; establish pair of industry linkage process based on supply chain coordination mechanism; strengthen the enterprises' cooperation/&innovation concept at the same time, establish a set of feasible mechanism "entrust--acting" etc. Cooperative Logistics is a new idea for paired industry linkage, The paper shows that paired industry linkage should be based on creating strategic reconstruction and system model in collaborative logistics model reconstruction. Specific to the enterprise level development of Collaborative Logistics, In order to realize logistics services of the manufacturing value chain and achieve coordinated development of embedded, Collaborative logistics development actual operation level is the supply chain coordination. The automotive industry is a typical representative of the manufacturing industry in China, its coordinated development has the value to be popularized. It can be achieved by suitable choice of cooperative mode and operation mode, to obtain win-win. What else, The development of paired industry linkage began to effect in practice. Logistics enterprises and manufacturing industry linkage development relate to various industries in manufacturing industry. Linkage development pattern also has different characteristics, gradually lead to the depth and breadth of the freely development. Some strategic practice cases provide great meaning for development of paired industry linkage in China. On the whole, this graduation thesis on" dual industry linkage development" research has its own innovation. While it also has many deficiencies due to various limitations of factors. Therefore, there are still lots of knowledge for us to learn and numbers of rearchers for us to do.

关 键 词: 物流业 制造业 双业联动 发展战略

分 类 号: [F259.2]

领  域: [经济管理]


作者 董伍伦
作者 尚文芳
作者 王军华
作者 刘生华
作者 李建明


机构 暨南大学
机构 中山大学
机构 广东外语外贸大学
机构 暨南大学经济学院
机构 华南理工大学


作者 廖刚
作者 张为
作者 张丽丽
作者 张丽娟
作者 张丽娟