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Research on Marketing Strategy of Natural Food Color of GTB Company

导  师: 崔迅

学科专业: 120202

授予学位: 硕士

作  者: ;

机构地区: 中国海洋大学

摘  要: 正确的市场营销策略是企业盈利的保证,如果没有适合企业及产品的目标市场和恰当的市场营销策略,其他如产品定价、.分销渠道、品牌宣传等只不过是水中月、镜中花。然而正确的市场营销策略是一个复杂而细致的工作,它也成为许多曾经辉煌的大企业的“阿克琉斯之踵”。许多大公司如通用、西门子、索尼以及诺基亚在他们面临新的市场机遇面前,都曾因为市场营销策略的调整不及时或者不当,导致经营业绩迅速下滑。因此及时、正确、不断地调整市场营销策略并非易事。市场营销经理除了要面对一系列重大的决策,例如,产品的消费群体是哪些类人,影响这些消费群体的因素有哪些,根据这些消费群体如何选择目标市场,如何在行业众多企业中建设自己企业的品牌并突出自己品牌的优势。同时,也面临着一些更细节化的决策,例如,产品的新包装如何能更引起消费者的兴趣、用什么样的名字更能符合当地文化、容易被消费者接受等等。这些都需要企业的市场营销部门高度关注市场的特点、发展趋势、同行业的动向和市场对产品要求的不断变化,市场营销策略的制定是不断发展变化、与时俱进的。 本文以GTB公司天然食用色素产品市场营销策略作为研究对象,结合天然食用色素产品的特点和市场营销策略现状,通过对市场营销策略的相关理论和国内外天然食用色素行业市场营销策略的研究、分析、对比,尝试找出GTB公司天然食用色素产品市场营销策略中存在的问题和不足,提出改进措施和方案以保证市场营销目标的实现。这些措施和方案对于改进GTB公司色素产品市场营销策略、提高GTB公司的核心竞争力、保证企业持续、稳定、科学的发展,有着十分重要的现实意义。同时,GTB公司天然食用色素产品市场营销策略的研究对于国内天然食用色素产品生产企业市场营销策略的制定和改进,也有一定的借鉴、指导意义。 Appropricate marketing strategy is the guarantee of the profits for the enterprise. If there is no appropriate target market and suitable marketing strategy for the enterprise and products, not to mention the other factors such as product pricing, distribution channels and brand publicizing will be moon in the water, flower in the mirror. However, correct marketing strategy is a very complex and subtle job. It had been the "Achilles's heel" of many large companies which were prosperous once ever. Many large companies like G.E., Siemens, Sony and Nokia, they had met the problem that their sales decreased dramatically because they did not adjust the marketing strategy in time or appropriately when they met new opportunities. So, it is not an easy thing to adjust the marketing strategy in time and exactly. The marketing manager not only face series of signi ficant decision-making, i. e., who is the consumption community, which factors will effect consumption community to make decision, how to select target market, how to establish the brand among so many enterprises in the same industry and how to prominent their superiority. Simultaneously, the enterprises will also face decision for more detailed thins, i.e., how to make the new package more attractive to the consumption, with what kind of name will be more suitable to local culture and easily accepted by the consumer, etc. It is necessary for the marketing department pay great attention to the characteristics and development trend of the market, the development of the enterprises in the same industry and the changes of demands to the products. The marketing strategy is flux and reflux and advance with times. This thesis regards the marketing strategy of marketing strategy of natural food color of GTB company as object of study, combined with the product characteristics and current marketing situation of natural food colors, research, analysis and comparision on the relative theories of marketing strategy and marketing strategy on food industry both abroad and domestic, tried to find out the problem and shortcoming of the marketing strategy of GTB company, put forward measures to improve, evaluate and control the marketing strategy to guarantee the realization of the goal of marketing strategy. All these have importantly realistic meaning for the improvement of the marketing strategy, increasing of the core competativeness, guaranteeing continuous, stable and scientific development of this enterprise. At the same time, all these studies on marketing strategy of natural food color of GTB company will also be reference and directive to draw up and improve the marketing strategy for the natural food color enterprises at home.

关 键 词: 天然食用色素 市场营销策略 目标市场 国际市场营销策略 品牌建设

分 类 号: [F274 F426.82]

领  域: [经济管理] [经济管理] [经济管理]


作者 卢和诠
作者 温瑛
作者 庄秉衡
作者 张少锋
作者 李志强


机构 华南理工大学
机构 中山大学
机构 广东工业大学
机构 暨南大学
机构 暨南大学管理学院


作者 廖刚
作者 张为
作者 张丽丽
作者 张丽娟
作者 张丽娟