导 师: 孟祥凤
学科专业: 070701
授予学位: 硕士
作 者: ;
机构地区: 中国海洋大学
摘 要: 本文研究的主要问题是ENSO非对称性与非线性动力加热项、线性动力加热项的关系。此外海洋中赤道Kelvin波是赤道中东太平洋变化的主要模态,从而在ENSO的动力条件中扮演重要角色。它与ENSO非对称之间是否存在联系也是本文的研究内容。 根据Jin等(2003)提出的非线性加热理论,非线性动力加热项对ENSO非对称性有重要作用。非线性动力加热项在El Nino发展阶段增强了海表面温度异常的增大,而在La Nina期间抑制海表面温度异常的减小,导致ENSO不同位相时海表面温度异常的振幅不同。本文首先分析了ENSO不同位相时非线性动力加热项的贡献,得出以下结论:一、ENSO非对称与ENSO一样,都具有季节锁相的特征,均在冬季达到成熟。二、非线性动力加热项的峰值超前于海表面温度异常的峰值,因此非线性动力加热项是海表面温度异常的起因。三、非线性动力加热项中,经向分量与垂向的非线性动力加热项的作用相互抵消,纬向的非线性动力加热项是ENSO非对称的主要贡献者。四、在计算垂向非线性动力加热项时,混合层深度的选取对结果的影响不大。五、非线性动力加热项对ENSO非对称的贡献在主要是抑制La Ni a期间的振幅的减小,而对El Ni o振幅的增大贡献不大。六、Nino3区域与EP110区域的选择对于非线性动力加热项计算结果的影响不大。 Jin等(2003)的文章中并没有考虑线性动力加热项对ENSO非对称的影响,本文通过计算线性动力加热项,分析其对ENSO非对称的影响,得出以下结论:一、线性动力加热项的三个方向的分量作用是不平均的,纬向和垂向的分量量值相比较于经向来说非常小,经向分量在量值与趋势上与线性动力加热项的总值非常相似。这一点与Jin(1997)提出的充放电振子理论相吻合,即经向的温度平流导致了ENSO事件的发� In this paper, the relationship between the ENSO asymmetry and nonlinear dynamicalheating, and the linear dynamical heating is examined. In addition, the oceanequatorial Kelvin wave plays an important role in the dynamic conditions of thePacific. The relationship between the ocean Kelvin wave and ENSO asymmetry isalso studied. According to the non-linear heating theory proposed by Jin /(2003/), nonlineardynamical heating has an important role in the ENSO asymmetry. Nonlineardynamical heating enhance the sea surface temperature anomaly growth during ElNino development stage and suppress the reduction of sea surface temperatureanomaly during La Nina development stage, which results in different sea surfacetemperature anomaly amplitude in the different phases of ENSO. The nonlineardynamic heating for a contribution of ENSO asymmetry is examined and get thefollowing conclusions: First, ENSO asymmetry has a phase-locking and reachmaturity during winter just as ENSO does. Second, the nonlinear dynamical heatingpeaked ahead of the sea surface temperature anomalies, and can be seen as the causeof sea surface temperature anomalies. Third, the zonal component of nonlineardynamic heating is a major contributor of ENSO asymmetry. Fourth, differentsubsurface depth has little influence in the vertical nonlinear dynamic heatingcalculation. Fifth, there is little difference the nonlinear dynamical heating calculationwith different region choice. The effect of the linear dynamical heating on ENSO asymmetry is not studied in Jin’s/(2003/) article. In this paper, the linear dynamical heating was calculated and itsinfluence on ENSO asymmetry is analyzed: First, meridional component plays amajor role in the whole linear dynamical heating. Second, linear dynamical heatinghas a role in ENSO asymmetry and zonal component of the linear dynamical heatingworks for the asymmetry of ENSO. Third, both Linear dynamical heating andnonlinear dynamical heating are work for the ENSO asymmetry by suppressing the reduction of sea surface t
领 域: [天文地球]